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>How to Jumpchain
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Anyone ever feel like helping a horrible villain that doesn't deserve your sympathy?
I RE I'd probably make Eveline non-infectious then adopt her or something, I feel weirdly bad for bioweapons trying to act on their natural desires for parental love but fucking it up because they're a freaky monster that was horribly mis-raised by sociopaths.
thread died right after I posted it
Yeah you can take more than one although too many doctors spoil the dead flesh.
I'd try to do a bulk import option but to be honest I've no idea how I'd fit/structure it. The Home and Companion options are pretty weird in Penny Dreadful and I think the houses work better.
Can humans git gud in God of Highschool or I'd it like DBZ where you're consigning yourself to mediocrity by not being a monkey?
How does this look folks?
Atmotron -400
unfortunately you're going to eventually need to go somewhere that isn't exactly a class M planet, such as a heavily magnetized spaceship graveyard, a barren asteroid or even an icy comet streaking through the endless void, now in the old times people made pressurized suits to protect themselves, but science has advanced give us the Atmotron, this device creates an atmosphere complete with radiation shielding based on the environment found in your ship in a 805 kilometer radius sphere from its point of impact in roughly 2 minutes.
It will not work in places where there is already an existing atmosphere, such as stars, gas giants, planets with toxic atmospheres , vapor clouds, etc. when used. You gain another one in 72 hours
Her desire for a family is hinted to be because of her addled brain misinterpreting her programming to blend into and infiltrate social groups. An Eveline that isn't a mind-controlling fungus monster could want anything. She might want a family still, or she might want nothing to do with mankind.
That first paragraph is one hell of a run-on sentence. Like.... shit, nigga. Punctuation.
Like the voiceover of the guys playing it say, that's not a nuke explosion. Nukes in RL are pretty damn finicky though, and involve a conventional explosive trigger, it might have been a dud that couldn't / failed to go critical (or maybe the idiot involved couldn't tell a nuke from a big but conventional bomb, I don't know the backstory of how he got it).
Humans can git very gud, though until the Taboo is lifted they'll be shit against gods no matter how strong they are. Magical beings are generally stronger overall than humans, though. It's recommended that you cheat via magic items or spirit pacts.
Weapons only since I don't believe there was ever any magically enchanted armor in the show, aside from maybe the giant shogun armor Jack used once.
That note literally says there are two possibilities. Either she's just fucking up her programming, or she legitimately wants a family like any little girl would.
It's important to remember that Eveline isn't a clump of mold, she's a human fetus spliced with DNA from magic mushrooms. Presumably capacities for human wants and desires would still exist within her.
According to Daughters, she brainwashed the Baker Family after she overheard them talking about taking her and Mia to the nearby town in a few days and turning them over to the authorities. Now, keep in mind that Eveline's been raised by Umbrella, or a company like them if not them. How do you think she feels about the "authorities", especially now that she's finally found a family and escaped their grasp?
The guy in question definitely knows a nuke from a conventional bomb. He's ex-military. No, the errors are just because Ride To Hell: Retribution is not a very good game in any respect. Bad writing, bad gameplay, bad animation. I guess the voice acting's alright, at least, but other than that...
>too many doctors spoil the dead flesh
Tell me about it. I was designed BY COMMITTEE. The Horror!
>the voice acting's alright
yeah, I might be getting help with that later. But it's the balance I'm concerned about. oh crap, I forgot the time limit Didn't I,it'll run for about half an hour
Are you saying she'll want to slaughter cops or the company that made her? I don't see any problem with the later, personally. After she breached containment they were happy to observe the Bakers to get live data instead of trying to stop her, they're clearly completely horrible.
Oh, I know. But like I said, we don't know how she'd act if she was a normal human being. Remember, she's only a couple years old. She has accelerated aging. What happens to a human brain when you drive it through the stages of neural development on fast-forward? Cure her, undo all the damage that the company that made her (I don't think it's actually Umbrella) did to her in the process of turning her into a mind-control mushroom monster, and she'd probably have a radically different brain structure.
It's not good voice acting, but it's far from the worst I've ever heard in a game. That's what I mean by "alright".
