/CofD/ &/CwoDg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General

Sweden Dystopia Edition



This week's Monday Meeting Notes:


Among all the characters you've made for any of the WoD/CofD splats, which one is your favorite to this day and why?

Other urls found in this thread:


More like ants edition.



Cover art for the new Sweden based CofD adventures.

Why can't Spirit Magic affect ghosts?

When was the human spirit replaced with the human ghost?

Do not associate my national symbol with this shit.

In Chronicles of Darkness

Write a letter to OPP and ask them to pick another cucked country.

OPP didn't make the Mage Prelude, White Wolf did.

I was gonna say that White Wolf should have just bought OPP because it's clear the confusion will never, ever cease, but on second thought, nah.

That means humans don't have spirits or souls, they have ghosts.

And Death mages can manipulate the ghosts of still living people for ultimate control.

I think you mean the Chronicles of Fagness, good user.

Humans don't have Spirits in the Arcana sense. They have Souls, which are more like spiritual organs than the traditional religious sense of the term.

Are you lost?

Spirits aren't undead/dead entities.

Ghosts are echoes of the former living.

Souls are something else entirely.

What? No. Ghosts have nothing to do with humans when they are alive. The left over bits are at mots a reflection, not the person. You don't get a ghost by removing a soul.

They do have souls, which are also under Death.

Technically human souls are made up of Death, Fate, Mind, Prime, and Spirit, it's just that humans don't have actual spirits and they have ghosts. Also ghosts are not souls.

>Spirit magic can affect every spirit of a nonsentient creature

>Death magic can affect the spirit of sentient creatures [humans, dolphins, chimps, and whales]

That's not how death works.

Animals have spirits, you can affect a dog spirit with the Spirit arcana
Animals do not have ghosts
I honestly don't remember if Animals have souls

Since we're asking the same question again, I just linked to the answer.

Souls aren't spirits.

Dave, if you're around, how compatible would you say that the recently re-released Mage the Awakening Tarot deck is with Mage 2e? I'll probably end up getting it anyways but I figure I'd ask.

>Animals have souls
>Animals have spirits
They do, but these spirits aren't tied to any physical animal and are just spirits independent of the animal, not some personal spirit of it.
>Animals have spirits, you can affect a dog spirit with the Spirit arcana
No, you can't.

Wait there is a new tarot deck on sale? Link?

Where does the reflection come from? Is this reflection like the reflection of the shadow? I thought all spirits were the reflection of the real world.

Why should human spirits be any different?

Don't animals have souls?

Where's Matter and Time? What I was hoping was there was a bare minimum of arcana required to make a mage waifu and those are Life and Spirit.

Conflicted as to which spirit would be best wife material for my character, or okay with being trapped in a physical shell.

Trips of the Beast, Beast is now your favorite splat. Fate has decided.

If humans leave a reflection in the material world, wouldn't animals?

>No, you can't.
"Spirit’s purview is the Shadow Realm and its denizens, the spirits." - Mage the Awakening 2E, page 179

Animal spirits have nothing to do with actual animals.
There are animal spirits
There are animals
They are no the same thing and one does not come from the other in anything but a conceptual sense.
Its now clear you are actually retarded, I hope this conversation passes soon.

What the fuck is even Spirits, I mean what the hell can I do with Spirits

Why is Spirits of the primary arcanae of the Scelesti

Not that guy but

It's like the warp and the chaos gods being spawned from man.

Animals are 2 of soul user. One ghost. One spirit.

The spirit dogs are made by real dogs.

Spirit is the lowkey OG arcanum. They could overthrow any other mage, but they'd rather hang out under waterfalls and the deserts.

>That picture

2 souls 1 body what's confusing? Animals have 2 or 3 souls according to Cuckholdy of Darkness writing.

1 The Dog's soul
2 The Dog's Spirit
3. The Dog's Ghost

I only see one soul in that list.

But what does it do

If all the gamelines had a dance off.

Who would win?

Just curious.

>1 The Dog's soul
>2 The Dog's Spirit
>3. The Dog's Ghost
Dogs have literally none of these things.

If you ask me dogs are the best

Dog people are just as bad as the fucking Were-yiffers

>Posting from Sweden

You have to go back, Achmed. Muslims don't have souls.


