What system would work with the John Wick type of gunplay?
Ops and Tactics?
Savage Worlds?
Delta Green?
John Wick
Other urls found in this thread:
Feng Shui 2. It was pretty much made for action movies.
Not GURPS. Unless you are mentally damaged. Then I'm sorry for you.
This MAID?
>Welcome everyone. It’s a pleasure to meet you! My name is
Hizumi Kokorono, and I work as Kamiya-sama’s maid. Sorry
to just throw out a greeting like that. I’m kind of nervous…
I'll check it out. Thanks.
Is the gunplay flow decent?
Once you're used to the system, it runs great. Very fast and fun. Gunplay is pretty smooth, with enough unique gun abilities to give you lots of options.
>tfw you can't go 5 minutes in MAID without it turning into this
Where this picture is from?
Heavy Object.
Don't let the picture mislead you; only 1 episode is actually about operator meidos. The rest of the series is about giant robo balls with cannons.
>Heavy Object
Thanks. I was hoping for Operator Maids the Anime, but oh well. Back to reading.
This probably will do more harm than good, but someone broke down a scene from John Wick in GURPS terms. I love the level of detail you can get with GURPS, but I know it's not for everyone.
Look Kids. This is a mentally retarded GURPSer. Kill on sight.
And then people ask "what's wrong with Gurps, it can do everything".
One paragraph, before a single shot is being fired, there is already references to 10 different pages, across three books.
And then when it gets to actually doing stuff, shit goes off the fucking wall. Also, fucking no one ever is going to pull that "grap enemy with off-hand (-4) and then shoot it with gun on the other hand." -bullshit. When absolutely everything has rules and numbers for it, there is no reason to keep things simple and do the one thing you have made your character to do well.
No. Absolutely not. GURPS is far too crunch-heavy for that sort of thing.
Yeah that's terrible and unfun. I'd much rather just repeat "I attack" and roll a d20 a dozen times.
GURPS is for retards, please KYS.
Is that sarcasm, or are you being serious?
Feng Shui seconded. It's an awesome action gunplay wuxia magic fireworks system.
You know, you can have a system, where you say "I grab his collar with one hand and put three bullets in his torso" and then mechanically handle it with simple attack roll.
You can go even father and do one roll, for which GM says "ok, that's good, you kill three of the mooks, describe to me how to do it" and then you get to tell about cool flips and shit how you move from one mook to another.
That kind of system like in GURPS is just the thing that encourages saying just "I shoot him" dozen times, as if you say anything else, you get penalties, or have to do extra rolls.
Dude is a GURPser, of course is serious. His brain is rotten to the core.
>There are people who unironically enjoy this system
I thought people were exaggerating how crunch-heavy GURPS was, but Jesus Christ on fucking rollerskates, that's ridiculous.
Seriously, D&D 3.5 has less crunch than that.
Yeah it looks more complicated than it is because he put the character creation inside the talk about each round.
Well of course he did; the character creation stuff is part of the mechanics required to play the game and the things that are checked whenever you act.
You guys are overreacting.
The example posted is deliberately using all the most detailed and autistic rules expansions GURPS has to offer (Technical Grappling, Technical Shooting, Martial Arts, etc.) and at the same time, no less, as a thought exercise.
GURPS can run very easy and smooth, with "I grab him and plug him three times in the chest" accomplished with a straightforward attack roll or two.
It's a toolkit, and you build up or chop down to taste. On the lighter end it runs more narrative, "roll and shout" styles very easily; on the heavy end, you have the linked example for /k/ autists playing Operators Operating Operationally.
I'm not saying you have to like it as a system, you're free to hate it, but at least try to understand you're reading an extremely in-depth thought exercise and exploration of the most crunch layered on even more crunch that GURPS has to offer. By default, it's really not a very complex game.
tl;dr You're overreacting.
But that's true of every game.
Still convinced me I don't ever want to ever touch the system. I play TTRPGs to give my brain a rest, not do my taxes.
Yeah, and some games don't have all these things to track and note on a round to round basis.