I don't doubt it, but I've been a horrible abused child experiment myself so many times, and obviously me and my companions are all a massive collection of freaks, so if anything she'd feel right at home, and find boundlessly more empathy and understanding from me than she could anyone else.
Yeah, I know. I've still heard worse. Raven's Cry is just...ugh. It's a good thing that there's a bug that keeps a lot of the dialogue files from actually playing, what does play is the worst.
>What happens if it's entirely destroyed?
Satan looses some real estate?
You have a stretch of Bermuda Triangle where the island used to be, and better start researching some terraforming magic to rebuild the island from the bedrock up.
>I might consider it.
How about the rule stays the same, but if you add a property to the archipelago with different rules (like the Nomansian Island that only carries over wanted changes) you can use that rule for the entire Archipelago if you want. So you have your pick of rules from any property made part of the Archipelago.
>Depends really on how you personally set up the interaction between the real world and the Archipelago. If you wish it to be 100% real, just hidden in a space 'not on any map' then that's up to you.
I see it like LOTR where the world used to be flat, with the place where the Valar lived, and the human lands all located in the same place. After the failed invasion it was still technically on the same plane, but no point in the space of the new topography actually intersected their home anymore, so you could not reach it unless you had the authority to navigate the old straight path.
So it is still sort of technically located in the same universe, but not reachable from any outside point in that universe without my intervention to allow the lines to intersect.
Man, Raven's Cry totally needs a jump too. It's literally pirate Ride to Hell and it is the best.
The company might be Tentsu, but we DO know that the company behind Eveline was not Umbrella by any means.
[Jump #2] BodyMod:
>Body Type
1.Endowed 1-(50cp):
2.Flexibility 1-(Free):
Jump #3] Warehouse:
4.Force Wall-(20cp)
2.Food Supply.x2-(20cp)
What jump my man?
captain simian and the space monkeys. Satan -100
[Jump #4] Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:
•Starter-(150cp) [Blaziken]:
•Post Town-(Rolled 5):
1.Muscle Memory-(Free):
2.Enhanced Physiology-(Free):
3.Combat Diagnostics-(Free):
5.Natural Instinct-(100cp):
7.All Terrain Hiker-(350cp):
>Items, Gear & Supplies
1.Explorer/Rescue Badge-(Free):
2.Treasure Bag-(50cp):
3.Aura Ribbon-(50cp):
4.Wonder Map-(200cp):
Thanks and I'm looking forward to it bancho
>Notes/Personal Journal
Being able to communicate with my pokemon and learn how they live was an incredible experience. I helped them adapt to the fact that were in a new reality, and would be traveling to others, and they assisted me in learning what it was like to be a pokemon.
Nobody enjoyed the fact that they'd been de-evolved, especially Gyarados, suddenly becoming so powerless really pissed her off. Still, the trials and challenges we went through made us all stronger and the bounds between us became even tighter, some more so than others.
Near the end of my time here, as I was exploring the world, I made lists and guides for all the moves my companions and I could use so that we wouldn't get stuck with four moves each after we left.
Fungus would probably be too out there for Umbrella anyway. It's outside of their comfort zone of flower and leach-based virus genetics.
Absol is a cute edgedog.
>Changed Archipelago for more permanent 'deployment'.
This looks Ok.
>Changelog: Trying another wording of the Archipelago
This one has something wrong with it, with weird line breaks in the text.
Oh, uh, I meant the company that made her. Hence why I said "authorities". Yeah, I agree, they're horrible, which is why I feel pity for her, even if she did become ax crazy.
They're just misunderstood . But yeah, the design is great and they're pretty good in battles with the right moves.
Part of it just seems to be her biology, without medicine her brain deteriorates and the aging probably made it worse. Makes me wish they showed Eveline before things went south.
Also makes me wonder if Mia who is complicit in this bullshit and thus probably evil as hell too was being a lazy caretaker and didn't give her whatever pills she's supposed to take.
By now you've probably have at least a little blood on your hands, and so I have to ask.
Who was the first person you've killed?
How did it feel?
Don't think Mia's necessarily evil as hell as much as amoral. Maybe just dehumanises Eveline in her mind after seeing what she can do?
Well she's an employee of the company and she knows they make bioweapons, so you have to have no morals in the first place to want to work with them.
