Harry Potter RPG

Harry Potter and the Tabletop RPG has updated to version 2.0.3.

Pretty much all the typos left over from version 1 should be gone now.

There's a discord gamefinder here
Might be dead, but you can fix that.

Other urls found in this thread:


Has anyone created/uploaded a campaign anywhere?

I've never done one before and don't really know where to start or how to do it with this.

How does the character sheet look like?


Thanks, my man.

No worries, I only started looking at this stuff the other day.

Here's where you can download things.

Can you give me some run down on how to play this? Pre-built too please.

>run down
Also checked.

Shouldn't Flawed Master prevent you from taking Metamorph Master as a flaw? There are no bonuses to invert.

Bump for interest


Here I have an incomplete game summary from my first game. I would do a lot of stuff different now, but it could give you some ideas.

There is no pre-built stuff, though I could throw that in the to-do pile. Its meant to be run in school through the seven years spent at hogwarts, but like anything else you can change what you don't like.

Probably, thanks for the catch.

>There is no pre-built stuff, though I could throw that in the to-do pile
A few examples could be great, you should probably do one for Ron 1st year, McGonagall and Snape to show difference between experienced wizards..

How are you suppose to run this game? Day to day seems tedious while playing this from above seems not enough involved.

Why the fuck was my name Mike Pence?

Thank you for the game summary.

Do you know of any guides for people who have never DM'd before?

I want to do a dueling club, have people deal with magical creatures and stuff but I don't know how to do combat (like how much health an enemy has and how much damage it can do).

>posting on /pol/
>forget to change name back

>posting on /pol/ ever
I'd rather die.

I was thinking an archetypal character from each house in first year, then again in 7th year.

You're supposed to basically play in the timescale of the books, skipping a few weeks, then doing a few days of plot.

Honestly, DnD DM Handbooks give a lot of good general DMing advice. Basically every RPG book by a major publisher does. There is a short section on running a campaign in the Headmaster section of this rulebook that might help you iron out some ideas.

As for magical creatures, generally they are going to have the same attributes as wizards, though maybe a lot more or less of one than a wizard might. Then tack on any special powers it should have.

>not learning about the sneaky Jew's new tricks

Although right now they're obsessing over an (outer space) alien that posted a selfie.

>DnD DM Handbooks give a lot of good general DMing advice.

Cool, I'll have to do some reading then.

One more question about Harry Potter. How long would you spend per day, week, year? I imagine the days could go by pretty quickly, unless the HM does something. Like studying in the library the books get angry and start attacking students or something.

Time skips are your friend. Seven years is a long time to play through day by day.