what does Veeky Forums think of harmon quest
i watched the frist 3 episodes and they where luke warm
what does Veeky Forums think of harmon quest
i watched the frist 3 episodes and they where luke warm
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I like Mr Harmon's work, community and rick and morty are great, but I can't get into Harmon quest. Feels tryhard. Spencer the dm is kinda cool as they just picked him up on tour and changed his life, I just don't have enough time to enjoy both that and acquisitions inc at the same time (also the reason I don't watch critical role every time 5 hours of content comes up.
Critical Role- What every group wants to be.
Harmon Quest- What every group is.
Yeah, its fun. Immature, but fun.
Dude literally wiped his ass with towels cause he was to depressed to leave his house.
This is that.
Its not bad, like 7/10
I'm just waiting for the D&D Rick and Morty episode.
Also Rick and Morty Season 3.
>Hamon Quest
Battle Tendency was always the best arc of the Jojo ones animated so far but Diamond is Unbreakable is pretty good too
I said this on the /co/ thread but the girl is really annoying. I know she's probably playing it up for the audience but if I was in a group with her Id get really annoyed really fast
The stage set up and audience is beyond cringe.
I'm with you on that. Her "rage song" bullshit enraged me to no end. And the skull tree shit was cringe as fuck.
I know there's an audience to entertain, but that level of lolrandumbness would have me questioning her mental culpability.
I don't mind the song or the new friend but the constant "Lol I ripped out your bones" got aggravating fast. You don't have to turn everything into a joke.
I enjoyed it.
Acquisitions Inc. and Critical Role are both utter shite - AI because I can't deal with Chris Perkins (and especially fucking Wheaton), and Critical Role because of all the tryhard nonsense and....pretty much just that stupid cow playing the elven druid chick. Just gives me the shits.
Harmonquest, as lolrandumb as it is, is very relatable and gives me a solid giggle. Spencer is a DM that GMs can look up to far more than Mercer or Perkins for the simple fact that he rolls with his players' stupid shit, and knows to play to their level. He doesn't jam them on the plot rails like Perkins or Mercer, and just calmly guides them through their story.
That said, I enjoyed the Shadowrun segments from Harmontown more. Dan's shitty Bruce Willis caricature is gold.
The old DnD from their podcast had higher highs. And baloo eyfraise on youtube animated it better so Harmonquest is kindad redundant. Maybe the 2nd season will be better.
There you go their first time ever playing DnD.
It's pretty boring desu.
I like the episode with aubrey plaza and the last one with matt gourley.
Harmon has unfortunately destroyed his brain with alcohol, drugs and minecraft.
Just compare his Dungeon & Dragons episode on Community a decade ago to the sad clusterfuck of Harmonquest.
You could also don it Normie Quest, because all of the clebreties they put on the show are pretty normal people who have no clue how to play a roleplaying game. The other two people who stay there are also pretty new to roleplaying and it shows. It's not really an awful thing, just gives me a little bit of, "Oh no, they're doing what I did!" when I watch the show.
It's still humorous to see those moments like realizing you can blow a magic dick though. Some of the jokes had me reeling. Funny people, really funny people.
I don't know, I feel like if they took it to either direction I'd have more fun with it. If they either took it super seriously and started trying to express themselves with characters they discussed with the GM, OR if they took it super not seriously and started being more ludicrous and "Rick & Morty esque" in the way that they improvise their comedy.
My favorite part was probably the doorest of foors, just because the imagery of the setting was really engaging.
Episodes were too short, the tone not defined enough, the presentation was awkward, Jeff Davis or Spencer should have been the host.
I though it was pretty amusing. It's obviously not on tier with any of his scripted comedy stuff, but the concept of animating a game with comedians is pretty fun.
The DM seems to be pretty creative, while working within traditional D&D conceits. Some of the guests are better than others, Aubrey Plaza and the guy from Silicon Valley were both great for opposite reasons, while some of the other guests didn't really seem to be that into it.