Humans can get insanely good, but the Taboo in place makes it hard for them to fight back against demons or gods. Taejin, the strongest human working purely off of human power and martial arts, was able to fight on the level of one of the highest gods though, even with it being on somewhat and missing one of his arms. He was fighting him alongside his friend and they got beat up for much of the fight, but it's insanely impressive. With the Taboo completely broken, we're not sure how strong he is now.
Another cursed child, and it was pretty much a nightmare. Stuck as an abused little girl, and having to kill others like you to ensure your survival and the survival of the human species? It's almost like a treachery of yourself, and it's very hard to keep your emotions in check like that.
Well it's more that Umbrella isn't the only ones who have a desire for bioweapons. It's not as obvious outside the games, but WilPharma's top guy had a desire to trade the t-Virus and G-Virus to middle eastern terrorists, and during the Eastern Slav's rebellion the president had an entire fucking farm of Las Plagas parasites.
So Umbrella is hardly the only bio-weapons folks. They're just the ones who kicked it off.
It's implied that Mia was doing what she could, but due to Eveline deciding to go bugshit crazy on the ship and making it crash, there wasn't exactly opportunity to give medicine or put her down in time. Eveline just chose a REALLY bad time to try and slip her leash.
Yeah, it's be interesting to see what she was really like. So far, we've only seen her at her worse.
I don't think she's evil so much as she is amoral. She's doing this to make money, she doesn't enjoy it but she's doing it. However, I definitely think she wasn't the best caretaker, and at least part of that comes from working for a company that makes bioweapons, so she couldn't even be the best caretaker she could normally be.
Yeah, Odin is pretty much the strongest God aside from Satan, Buddha and maybe Beelzebub. The fact that Taejin broke Odin's arm and was implied that the same kick would have pulped Odin's head if it hit, is crazy bullshit.
Bakuda. I felt pretty terrible for a while, but after a few months of healing people I realized that it would have been much worse to let her live, especially from the perspective of the person who would have to heal her victims, and then all the victims of Leviathan, and then all the S9 Victims. In the end, it was less me coming to terms with it and more me not wanting to be like Panacea.
First person or first being? Because the first being I ever killed was a Kaijin in Kamen Rider. It was...difficult, but it was either I took him down or innocent people would be hurt. The first person I killed, however, was in Kamen Rider Neo-Heisei part 1, and that was King OOO. I didn't take pleasure in his death, but I didn't regret it either. The man was fucked up in the head, and he was an enemy of both justice and mankind.
What's the fastest/safest series of jumps that will let you and your companions survive the heat death of the universe in case you fail your chain? Creepypasta has the best immortality and Magicka the best resurrection, but what's the best way to make sure there's still a universe left for me to live in?
I took Wuxia as a fairly early jump, and my origin had already killed a decent number of people before the start of the jump. That version of myself had been conditioned and was use to it, and it was still early enough that I got caught up in my origin's memories and personality. I had a not so minor breakdown when I took drop-in for the next jump, however.
Do video game mooks count? Or random monsters in Power Rangers? The Pillar Men? I didn't really have a 'first', a moment of shock behind it...I was kind of eased into it, or riding on the coattails of canon events.
The first time I noticed something was wrong would be when we cut down a highwayman ambush during the rebuilding scenario in Final Fantasy XIV. I didn't give it any thought, until I saw one of them - a young Hyur, in his late teens, take off his helmet and grasping at his throat desperately. Blood foamed and bubbled from a wound I had opened in an afterthought.
I just...stared. I didn't use White Magic to heal them, or ease their suffering with a quick and painless death. I think I was in shock, just now processing what I was doing and how many lives I was changing or ending, even with my own 'side antics' in a world. Later, I'd be in Fire Emblem several times over, where war and worse conflicts were, so I didn't have long to dwell on it.
I don't know what's 'right' or what's 'correct' to do, but I feel like I've been too thoughtless with my approach. Everyone I've hurt or killed was in response to them trying to do the same to me, and sparing them in the heat of battle isn't always feasible. But if I ever end up doing that without being provoked, or in cold blood...
I don't know. I'm just worried about it.
So, what I got from all of that is that the settings don't have the worldbuilding to support being in the same jump.
Also that I should finish xenoblade and do an isekai jump.
