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im at work and i dont want to work - edition

Advice on building a strong guests list?

Thread Discussion: John Wick is cryogenically frozen by a nascent chaos god, then awakened in the 41st Millennium and told to kill the Emperor.

He is given a collection of powerful guns for the task, appropriate for the time and his body type (standard human male).

Does he succeed, or how many space marines does it take to stop him?

Since I have two Valk by accident.

I will turn one into a Vendetta for my SoB/Inquisition army.

The other? Maybe into an Avenger?

>Does he succeed
No, even if he somehow managed to infiltrate the Imperial Palace he'd be vaporized by the Titans before he could get to the Emprah himself.

ayy lmao

Avengers are a lot bigger than Valkyries, and Valkyries don't come with enough parts to be turned into Vendettas.

New player here. I'm having a huge issue when building my list.

I can't seem to get a good balance of weapon types down. In every game, I invariably end up either not having enough of a certain weapon profile to actually deal with my opponent's lineup, or I coincidentally happen to have everything necessary to win (like bringing too many Meltas against a tankfriend). For example, I played against a gauntspam Nid player once, and I just didn't have enough bullets to kill everything. I went against a CSM player, and his 3+/FNP Nurgle marines felt invincible against my choice of bringing a gunline. I went against Eldar and Tau, but I had too many single-fire weapons and couldn't actually bring down their big guys.

What kind of ratio is correct? How many different units should I assign to each role? How do I make a balanced all-comer list?

Why do people like AdMech? They'e the lamest faction in the game, every single model looks exactly the same.

yfw you are subtly avatarfagging and no one can do shit to you.

>What are extra bits?

Really? They look the same in fact smaller than Valks

back when 40k was good

What was Ichar IV rebelling against?

Crossover cancer.

>different cheetahs
Kek did I really trigger you so much you became retarded?


40k was never good

Less retarded maybe.

Yeah, although if you're smart about it you can do counts-as forces that allow you to go fairly Your Dudes within reason, as long as you stick to the book. I'm working an a converted Heresy Mech army that is both way cheaper than "All FW, all the time" and IMO cooler. Mad Science forever, I'll probably have some pics soon. Looks like converted armies are oddly much more accepted in 30k, since quite a lot hasn't actually got any models. Strange, since most things are Marines there and fairly strict on what's fluffy.

for scale, user

The Imperium?

Right, but


>defensive heavy stabber on tail
It's like they were making ork flyer, decided to fuck with them, but somewhere along the line they changed it to imperial flyer.

>FLGS hosting a Sigmar event all weekend to try and get more people in to it
>all tables being used for it
>don't collect Sigmar
>have to wait until next weekend to play 40k

I could try the other local store, I really want to but the last time I went in there they were playing a 2500 point Orks vs tau game.
the Tau player had three riptides and a stormsurge and none of them were painted.

It does look smaller, but more wide.

Thanks by the way.

Suggestion about the second Valk? Because honestly 260 points for 6 Lasscannons does not sound very good specially with the anti tank redundancy with SoB

What would Veeky Forums consider a good way to get into the tabletop with no prior experience but immense love for the lore?

Are some armies or SM chapters better than others for a new player?

What do?


must resist posting insulting tau pictures

Maybe why?
Genestealers, that's why

Valkyries are 125 points before weapons, and vendettas are 170. Because you said 6 lascannons, I am assuming you are talking about 2 vendettas, which is 340 points, not 260.

To answer your question, lascannons are typically not very good in IG hands. They are very expensive, only hit half the time, and exist in an edition where even rhinos take 3 shots to kill unless you get lucky - which you should never count on.

The vendetta is the best lascannon platform Ig has because it's maneuverable, durable, and twin-linked, therefore more reliable than anything else. It is still, however, not very good at killing anything heaving than AV 12 with any kind of urgency.

Taking two is overkill. One is good to mopping up light to medium vehicles and those ICs running around with 1 or 2 wounds left, but otherwise hull points just make lascannons not worth the investment of more than that.

