Other urls found in this thread:
Got banned for a day for posting this. Which one of you did that? It wasn't really nice and you hurt my feelings.
>I got banned for breaking Veeky Forums rules
Riveting soliloquies, partner.
Why is that breaking the rules? It's from a previous draw thread, and if someone says it's furry, I've seen countless other Anons post pictures far more furry(and sexual) than mine.
that's clearly not furry
Then what happened? Did that silly little picture actually piss a mod that much they banned my ass for a day? Also, here's another filename it's not good though, sorry about that.
Did you mean "stint"
Well shit. I'm a retard, sorry about that. I'll get that changed next time I post it. Have another good sir.
Could be racism maybe? Normally craftyjew.jpg gets a pass because reasons, but if a mod decided to slap it down the rules would technically support it, I think.
>tfw my diet basically consists of the Saddest European and tea
just fuck my shit up senpai
Thank you for the answer. Have another filename.
Well the mods can see everything else you've posted, too. Do you usually post undisguised off-topic shit about non-Veeky Forums feelings? If so, you probably had it coming.
You might be right. I did call two people daft cunts because they said the holocaust wasn't real. Have another good sir.
You call that a gellar field failure?
That's one fucking check lost.
That made me chuckle. This might need a better filename though, any help guys?
>Trying to bring about the End of Days
I... uh... That was my first post in the thread. Should probably contribute though.
I wonder how Cait's horrible, head wrecking accent got localized in various different languages.
This makes me angry.
I don't get the last bit.
Also, the list of rules doesn't include taiwanese wood carvings and mongolian stone tablet-related things.
>I don't get the last bit.
I've been here for too long.
Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
I can't into Webms on phone, but looks like Jin Roh, the Wolf Brigade from the thumbnail.
Great movie, would definitely recommend.
It's Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade as these Anons have stated. A very good movie, I would recommend you to watch it when you get the chance.
What about it makes you angry? It's hilarious
Not really.
He's a /pol/tard who can't handle the big black cock.
Kek, much better title then mine.
It should be noted that it is NOT an action film. It is a very slow and very deliberate political thriller with only a couple of great action pieces.
A lot of plebeians get excited by those webms and think it's going to be a rousing movie about red-eyed operators operating awesomely, but no, it's about a uncovering conspiracies and plans within plans within plans.
Still a good movie tho, which means I'll still recommend it. Plebeians be dammed.
Yes, it's for real patricians. I'm just sick of kids going off expecting action and then coming back whining because the movie expected them to not be drooling retards.
what is this from?
This is actually 100% correct. Plato a shit.
Too many pepes, remove pepe
Parasyte, but he never says that.
>I don't get the last bit.
I don't either.
What, the "Final Destination" bit? It's a Super Smash Bros. Brawl meme.
not them but thanks for explaining it.
I've got no idea what the hell I just watched, but mate you win tonight. Sleep beautiful frog. Sleep and RRRREEEEEEEE into happiness.
what sort of fresh hell is this?
Jurassic World
What is this?
>Sato makes planes, several different types of bombs, electro gloves, and personal mechs
>Can't figure out how to make guns
A sea bunny you dingus, what does it look like?
I don't quite get the joke. Do they have really short ranged on the tabletop?
I guess the joke is
>same shit, just bigger
Yeah, Avatar world tech is weird.
During the first series, they had tanks(invented 1915), jet skis(1973) and giant fuck off drills(20XX) and yet couldn't grasp hot air balloons(1783).
Until PLOT and Sokka collided and then crashed and gave the tech to the Fire Nation.
To be fair, said tanks/drills/etc were recent inventions at the time of the show.
Fox only
Hey is this by Spazkid or whatever the Shadbase animator is?
Where's the webm of battlefield with a scoped in shot of some guy running on top of an exploding zeppelin trying to outrun the explosion?
>Tracking someone down and abusing them for something they never did
...what? Are you retarded?