>Hrothgar swings at the goblin. He rolls d20+5(BAB)+1(Masterwork Weapon)+2(Chosen Enemy)-2(Low Light)+3(STR Bonus). He probably has Weapon Specialization as well for a further +1, brining his total bonus to +10.
Dude's just showing his work. And that above example has absolutely 0 player input beyond the binary attack/don't attack while GURPS lets you actually make decisions in combat.
Forgot to mention he's also using the Tactical Combat rules chapter which I've never in my life touched while playing GURPS. Anyway, the list goes on.
Dude. GURPS is shit. The sooner you get it the better your life will become. Is not late to stop playing shit and have fun for once.
I'd be more inclined to believe you if this wasn't the same excuse that people use every time that someone criticizes the system.
"Oh, well, you don't *have* to use all the rules!" begs the question of why you don't just use a system that's lighter on rules to begin with if you're probably going to chop out a good chunk of the rules anyway.
When people keep using the same memes--I mean "critiques," no shit people are going to give the same responses.
>Why do you keep eating nothing but pizza?
>I keep telling you I eat other things. Look, I'm eating a sandwich right now!
>LOL that's what you ALWAYS say, get a new line already you pizza-obsessed faggot.
GURPS is fun. The sooner you try it the better your life will become. It's not too late to stop playing shit and have fun for once.
Just kidding, play whatever you want and feel free to hate GURPS, as long as you're having fun.
Well yeah, that is a common point made by those who use the system, because that's how it's designed to be used. Practically everything is explicitly optional, and it's designed to be modular so you can plug in what you want to use for a given game and ignore the rest. It's a universal system designed to fit many niches, depending on what you selectively choose to allow in a particulsr campaign.
That's not an excuse, it's the entire purpose of this kind of toolkit system.
>why not use a game lighter on rules in the first place
Because the rules are already there and work cohesively, you just don't add anything. It's a generic system, the benefit being that you can use it for lots of different game styles and settings without having to change rulessets wholesale. So you don't have to pick up a new game if you don't want to, or you can mix and match weird stuff without having to tweak or houserule another game to hell and back.
To be clear, I'm not saying GURPS is a perfect game or that it's some kind of second coming of christ, or that everyone should play or like it. It's absolutely not to everyone's tastes. I do believe, however, saying that the posts in this thread are either misguided or disingenuous as far as the nature and complexity of the system itself.
I feel sorry for you. Really. Have you ever tried looking for help?
>lol, le maymay criticism
10/10 counterargument, you sure showed me.
>That kind of system like in GURPS is just the thing that encourages saying just "I shoot him" dozen times
But that is not even slightly true, why would you pretend it is? You would have to be an idiot to play GURPS like that because it features actual choices.
Shooting a guy in the face if he has body armour or shooting his leg to stop him escaping is useful but more difficult so obviously there will be a penalty. Whether its from a gamist, narrativist or simulationist point of view these things should be harder to do but its still worth trying depending on the situation.
Same for melee combat. 'I roll to attack' every round is shit. A system where two swordsmen can feint, aim at weakly armoured parts, grapple, disarm and all the rest is much more satisfying.
I've played your shit for 10 Year. And guess what. GURPS is shit. Now I'm having fun. Is not too late to stop harming yourself.
You still end up with right answer, that's ether obvious, or behind guesswork.
That just changes it from "I shoot him" to "I shoot him in the unarmored/less armored bits."
Okay, pretending I believe you, I'm going to stop replying to your posts anyway since you aren't really positing anything meaningful to discuss.
But that may add NUMBERS user! I might have to even add AND subtract at the same time! I shouldn't have to do advanced calculus like that!
99% of the criticisms of this game are the same nonsense repeated over and over again no matter how often its explained.
Just look at how many people criticise a modular system for... being modular and having optional rules.
Spoke like a true Kromm-Drone. Fnord Faggot.
Yes, what is your point?
Having to choose your targets properly or adjust your tactics depending on the situation is more interesting than just rolling to hit every round.
Fudge do everything GURPS do but better.
>not adding rules is the same as chopping out rules
It must be tough being a moron.