>goblin green bases
>SQUARE bases
>red guns

retro as fuck

>playing a 2500 point
Yeah, totally viable format... i mean even 1875 get quite tedious and deaggs the game from time to time.

>Find a sizeable and regular 40k community within a distance you are willing to travel
>Decide on the faction you like the most.
>Decide the paint scheme you like the most.
>Download codex and rulebook from the OP
>Slowly build your army, start by aiming for a Kill Team or 500pt army with a single HQ unit.

If you're looking at Space Marines, Ultramarine and Imperial Fist tactics are probably the go-to for beginners. You can use these tactics with whatever marine army you have, so long as you confirm this with your opponent before the game starts.


170! God damn it what is the point of this thing?!

Anyway what about Avengers. Or Valks. At least with Castellans.

On a side note is the list a suggestion or what? Because last time I check Sororitas command squads are elite in IA not HQ.

back when 40k had style

I had a 4000 points Inquisition/Sisters vs Orks. No super heavies or even Apocalypse.
Just CAD and formations.

Never again, at least not before I finish painting

Buy a getting started box in whatever race you like most. They are all good value and give you some decent units. Play what you like the look and fluff of and then learn the rules.

What do you like the most?

>and exist in an edition where even rhinos take 3 shots to kill unless you get lucky - which you should never count on.
As opposed to what? The previous editions where a Rhino was invincible unless you got lucky?

The issue with Lascannons is that they've been completely left behind as the top-end anti-tank weapon and all of the top meta units are way too tough or way too cheap for a lascannon to be worth it.

World Eaters, Imperial Fists or Orks

Avengers aren't too great, either, desu. The 7-shot gatling cannon is ok, but given how much everything is in cover now it doesn't really get to shine much. It comes with hardpoints for 2 additional weapons, so you can have 5 total (gatling, 2 lascannons, 2 autocannons, for example) but with the current flyer rules you can only fire 4 of them per turn, so you waste points equipping them.

Valks with the rocket pods are ok, and really they are more useful as flying obj sec units than as board wipers. They go very well with the platoon command squad, which is an almost completely useless 5-man unit on its own but can be stuck in a valk to make a fast objective nabber. This is what I do with my vendetta, btw.

I don't know about the sororitas stuff, but I do know that both Imperial Agents and the Inquisition PDF codices are legit right now. you can field the rules in one or both as you see fit.

In previous editions there were no hullpoints. You penetrated something and rolled on a table, there was a 50% chance it died right there.

Back in third and fourth, you penned a vehicle and rolled on a table with a 50% chance the vehicle died right there. All vehicles got a huge survivability boost with the addition of hullpoints, and lascannons have never caught up to them.

After seeing how Imperial Militias is almost at the point you can grab anything that fits the nature of the rules, I'm looking at making a Dwarf-themed army for either 30k or 40k, but I have to get through my AdMech first before I touch a new list.

Speaking of, are two barebones Dragoons enough to get their job done on a charge? I figure they're built for stalking the map and running down anyone trying to flee your gunlines.

Making a poke about stupid GW rules.

In IA SCS are elite in the AS they are HQ but you can only get them if you buy an HQ. In the FoC they are listed as HQ and with no restriction.

So that is why I wonder if the list is just a suggestion or what. And let's not start with marine bikes.

What about Veterans in Valks? I currently run my Chimeras with psybolt and double heavy bolter since 2x S6 AP4 Heavy 3 helps just to force saves.

With how much re-rolls and cover saves there is that is the only thing I can realiably do with SoB. Force saves and eventually things will die.

Id recommend imperial fists if you feel equally about all 3. Low model count and you can learn with a forgiving army. Plus imperial fists have some solid rules.

Orks are super fun but require a large amount of money to play and lots of painting. They suffer from having pretty much the worst codex as well currently.

