>The campaign ends on a "joke"
The campaign ends on a "joke"
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I have trouble believing this happens often enough to be a problem. Individual sessions? Maybe. But campaigns see a proper ending so rarely that I'm pretty sure the average GM would want to end on a proper denouement instead of a gag.
>*canned laughter*
>theme for Everybody Loves Raymond starts playing as the players start packing up their dice and character sheets
Why couldn't this thread?
>The campaign was for the sake of a "Guerrilla Warfare" pun involving actual Gorillas
>The campaign was for the sake of a new album featuring the Gorrillaz
Oh it happens user, sometimes it works to be fair. But of the time it's just jarring.
>The campaign ends in a Bollywood dance number
I shut you not I had a DHL campaign that ended like this. A big Great Unclean One had been sleeping for centuries and a culture was trying to awaken it. We just failed to stop them and the ritual succeeded, we were all shitting our pants as the sky blackened and eyeballs melted and all that.
>*yawn* Five more Millennia.
Campaign ends.
>The campaign ends with a resounding and deserved cry of "THE ARISTOCRATS!"
>The campaign never ends
I could definitely enjoy that
>fungus tried to awaken a god
I love phone posting. Cultists
What is that from
Thats actually a decent ending desu
Fungus trying to awaken a god is a million times better.
>The campaign ends with a post-credits twist
>the ancient age was ruled by powerful god-kings
>they were destroyed in a mysterious cataclysm
>a handful managed to survive in weakened form by desperate rituals
>the world is filled with ruins of that past age
>certain national treasures are actually ancient magical artifacts
>an ancient evil awakens
I actually love this shit
This is entirely the plot of my game.
Well, minus the ancient evil(s) awakening. Technically they were already awake but had become evil over time.
Does someone have the Hoss-Toss Fruit Pies screencap?
Mine too lol