I've played your favorite system for three decades. And it gargles hot monkey cum.
The veracity and confirmability of my claim is the exact same as yours.
Well, FUDGE was basically inspired by GURPS and designed to be a lighter, more easily-scaled alternative, so in some respects you're right. However, FUDGE has its own issues.
Dunno, you tell me. You have more experience in that regard, after all.
OP here.
Came back to see what other people suggested and found a piling thread full of shit.
Some cocksuckers just can't accept other people choices.
Any other system would be retarded.
Please stop baitposting, this thread is already far gone enough.
Not my fault you're incapable of literacy.
It must suck for the GURPS devs. They have a system with a solid and simple core mechanic that can do many genres well and is perfect for things with lots of close combat or gunplay.
Yet hordes of trolls do nothing but spread bullshit about it for some reason.
As a system it's just an easy target, and the GURPSfag residency on this board is easily riled so it's frequently used as a topic for easy baitposting. The unfortunate side effect is that people interpret baitposting as informed opinion, and formulate their perception of that game based on it.
Same goes for lots of other games here, too, GURPS is just one of the more prominent examples.
"Someone else made a similar argument, therefore everything you say is wrong" isn't a Get Out of Counterargument Free card. You don't get to just reply "lel, memes" and call it a win.
More like "you're repeating the same shit as a bunch of other faggots; you're wrong in the same way they were and this has all been discussed to death."
Nice non-argument.
lel, memes. I win.
If you're looking for an "actual" response to the post (which still hasn't been addressed), there's one here:Otherwise, both of you please shut the fuck up.
Argument's here you colossal cock muncher: If you want to ignore it and cry "Wahhhh that's the same stuff you always say" and revel in memery, fine, be a fuckboi, but the argument is presented.
Moooommm! user called me a cockmuncher!
L5R and 7th Sea are the best John Wick games.
How's the combat?
No lol
You posted a link to a blog about GURPS.
You probably should purify the genepool.
I'm the person you quoted, and I did not post the link in question. Furthermore, even if I had, so what? Is people talking about or referencing a game you don't like truly that offensive to you?
I heard that Feng Shui 2 is worse than the first edition, is that true?
I downloaded both some time ago but can't which one to use.
I imagine this one would work pretty well for lethality, though it's a bit... "dated" in terminology and phrases.
Why do you play something you don't enjoy for 10 or 30 years exactly? Are you the mentally damaged people you complained about earlier?
Probably GURPS with Gun-Fu. Savage Worlds is OK but it doesn't have the crazy shit that you want.
>Savage Worlds is OK but it doesn't have the crazy shit that you want
Can't you one-shot mooks in that system?
Feng Shui 2.
You can, and it's pretty solid for a quick pick up game. Only thing which can be a positive/negative is you might want to homebrew a bunch of stuff for it so that the game will fit what you're after.
Currently I'm on a R6:Siege kick and I'm making up stuff for a tacticool game.
The best system would be a system where you can perform multiple actions per turn. I'd see a mix of Cyberpunk 2020 and Shadowrun. In the first editions you could do 1 action per 5 or 10 point of initiative (don't know if it's still the case). In Cyberpunk 2020 solos get a bonus to initiative.
No. Don't use this one. Use Cyberpunk 2020's FNFF. It's much lighter.
Shadowrun could probably do it pretty well
>Ops and Tactics
If you wait like a week I'll be releasing an update that removes the Archetypes in favor of a more fluid system.
>"Classless", but still got levels.
Also Ops and tactics was basically made for stuff like John Wick.
Ops and Tactics is based on d20, which pretty much means that it's based on shit. No matter how you cook shit, it will always taste bad.
>Ops and Tactics is based on d20, which pretty much means that it's based on shit.
So what's objectively wrong with D20?
>nb4 I get memeblasted and no actual answers.
O&T seems a little too tacticool for a game about a death champion in a bulletproof suit.