World eaters just got a new update which makes them awesome and one.of the strongest chaos armies.

Every time I go in there they're playing MASSIVE apoc level games.

The guys in there all look late 20s/well in to their 30s so I'm guessing they're all massive oldfags who haven't seen new blood in there for an age.

That's why it's so intimidating.

Veterans in valks is a bit of a waste because you can't shoot out of valks.

Vets are BS4 with a great weapon selection, and hiding them in a vehicle all day without shooting them is a complete waste of their potential. Likewise, dropping them out of a valk just to get mowed down or charged and die is a waste.

Vets should always be in chimeras, always always. You get to fire your choise of two weapons out the back, you get to move 6" per turn, you benefit from AV 12 and hullpoints, and if the vehicle is charged you almost always just walk out of the wreck and melt whatever blew it up.

Fists it is, then. Thanks, user

Remember that yellow is a very hard color to paint, so there's always the Crimson Fists or any of their other sucessor chpaters.

>tfw an user just described exactly you as old and intimidating

What about throwing suicidal Acolyte squads with plasmas and shit from it?

I'm trying to find a use for this things. At least for one of them.

>yellow is a very hard color to paint
Unless you prime white, grey or tan in which case it's easy as piss.

No problem. I suggest the getting started box and an extra tactical box. 2x 10 tactical marines is a great base for your army.

Nah its really not anymore. Gw 's paints have come a long way.

Will do

Fell asleep last night, posting more pics from my last battle. My skitarii and Grey Knights fought against a Grey Knight/Custodes alliance and nearly tabled them. The poor GK player failed several charges he really should have made.

So what's a guide to modifying models to make cool gore effects like seen here?

Jesus Christ user that sounds horrible

The thing about "suicide" units is that they have to kill something in excess of their points to be worth committing sudoku over. That almost always means melta spam targeting high point armor units.

So I guess the answer is sure, so long as you aren't wasting points on more than 5 models that will almost certainly die the following turn, and that the models you are using can carry enough melta to successfully get their one shit kill off, and also that your opponent has a target worth dying over like that.

I've found that putting meltaguns in chimera is better because you can just drive up to something and shoot out the back. If the other guy blow up the chimera, your guys just hop out and shoot again. All this for fewer points than a valk, albeit with less speed.

That's funny.
The last game I played with Grey knights had them fail two 4" charges.

My Guardsman killing some Raveh Guard fucks in my last game Veeky Forums which was pretty fun. Managed to kill a Knight turn two by outflanking it and hitting it from all sides in the most tacti/k/al of ways. But what are you anons up to? I'd love to hear about your games too and might even do a batrep later too.

Am I holding the line right fellow Guard anons?

What's the best loadout for DW Vanguard vets/Termies/Bikers?

Only consensus them be on DW armament seem to be Frag-cannons for Vets.

The funny thing is, I'm debating selling my Grey Knights, because I feel like they aren't painted very well and aren't worth playing for the moment.

Well I run MSU SoB so everything dies after killing something.

The flowchart is
>Move girls in transport to targe
>Shoot target from the hatch
>Move closer even more
>Vomit girls near target
>Hope your meltaguns/flamers do their job
>Die next turn regardless if the target die or not.
>If they survive some how repeat.

That is my concept of suicidal squad, everything is one when your army fights at 12" range most of the time.

Right now in my normal list there is at least 4 TL-MM and 10 meltaguns. With at least 12 flamers.

Not sure if you see my problem finding a use for the things. But thanks anyway

I thought SoB vehicles had fire points?


I usually advocate against it. (So long as you have the money to start a new one)

I've shelved my Grey Knights after getting bored of the "7e Codex"
>Which was basically the 5e - Inquisition - Assassins + 7e FAQ

Tho Rise of the Primarch has peaked my interest and started more work on them

They have a rhino (is that 2 points?) And Immolator (1 point). That reminds me where do I find the faq for that? I probably need to show it around at my club when I go to play.