>Turning off yourselves.
Yeah it's pretty screwed up either way. And if they don't kill off a shit ton of people right now the entire world is going to be destroyed. And it sucks because even if they do kill off a shit ton of people even more are going to die because they're trying to remove this system that caused this bad situation in the first place, which will result in a whole lot of other people dying because they're relying on a system that fixes problems for them.
24. Wuxia
Setting: Generic
Origin: Drop-In, Age: 17
Styles: Drunken Fist, Southern Dragon Style, Aromatherapy, Ki Accumulation, Pressure Points, Adaptability
Drawbacks: Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting, You Look Tired Wanderer, Celestial Audit
I'm a wandering healer and medicine man, and between adaptability and my stand I can heal just about anything. I mostly focus on other youxia and take them in as traveling companions for short whiles.
I'm also taking up the Sifu role to my actual companions. Chesnaught is something of a natural, which I suspect is due to his natural self-discipline and fighting type nature. Zeke had the most discipline problems, but part of the training is always straightening that out. It doesn't help that we had to start most of the training drunk to master the movements, either. So, I ended up something like the pub-crawl executive. And then we'd get into a fight with some local thugs for practice reasons and I'd have to heal everyone up.
The only people with a problem were the voices in my head constantly nagging nagging nagging. Drinking didn't shut them up, but it made me not care. Which made them nag nag nag more when I had a hangover. The cycle just kept repeating itself.
Dio Brando. It felt like cleaning the floor. First it's something you have to put off for awhile, but then it's something you have to rush to do as quickly as possible, and then you're dizzy and falling over, and your friends find you on the floor and drag you outside for air. Still, I was a Joestar at the time, and he was piloting great grandpa's corpse around, so something had to be done.
A random Zeon pilot. While I'd have loved to help Zeon win the OYW, as a forst jump it's easier to be on the side of the Feds while trying to redeem Char from his future quest to perform another colony drop.
... I feel like one of us is cleaning the floor the wrong way, and it isn't the one who isn't either drinking or huffing cleaning ingredients.
Not that Kumo cares, she just enjoys killing humans.
Well yeah that too but she hates humans less than elves.
The Invisible Man. He was bugfuck crazy and stabbed me in the heart. I panicked and accidentally hit him in the head hard enough to kill him when I was trying to catch him.
I can't wait to squish her a thousand times, desu.
It was Amon during my thirty-second year Jumping, from Avatar: Korra the Barbarian. I crushed him to death with lava when he ambushed Korra on the island in the middle of Republic Bay.
That makes it sound so easy. Like I just walked up and snapped my fingers. But it wasn't. Korra nearly ended up with her Bending destroyed before we interrupted him. Amon proceeded to fend off Raven, Korra, and myself before locking down my own Bending. He took that moment to gloat over me. But my Earth and Fire Bending didn't come from the Avatar universe. The surprise and shock was just enough to let me catch him.
Nothing quite like the first time you hear every bone in a human body snap.
>How did it feel?
It took a couple of days to really sink in. At first I just sort of glossed it all over. Amon was a bad guy after all. It was either kill him now or wait until he caused a lot more pain and suffering to others and then his brother would blow them both up on that boat. I was just hurrying things along. Helping out the universe and those who would have normally suffered. That's a good thing? Right?
But after a few days, the nightmares started up. No visual, just the sound of Amon's bones snapping over and over again until I woke up in a cold sweat. Raven tried to talk to me about it, but I wasn't really in a great state of mind by the time she noticed on the second day and shrugged her off.
And then Tenzin came to talk to me. Of all people. You don't understand. Tenzin hated me by this point. I had "kidnapped" Korra for nearly a year, recklessly and publicly used my ability to bend all four elements in public, & violated pretty much every tenant the Air Benders held sacred in his eyes. .
But he talked to me anyways. Helped me understand that while killing should never be the first choice, or the second, or the third. But there are going to be times when it would be called for. When there would be no other choice. It didn't fix me immediately, but it helped.
Worst settings to visit. Jumper needs some punishment.
