Name a race worse than Kender.
you can't
Name a race worse than Kender
Spellscales, while debatable whether they're on the same level as kender, are absolutely insufferable in their own way.
>inb4 butthurt
Any race can be played awfully, but I can't think of any that deliberately go out of their way to state "you must act like a complete dickbag to play this race" as the Kender.
Are Eladrin and Tieflings even a thing anymore?
how about kender mindflayers?
If you play a kender as a complete dickbag, you did it completely wrong. You're supposed to play as if you had childlike curiosity, mild kleptomania, and a case of chuunibyou.
If you endanger the party, steal important things, or upset your allies, you did it wrong.
It might be the only thing.
You would have to be playing as a kitten that rolled a nat20 on cha for that not to get old after the first time.
Tieflings yes, Eladrin kinda.
Tieflings are a core-ish race in 5e (they're in the PHB, but are listed as being a "check your local setting for compatibility" race)
Eladrin are in the 5e DMG as an example of how to make homebrew subraces; they've become a subrace of elves that have more Fey powers.
How do they reproduce? They're a race of kids piggybacking off every other race.
Just as expected of Veeky Forums; three responses in and it's like I never left /pol/.
They have a pretty strong sense of community and have it together enough to farm and such. It's like one of those hippie communes only without the rampant drug abuse.
You can leave /pol/ but /pol/ will never leave you.
I remember someone saying that they imagined that halflings probably had wild orgies during their summer festivals where the young adults get together and fuck en-mass while drunk and high, which is what keeps them from having wanderlust.
I imagine that that's how Kinder actually have sex; a big group of them get naked somewhere new and just FUCK.
How do you think? Just because they look and act childish doesn't mean they're sterile.
I'm butthurt at all the halfbreed "races". They are not a race. End this faggotry.
As long as Dragonborn exist, Kobolds can't be a core race. We must remove Dragonborn.
What's so bad about them?
>Kender in AD&D
Idiot either tripped all the traps trying to inspect the "shiny" or lured some horrid monsters to the party that they have little hope of surviving
>Kender in 3-5e
Kender has thrown the plot off the rails because they decided to poach something from the important NPC/asked the wrong question at the wrong time and now the party are public enemies or thought to be outright criminals.
You aren't being a dick on PURPOSE; it's just that playing them properly means that the party is basically having to babysit you to keep you from getting them killed because you're acting like Abu in Aladdin.
"Race" is a social construct in D&D. Literally. It's a catch-all for classifications, purebreds, and mongrels.
Like most people with autism, I tend to value correlation between reality and fantasy.
Also, I never said they were sterile nor assumed as much.
The problem is that their behavior isn't funny and that it's clearly stated that they don't even realize they're doing anything wrong. So even when you're not actively endangering the party, you're still encouraged to be an annoying dickbag. It's a typical result of a writer thinking of a "funny" quirk without stopping even for a moment to consider how a character like that would work out in an actual game.
You end up either playing a regular Halfling, in which case why even have Kender at all, or you end up playing something that's completely obnoxious and disruptive because it's a one-joke race and the joke was never funny to begin with. It's "that guy playing Chaotic Neutral": The Race.
Kender don't steal important or valuable things.
>You're supposed to play as if you had childlike curiosity, mild kleptomania, and a case of chuunibyou.
Yeah that makes them pretty fucking awful already.
>If you endanger the party, steal important things, or upset your allies, you did it wrong.
Except that's absolutely not that what the text in the OP says, quite the opposite.
Tohsaka Rin pleases Old Men for Money.
Short races in general. Boring, unimaginative and stupid.
I don't want Dragonporn, I don't want playable Kobolds. Yiff in hell motherfuckers.
You don't need to steal something particularly important or expensive to piss off a key NPC.
>any dwarves
>Boring, unimaginative and stupid.
>steampunk gnomes
>Boring, unimaginative and stupid
That's a problem with the DM, then.
Gnomes are pretty boring, user.
Elves obvs.
So you don't mind if I rob you, as long as I don't steal anything "important"?
No, it's a problem with people not liking you stealing their stuff.
Well, yes.
Yes. Both races have been done to death, especially in their stereotypical portrayals. And no, putting Dwarves in the jungle or Halflings in the desert is not fixing the problem.
Shit, why am I in here? I hate fantasy games for this shit.
>steampunk gnomes
Adding more boring, unimaginative and stupid to boring, unimaginative and stupid does not make it interesting, imaginative and clever.
No they aren't, but they have the potential to be douchebags.
How far from the stereotypes can you stray at all before your dwarves are no longer dwarves at all?
Haters gonna hate.
Then either gnomes or steampunk are actually interesting, imaginative and clever, because the end result is interesting, imaginative and clever.
And I would also add Deliverance style halflings and Jew goblins to a list of cool small races.
>How far from the stereotypes can you stray at all before your dwarves are no longer dwarves at all?
To the point where they become humans, which they always were in portrayal. This is why I never liked alternate races; people assume that by shrinking a human down you automatically have a new perspective on a world. You don't. You just have a human with a modifier.
Although I will say D&D isn't as bad as Sci-Fi is with this shit.
Only time it was interesting was when they added /pol/ race mixing conspiracy into the mix.
If you don't like the concept of fantasy races at all, then I'm not sure why you're taking part in this discussion in the first place.
Jew goblins are the only good jews or goblins.