>playing night lords
>ADB books fuck yeah
>first talon, raptor wing and terminator annihilation force
>all of this alpha strike feels good man
> beat the necron player, Reeeees audibly, throws and breaks some of his models and take about how inconceivable being tabled by chaos is for his power army
>taubro is more chill, I'm able to wheather his firestorms (stealth and +1 cover command bonus shit yeah) and curb stomp his suits
>close game all my deepstrikes come in a turn late
>guardbro, master of the meta
>leman Russ overload, some deathwatch loads of infantry
>only lost like one game
>I've conquered the aliens
>I've stepped on the robots
>but the guard hold the line
Fuck I love guard but watching all my night lords getting ploughed by some hive world fucks with metal boxes really hurts my soul
Hold me /40kg/

I lost this game the first leman Russ pulls forwards and the demolisher takes one shot and wipes the terminators and the red solo cup holds a dreadnought

Rhinos have 2, yes.

So just rush forward, pop smoke. Next turn forward again 6", shoot meltas or heavy flamers out of your vehicles. Drive forward, repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

SoB is actually in a good place to make good use of the hullpoint rules. Rhinos are dirt cheap and they have to be glanced/penned 3 times before they go down. Force the other guy to chew through huillpoints while you melt him, then kill your squad once they jump out of the wreck.

>deep strike, pile in
>get shot by pie plate
What does he mean by that.

Yes they have.

Rhinos has 2 on the top, Immolator has 1 on the top and Repressor Master Race has 3 on each side and 2 on the top.

The terminators ya doofus

Still no Fabius Bile Primogenitor audiobook?

It hurts me inside whenever I see guard infantry in tiny, easily-digested 10 man units.

They started off in blobs of like 30
I shot them a lot

So I was thinking I'd toss my hat in the ring for this year's Armies on Parade, but I have a question. Can you use third-party conversion bitz such as Kromlech, MaxMini and EvilCraft?

Did you bother looking up the AoP's FAQ?

I-is his syringe supposed to be his boltgun, or am I missing something here?

Xyclos needler.

My skitarii Infiltraitors hold a narrow pass against a tide of Ork Boyz in a gazhkull deathstar formation. I severely underestimated how fast the Gazhkull formation was, and lost quite a few units to power claws.

Well since this is "HE". Aeldari are total gay.

I'm pretty sure that isn't either a "he" or a "she".
More like an "it"

Why does it have blue cheese surrounding it?

It's letting you know from a glance what you're getting.

to show all nearby slaaneshi daemons "I am your happy meal"

>The skitarii cunningly lure the orks into close combat to prove the superiority of human tech

You were calling?
Brother Adamant still serves with the Ultramarines. The Orks have lost their lives a long time ago.

is he in a dreadnaught, now?

No, he is facing Orks. They probably killed them self.

As a Nid player, i have a question. I was wondering if i have one gaunt in ruins, does the entire squad get the cover save?

I recognize that chaos scum.
Just go red and wash. Some people use hot glue to get super creative.

I think the rule is 50 percent

>hot glue

I blame the internet for that one.

Of the squad, that is

>About 30 Orks against a named Space Marine
Do you honestly think they'd do more than scratch a bit of his armors paint off?

Hrm, that's still really odd. I was using it in a pretty cheesy manner with venomthropes for 2+ cover essentially out in the open

Nope, that Gaunt gets the cover save and so you need to take saves one at a time since it'll go away when he fails one.

E.G. Squad causes 8 AP- wounds against Gants, two in open, then two in cover, then two in open again. Roll 2 6+s, if you pass both roll 2 more, of one failed roll 1 more until fail. Then roll 2 covers, same deal, then back to armour. You roll saves in batches of however many you can fail before you get to allocating wounds onto a model with a different save.

How hard is it to recast your own GW minis? Just talking about things like arms and weapons(SM)

Is there a guide somewhere I can view for this sort of stuff?

Asking for a friend