I tried to help Kotomine in Fate Zero but a FUCKTON of circumstances that didn't happen in canon, as a result of drawbacks and my own actions, just plain prevented me from having any sort of prolonged interaction with him. (I haven't posted the build yet for reasons)
I had to kill Alvis in Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy War, back when my jumper wasn't a strict pacifist or powerful enough to take people's souls. Alvis was my jumper's brother because bloodlines, and my jumper had to shoot and kill him because he wanted to kill Sigurd and his army.
...My jumper did not take that well. At all. They've gotten over the angst for the most part--it happened almost 30 jumps ago in the chain--but there's still a tiny shadow in the back of their mind that tells them they secretly wanted to kill him, that they didn't try hard enough to find another way. It doesn't show up often--but still, sometimes they mind brushes over the brief gunshot that rang out, and Alvis collapsing to the ground, and it still hurts.
I took my first life in my second jump. I went into Wuxia, where I had to take down a rogue student. However long before I got to him, it was the bandits that tried to attack me. It was shocking at first, but it got easier.
Aion I didn't get involved too much in the border wars between the two factions. However I did do the murder hobo thing, which was way easier. I didn't try to kill any other Devas, but I did kill handful.
Dragon Age is another jump that you were encouraged to kill. Darkspawn & Human bandits were most my people kills. If you consider Darkspawn people.
I think Fallout & Practical Guide to evil were my most bloodiest jumps. You can't escape violence in Fallout, and being the Hero in PGTE I mowed down my share of human mooks. Even took down maybe two to three villains with lots of effort.
DBZ is my most recent jump. I killed so to protect the Earth or Namekians when I helped in the Namek/Frieza Saga. It was a tough road, because I took Up To Me, Only Strong Survive, & Rival.
Luckily I could train for 7 years in a week per month. Which I often did with my rival, my very own Vegeta. She, Vegeta, and even Goku would job for me to come steal the thunder. I didn't really feel sorry for Freeza minions I killed.
SOMA, Ravenloft, Nechronica, and 1984 always top my list.
Jump 8, Investigation.
Copycat serial killer.
The New Axeman of New Orleans, they called him.
He even sent his own letter and everything.
I was ready for him, though.
Turns out guns beat axes.
It was Twilight, Jump #2. I wanted to try hunting human, so I stalked and caught myself a gay communist hobo. Then proceeded to feed in the middle of the street, with only a 9 year old kid seeing. As soon as he said something, myself and the commie were on the roof.
If you don't count communists as people, It was some nameless youths in Chicago.
They were both exhilarating. It got boring after the first neighborhood, though.
Bodacious Babes
The System didn't cause the situation the world is in. The system was a solution to the people of that world using up MA energy to power their tech. Basically it's the plot from FF7 where the lifeforce/soul energy of the world was being used up, however in Kumo the world had enough of it's energy used up that the world was basically a shriveled raisin, then the two remaining gods got an offer from a higher god, that offer was the system. The system sucks up soul energy form people over time by creating skills from their souls, then when they die it sucks off those skills and turns them into energy that feeds into the system and is used to restore the world. The reason they are taking down the system is that the remaining amount of energy needed can be found in what is maintaining the system.
She cares, just not enough to do anything, the entire reason she's bothering is that she's basically being forced to by the higher god, and she likes one person that wants to save the world, the demon king. She wouldn't bother killing humans if they weren't delicious, and they aren't anymore, she loved killing them originally because they gave her a lot of XP, as a god she doesn't gain XP from anything anymore due to being outside the system. She just doesn't value life that much in general.
Any 40k jump.
SCP Foundation
Black Bullet
Changeling the Lost, Black Bullet, Hellblazer
Only Black Bullet is bad to visit for non-jumpmaker related stupidity.
Pokemon did not go as planned. Orre is much more of a wasteland than anybody gives it credit for, and the brilliant person who thinks giving an emotional teenager a gun is a good idea doesn't get to be surprised when they get desperate.
Dude was some poor Cipher-wannabe at the time. I'm pretty sure I didn't care, though, since I was just after the food he had on him. Nobody came after me, either, which just made the guilt over that sting even more.
>She cares
senpai don't lie.
I said she doesn't care enough to do anything. It's on the level of thinking that it kind of sucks there are starving orphans but not caring enough to donate money.
That implies she cares about orphans or any humans at all,though. She does not.
Are there any perks that would cause those who look at you to experience synesthesia?