Non-human races are a good concept. Making them just "short human", "pointy-eared human", "green human", or "human with animal ears" is uncreative garbage.
okay, give "good" examples.
I've read the main line Dragonlance books and I went to the Drachenfest LARP con twice with someone who played a Kender. I had tons of fun next to that character and I really enjoyed the books. Kenders can be cool and fun if you don't take yourselves too seriously. Anyone who paints them as cleptomanic chaotic stupid childish assholes or plays them as such is getting the whole concept WRONG.
However, there is a deep underlying problem with Kender. They were invented as a race for a character of the Dragonlance games/novels and most, if not all of the character traits overlap with racial traits. That makes it impossible to play a character that isn't just a variation of Tasslehoff Barefoot, and you're basically forced to do everything that he did because that's what any member of your race would do. It's like most aliens from Star Wars: Jabba is introduced and all Hutts are minor or major gangster bosses somehow. Oola shows up and all Twi'leks are either sexy, slaves, or sex slaves.
So in conclusion, Kenders are a terrible concept, but tons of fun can be had around them.
Never heared of those before, what are Spellscales like?
What is it with Anglos always confusing ei and ie? There is a difference, you know
Seconding this. It's disgusting how furries go on about this in exhausting, exhaustive detail. If anything is proof of autism, attraction to sergals must be it
The Mi-Go
The Great Race of Yith
Necrons before they got over-explained
Eclipse Phases' Factors and Exhumans
This is one thing the Ivalice setting is really good about. I'll admit that Viera are like humans with rabbit ears, but their sensitivity to nature makes them like old style elves.
Oh my god, all of your examples are shit and unplayable (I don't know the last one but I get the idea).
I'd name some, but so few playable because "abloo-bloo-bloo Dey not reel peepl, me no lyk. pls maek kitsooney. ;_;"
Not that it applies to RPGs but I quite liked the way Warhammer Fantasy did Chaos Dwarves thematically, satanic Babylonians is an oddly natural fit for Dwarves.
>Gimli: The Race
>Dr. Insano: The Race
Man; how groundbreaking
Where did you study the art of projection?
I also like that
Groundbreaking doesn't equal good. Tried and true doesn't equal shitty.
>Implying illithyd tadpoles won't die of poisoning by eating whatever kenders have for brains during attempted cerebromorphosis.
Bring me new and original concept for a race and I'll tell you where it has been done before you.
any hombrew race that contains the phrase "embodies the balance between good and evil" in its description.
Cave-dwelling lithe carnivores that are intelligent and sapient until their 30s, at which point they go through a metamorphosis that makes their brains go primal and they become ambush hunters for the remainder of their lives. This final form lacks self-awareness.
I don't like parasitic mindflayers. I want them to be hyperevolved humans from the future.
>Using steampunk gnomes
>Not illusion based magical garden gnomes that protect people from goblins and redcaps
I see you're a peasant, user.
Sentient wooden paratroopers who live on a giant isle of flying pumice, bungee jump into villages which they fly over and loot them until the harness pulls them back onto the island, they carve new ones from wood as old ones are destroyed and bring them to life using magic powder made from fungi that only grow in a cave in their flying island.
Half-goblin kenders, Millions of little thieving shits EVERYWHERE!
What changed besides the entourage?
Furry here. Never heard of Sergals or seen people fangasm over them either.what is the deal with them and why are people hating on them? Genuine question.
Good natured spider people that live in woods and caves and communicate trough a village-wide Webs that they tug on to deliver morse-like messages.
How is that any different from any other beastmen race?
Niggers that don't stink like shit.
Similar to this race from the Edge Chronicles:
>Termagant trog - Females of a race of humanoids dwelling underground. They are rather attractive to fourthlings when young. Trogs of both sexes dwell in paper houses, called trogcombs, clad in garments of a lighter paper. Males are largely unseen and small, thought by the females to be pathetic and sickly; females are looked after by their indulgent and protective mothers. A young trog may keep a pet during this time. When the female trogs reach a certain age, they drink blood drawn from the roots of the carnivorous tree known as the Bloodoak, which causes their strength and size to increase. In addition, the drinker's hair follicles cease to function and her desires become extremely violent, hence the name "termagant", meaning "a harsh-tempered or overbearing woman". If the Bloodoak does not have blood for the trog on the appointed day, she is considered an outcast by her race. This is what happened to Maugin.
You're not even trying. The correct answer was warforged.
Can't they be both?
You're on Veeky Forums. That you think you have some sort of safe space here reveals your newfaggotry. Lurk more or gb2reddit, faggot.
Mainly because they're furries. Secondly because they're a stereotypical militaristic warrior/hunter race and there's an everlasting war between light and darkness going on on their planet or something, I forgot.
A race of androids that were awoken by a previous race nearing extinction on the off chance one of them will get curious, and find the remnants of said race in cryo sleep. These androids are neutral, and follow a rigid class system based of serial number.
Single digits denote workers, dubs denote soldiers, trips are leaders, and quad are the "chosen ones" to search and adventure.
So basically Hierarchy?
Er, what?
>they've become a subrace of elves that have more Fey powers.
Specifically they're basically High Elves who has a once per rest Misty Step rather than a cantrip.
They have prehensile clits and are "like, the best, omg"
Can't you just switch on to mute when you're outside /pol/? I don't go shitpost on your Brexit threads with 3.5/PF debates.
Perhaps we should, though...