Ah, good that this thread is around. Can I use this chance to ask what would be an alright system that with a minimum of homebrewing could work the combat on both the over the top and the "plausible, but cinematic" levels? Bonus points for decently varied weapons (with different factors such as shots fired for firearms and reach for melee ones) and a magic system.
I'm already starting to think I should probably homebrew it all, but maybe there's already something like that out there.
If your autism is sufficiently high there's GURPS with the "Action series" that has cinematic but grounded firefights and "Gun Fu" that is focused on over the top fighting, I'm not really a fan of the GURPS magic though you could take a look and decide for yourself.
That makes sense really. He realized his brain damage made him keep playing a game he hated for 10 years so he reasoned that other people playing it must be brain damaged as well. It's faulty logic but what do you expect from someone with btain damage?
My autism might be sufficiently high, but sure as hell my players won't put up with GURPS.
Guess I'll just have to piece together something from some of my favourite mechanics and hope it won't run like a busted up Citroen 2CV
Not the guy you're talking to, but just wanted to mention that GURPS is really easy to play from a player perspective. Everything basically boils down to "what are you doing? Ok, here's 3d6 just roll under skill/attribute you're using"; very little overhead at all on the player side. (as an aside, it's also really easy to run as a GM once you're actually playing, initial campaign set-up is just kind of a bitch)
That said, if your meaning is that your players would be unwilling to deal with the in-depth character creation or having character sheets with lots of "stuff" on them or having mechanical differences between gear/weapons/armor that most games don't even remotely care about, then yeah GURPS would probably be an awful fit for you/them.
As far as other games which might work better for your criteria, Savage Worlds (while I don't like it personally) would seem to fit pretty well; they have all kinds of supplements for different stuff that I believe is pretty plug-in-able.
Fate Core (or one of its iterations) would be good for you, if you don't mind a very "narrative" slant and using metacurrency frequently (this game literally could not care less whether you're hitting someone with your fist, shooting him, or throwing a fireball; everything is handled narratively).
FUDGE is kind of like GURPS in that it's a generic toolkit, but it's MUCH 'lighter'. It's what Fate was based on initially, but it's not a game built around 'the narrative' stuff like Fate is. It's more sim-ish, and was originally inspired by GURPS but purpose-built to be much lighter, and easily scaled.
Now, all of the above require a bit of 'tweaking' to get it to do exactly what you want, but it's not really 'homebrewing' in the sense that you have to make stuff up or change things in the book; more like they're all designed to be flexible, with some pre-built design switches, that you use to customize the game for your purposes.
>That said, if your meaning is that your players would be unwilling to deal with the in-depth character creation
>having character sheets with lots of "stuff" on them or having mechanical differences between gear/weapons/armor
Loadouts! Unless you really don't want to deal with that shit at all. There's a lot of simplified rules available, but there's still some thing you must use unless you really want to break the game.
Both of those are true, and there are certainly 'simplified' versions of pretty much everything in GURPS. (I personally would also consider Wildcard skills, 'narrative gear' [maybe the Schrodinger's backpack thing, simplified Action! gear/ammo/etc. rules, or just not even worrying about it at all], and some other stuff, in going for a simpler character sheet [like, note-card character style])
But yeah, there are certainly some core facets of GURPS that you probably don't want to chuck. Like damage types.
If players want to be able to just say "I hit him with my sword!" or whatever and not have to worry about/decide whether they're stabbing or swinging, what kind of armor the guy is wearing, whether or not the animated skeleton will actually give half a fuck about being stabbed through the ribs by a rapier, etc. then playing a different game is probably easiest.
Thanks for all these suggestions. I'll definately give FUDGE a look, judging from the description it might just be what I'm looking for.
You're welcome, good luck and happy gaming!
>you're tasked with running Continental
If you listen carefully, you can hear the rare autistic neckbeard in its natural environment: filth and self-loathing.
This happens like... couple times a week every time a new movie is out. I'd expect full well to see couple more of
> running Logan in X-men homebrew
before the week ends
At least we didn't get anything for 50 Shades. Yet.
Drives me up the wall. You know it's the ones who never play, too, because the ones who are playing don't run around like a fucking dog chasing a squirrel.