To see and taste your voice?
To hear and smell your beauty?
Not true. She cares about roughly like 20 people in all. The reincarnated kids, other folks can be genocided for all she cares.
Greek myth monster route has a pretty open ended monster perk that that would allow that.
She does though, you're just an idiot. She's a Tsundere who denies that she ever does anything for other people, hell in the latest chapter you see her making excuses to save someone. But you see her acting benevolently until someone pisses her off. She won't slaughter people without a reason, that world is fucked she's killing people to literally save the world. Before that she killed bandits, people that attacked her, and some people that really pissed her off.
>cause those who look at you to experience synesthesia?
Um, one of the Generic Creepypaysta Cryptid Perks has people how perceive you have their perceptions go haywire. How exactly they do that is open to interpretation and fanwank.
The Cosmic Warehouse is explicitly a pocket universe. If you buy the AC and plumbing utilities plus the Forcewall, you don't have to worry about thermal/mass issues and just need whatever personal sustenance you and your companions require.
A single D&D jump (or any jump that lets you get the same kind of magic) can - with the right perks/time/effort - give you access to spells like Genesis, which lets you create a custom pocket plane/universe that starts off small - not much bigger than the Cosmic Warehouse - but can be expanded indefinitely with time and effort.
There are a few jumps that offer the power to travel between universes post-chain. How long this will let you stave off ultimate entropy (if it's still a problem) is unknown.
Wish: likewise, there are a few jumps that give you a post-chain wish. Whether those wishes have the kind of oomph you need? YMMV.
Any SMT setting.
Cluster Truck. The Reward lets you go between worlds you've already been to, even if you lost. Just go to a universe where Thermodynamics aren't an issue.
I think the world genocide should start with her and all her godly friends, personally.
As I said here , and clarified in the text, properties bought with CP can be simply reimported by choosing the Archipelago as the import location.
>You have a stretch of Bermuda Triangle where the island used to be, and better start researching some terraforming magic to rebuild the island from the bedrock up.
Which whilst uncommon is less uncommon than one would think.
>How about the rule stays the same, but...
Each island stands by it's own rules.
>I see it like LOTR where the world used to be flat...
That's a neat way to do but I'm going to leave it's interactions with other Jumps up to you.
>This looks Ok.
Cool beans.
>This one has something wrong with it, with weird line breaks in the text.
Hope this fixed the issue. Fixing the spacing was a bitch and a half for some reason.
This was supposed to link to this.
In the ClusterTruck gauntlet, which perk covers the ability to jump ridiculous distances (not the double jump, the initial jump)?
Is Ravenloft really as bad as everyone says? It doesn't seem much different than any other D&D setting to me.
Is it the actual difficulty that makes it bad? Or is it just a matter of tone?
Fine but the world is still doomed.
There are only three other gods. Gyuriedistodiez is basically just following along with the plan because the situation is partially his fault, his actual intentions would result in his own death. Sariel is the system right now, and there isn't really anything that can be done to save her life anyway, and Shiro hates her guts, they are not friends. Then there is D, who's basically as to Shiro as Shiro is to an ordinary house spider.
Also that wouldn't save the world, that would likely doom it.
>Start with
user, the perpetrators of a genocide, even if they think they have a 'good' reason, certainly deserve to suffer agonizing deaths for their actions.
Sohow much dos that Heracles perk in Greek Myth actually let you lift? And how fast are you with the boosted capstone version?
How fast could you suck a dick with it?
Kill q group of people or literally everyone ever dies. There is no good choice. This is not a noble bright world.
So you are a hypocrite? If you are going to do the genocide anyway then you aren't any better than them. They wouldn't commit genocide if they had another way.
So if you had to make a hard decision and kill one person to save a group you would rather let everybody die? Because that is basically what's happening here only with a larger sample, like literally everybody. Kill off a load of people or everyone dies.
They basically decided to kill all humans, and I'm not pretending I don't know why they do what they do.
Did I say that? I'm sure I can find an alternative..
It's more like kill all of a group of 100 people so you can save the dirt under their feet and maybe grow something else there later.
They don't have an option, its kill off and genocide somebody now or in about a month you have to kill twice the number. They don't like it either but there is no better way available to them.