Zak S. more or less confirmed for 5e writer, just like I figured.

>There are no canines in the shadow

Guess no one told the werewolves.

Do you really want to hurt me

Dogs have spirits and can, technically, make ghosts. Its just very rare for them to be able to make a ghost.

>We have said repeatedly that our games will examine contemporary issues through the lens of the World of Darkness, and we do not plan to shy away from this vision.

>this meme again

For fuck's sake how many times must it be said that you can't do biting social commentary in a fucking fantasy game, because you can stretch an allegory only so far until it gets silly in universe?

>you can stretch an allegory only so far until it gets silly in universe?

>Not loving this about oWoD
Have you ever even played these games?

>wanting that shit stuffed in your face

Yes we know that the guys who wrote oWoD were going over some issues but it was shit even then, let alone now.

How are you going to write about class struggles when in Vampire the only way you can move upward is by eating the rich?

>only way you can move upward is by eating the rich?
Isn't this how it works in real life too though?

In real life if you manage to reach the top everyone's licking your ass.

Here, just being suspected of diablerie is going to get you killed

The man thinks that reviving oWoD will literally save the world and end international conflict, he's not going to back down from that.

He's going to fail spectacularly.

>TFW swedracula ends world hunger

I believe in Dracula

>Naturally, she will not be the last transgender character in a White Wolf game, as we continue work with designers, writers and artists from a wide range of backgrounds.

Hey assholes, ever heard of Sascha Vykos? Oh but wait, he's evil, and we can't have that!

It's not even that, this is a strawman. The new Mage game did it with a passing grade just about, making it an issue for Mages because of other traditions encroaching, with a sprinkling on the human suffering.

In comparison, We Eat Blood just used social issues as easy drama, and certain characters as a soap box.

Mage had the characters and factions existing in and dealing with an issue that will be in the history books. Vampire just tried to overlay social issues over existing concepts and factions, made it's characters stereotypes and strawmen.

One of these was immersive and drew me into the universe. Another did not.

Only humans can make ghosts. Only humans have souls. Only humans don't have associated spirits.

Grab CofD core.

Read the sample numina.

Read about influences.

Between the two, a Spirit mage can do almost anything. They can mimic any other Arcana and create effects without any risk of Paradox because the Spirit is creating the supernatural effect, not you.

They can even raise the dead better than Death or Life mages can, using healing spirits with the resurrection numina.

Spirit magic is the best. It'll just make your ST hate you since they have to stat up a whole other dimension of NPCs just for you.

Sorry sonny, but look at what it says in MtAw p 250

>Restore Lost Soul (Spirit •••) The mage can restore a severed or stolen soul. A mage with Death 3 can sever a soul (see “Sever the Sleeping Soul,” p. 141), and certain spirits have powers that allow them to steal souls.

Spirit mages mess with souls just as much as Death spells.

Ghosts and Spirits might as well be the same thing.

Ghosts aren't souls. They're a SJW's attempt at theology after a college religion class 101

>Oh but wait, he's evil, and we can't have that!
Of course not, WoD isn't about realism after all!

I actually really enjoyed that one of my Mage players went hard on Spirit cause it was like making a Spooky Toontown.

You seem to be talking about 1e while everyone else in the thread is talking 2e.

>Ghosts and Spirits might as well be the same thing.

Except they're not.

Guys, I'm trying to mod an World of Darkness theme to Fallout. I'm also trying to work out what games work best for each splat.

I'm thinking Demon for FO3, due to the Biblical themes, and potential for evil choices.

For New Vegas, I'm thinking Vampire, due to the human condition and civilization being such a large theme. And surviving a double tap to the head.

FO4 is a little more difficult. Boston being so urban, it lends itself to a Vampire again. But there is an element of supernatural, and people having modded in magic, that it's pretty temping to play a Mage.

Not him, but the big changes between editions, oWoD and CofD both, really piss me off. I like consistency, so fixing stuff and expanding is fine, but outright rewriting and changing stuff triggers me.

Adding to You can forcibly take a target out of a group and put him in the shadow where you can 1v1 him. He won't be able to see clearly in the shadow.

You can strengthen the gauntlet so he and his friends can't help each other.

You can steal souls at 2 dots.
You can make spirits possess your enemies.
You create fetishes AND you have spirit allies.

