So I heard this place had some good deals on power armor accessories. What do you have on hand?
So I heard this place had some good deals on power armor accessories. What do you have on hand?
I have a couple late model MOSPEADA drive armors in the back. Both are standard issue, CADS and 38-Lites are hard to come by these days.
They are a nice back-up as they stow nicely in the trunk of your primary vehicle.
Pretty spiffy although I've always had concerns about getting Samus Aran'd in one of those things.
I've got a good deal on some high end thermoptic camo cloaks/coats. The ragged ends are purely cosmetic and was done at the behest of one of my last clients who was okay with modeling the full suit for us.
As long as you are wearing the CVR-3 suit that comes with it, the safety protocols in the onboard computer make it perfectly safe. Though I do recommend being careful with the fuel, I had to make a service call to help a guy out of a suit because he let the energy cells run out. Without the internal servos helping it is very difficult to get out of the armor.
I also have a handful of flight packs like the one the lovely Kei is modeling. They work best in low-g environments, but are atmosphere capable for short hops.
Otherwise I mostly deal in larger stuff, 10m+
How's this one? A bit scratched up and needs some of the graffiti removed... But otherwise works like a charm.
Shark-girl and those furry mutants not included.
Clearly, there's no better armor than this automated explosive-production suit.
Explosives, once produced, cannot be defused. Nor does the suit protect you against the actual explosion of said bombs.
If you don't mind something a bit old fashion this thing can run on anything you put in iit.
We got epic hats.
If you are learned in the arcane arts I have just the armor for you.
Hnnnnngh. Put me in there.
>computerized voice
We have many options for nano integrated armor that can alter the physiology to allow prolonged wearing until full integration.
Be warned, the process can get to a point where it becomes irreversible.
We have 2+ and 4++, all mechanicus approved!
or if you prefer we have some retro future models
>Be warned, the process can get to a point where it becomes irreversible.
Even better. When can I get inside?
shit the picture didn't load
We even have armor for your pet bear!
On a budget? We got armor for that too!
>mechanical fixture attached to each individual toe
for what reason
Hi! Billy Mays here for GenoTech, the securiy system specialist, powered by the carcinogens you breathe, activated by the nuclear waste that you and I drink. It’s Mother Nature-approved and it’s completely child friendly.
Use it on rebels! GenoTech Self Operable (SO-12) seeks out organic life signs , radio waves, heat signitures. it gets down into the good stuff, into the dakka. It even takes Chechenian rebels and Bolsheviks out of fortified bunkers. It seeks, it destroys, it looks fucking awesome all at the same time. Don’t just shoot them to hell, glass the bastards!
I love how the two Bethesda designs both look like piss copies of T-51b.
Also T-60 still makes no down sense.
Eh. Do you have any armors with active defenses on it? Something that's dedicated to stopping incoming HEAT rounds and the like?
All GenoTech products carry some type of on board anti-projectile system or APS. Most of these utilize the world's greatest invention: lasers!
In my opinion they look distinct enough. T-51b is my favorite though, followed by X-01, T-45, and T-60.
>Also T-60 still makes no down sense.
How so?
Personally pissed there's no good Hellfire Armor anywhere, the only mod I've seen makes them fat as fuck.
damn sense, sorry.
T-60 doesn't really fit in with previously established lore. It looks like an upgraded T-45, is somehow stronger than the T-51(which even Fallout 4 calls the pinnacle), and practically everyone has a suit for some reason.
If it came out after T-51, which was mass produced barely a year before the apocalypse, why does it look like T-45?
Smooth, welded surfaces are better than bolted together edged surfaces. The only thing better might be fluted surfaces.
>wanting Fetal Alcohol Elephant armor
Filename unrelated and untrue.
>T-60 doesn't really fit in with previously established lore.
Eh, retcons.
>is somehow stronger than the T-51(which even Fallout 4 calls the pinnacle), and practically everyone has a suit for some reason.
Now that's a problem.
>If it came out after T-51, which was mass produced barely a year before the apocalypse, why does it look like T-45?
Same designer as the T-45 but different designer from the T-51?
Maybe it came out at the same time as T-51 and simply didn't get as much recognition because it was kept at home while the T-51 was actually combat-tested.
>Smooth, welded surfaces are better than bolted together edged surfaces. The only thing better might be fluted surfaces.
But T-51 is covered in bolts.
I didn't think of separate designers. Could be a weird M1-Carbine M1-Garand sort of thing too with the numbers.
As for the bolts, none of the older art has bolts visible on the T-51, whereas the T-45 and T-60 have bolts holding the helmet and neck guard together. The split helmet just doesn't seem like a good idea from a structural perspective, thouh bolts on the inner arms don't matter too much.
>none of the older art has bolts visible on the T-51
True enough, the most detailed art I could find of the T-51 pre-FO3 shows little to no bolts.
One size fits all!
I'm seeing a lot of power armors, but not a lot of power armor ACCESSORIES.
Comeon, shouldermounts, battery packs, foot piles, hit me!
We sell guns. BIG guns.
Suit also comes with cute girl
Heart decals?
>What do you have on hand?
I think the idea for the t-60 was that it was going for heaver armor instead of being mass produce able. I know the T-51's armor plating was a plastic based polymer while the T-60's armor plating was completely steel. you can also see that the plastic armor on the T-51 was supposed to be replaceable because of the straps on the legs and chest plate.