Spirits can't be seen in reality and can attack from their side of the Shadow.

And at five dots you can create your own spirit, which with rituals you can create a mean thing with lots of dots in hand picked numina.

You can attempt to call and bribe whichever spirit and then bind it to you.

You can conjure "Shadows" which is never explained in the book, but it could just be Actual human ghosts and put them into bodies of your own devising.

And then you cast Spirit Court and become a minor Lord and live in a Spirited Away bath house and basically in the Shadow you have the benefit of several arcana's wrapped in one.

Stock up on fetishes and allies and blast him to death or send your invisible hit man squad to eviscerate him in his house.

Vampires have absolutely no defense against Spirit Magic.


Oh shut up and crawl back into your safe space

I was being cute, numbnuts.

What the hell were the shadows described in >Shadow Slave ( Spirit ••••• + Death •••) This gruesome spell infuses conjured shadows (using the Death Arcanum) with an animating spirit, a soul spun of ephemera, and binds the grim creation to the caster’s will. Some mages choose to stuff a corpse with these oozing shadows, animating the inert flesh with living darkness, while others use no crude mortal shell to contain the roil- ing blackness.

Only a small pdf of errata connects the two. 1e Mages are where its at.

In MtAw 2e, a mage with access to Channel Essence and a Familiar has infinite mana. It's even easier once you can create your own Essence; no need to rely on finding/changing Resonance.

Sorry sweetie but the original Spirit poster was me, and I was talking 1e.

Will I miss a lot if I buy the First Edition of Mage (oWoD) Instead of the second one? What about the Revised edition?

1e: Super pulpy high-scale game about punching reality in the dick

Revised: Super pulpy high-scale game about punching reality in the dick, which has been neutered in a few places to try desperately to make the game more street level, with middling success.

20th Anniversary Edition: A ton of material in the PDF, but it mutilates a lot of core concepts and factions.

2e and Revised is best. Even better if you lace it with a sprinkle of M20.

No user don't tempt me~
How does your familiar get his Essence back? Is there really no limit for Essence exchanged in this way?

Magefags are the fucking pinnacle of the stereotypical tabletop wizard.

All you morons care about is shoving your penises of power in any crevice you can find.

Grow up.

Vampfags are the fucking pinnacle of stereotypical tabletop goth.

All you morons care about is shoving your fangs of power in any crevice you can find.

Become a lawn chair.

This. Take the good bits of M20 sprinkled in. Srsly. How did you do that is a fucking travesty because basic, one-sphere rotes should have been in the core book as they were in the previous three editions.

You'll enjoy the game more by getting 1e and then downloading the free errata of WW, and keep your rituals. 1e is already compatible with the other nWoD splats.

He's talking about Ascension.

>that pic
>Implying the Bible says anything different

>implying the argument isn't that the liberal is having double standards.

That literally doesn't make any sense you dumb magefag

I am a mage and a wizard irl

>How does your familiar get his Essence back?
This is what Channel Essence is for. Spirits are limited in how much they take from Resonance and have to risk their lives to steal from other Spirits. Channel Essence has no such limits.

Fill up your pattern with Essence from X Resonance using Channel Essence.

Give the Essence you gathered to your X Spirit familiar.

Familiar uses the intrinsic ability of the Familiar Condition to convert Essence into Mana and give it to you.

oWoD you blind faggot, did a Mage curse your eyes?

I bet you get a lot of pussy irl

A fellow /k/ommando, I see.


Two post two completely opposite opinions. May I ask for more please?

Did they revise 2e? Did M20 make the magic in ascension more streamline?

1e has better spell rote suggestions for some of the spheres. Life and spirit were boned in scope of power back then.

Combine them all user. WoD is headed for monster mash splat. Convert your Ascension into 2e.
I live in the hills.

It was a time mage. I only see what was.

I do irl

Is this vampy's last line of defense? Laughable

I suppose you could argue for werewolf if we count some of the DLCs. (Lonesome Road and Honest Hearts)


Not an argument, buddy. Maybe someday Stacy will look at you and Chad will apologize for stuffing you in your locker, don't worry.

I feel like it's the other way around.
Poor vampfags.

desu one of you tards told me nWoD had a 2e
