Life from the Loam edition
>does jund death's shadow have longevity in the format?
>biggest disappointment mythic you think will be in mm2017 (comet storm etc)
Life from the Loam edition
>does jund death's shadow have longevity in the format?
>biggest disappointment mythic you think will be in mm2017 (comet storm etc)
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man, I've been trying to do noncreature loam for a while. It feels like it has so many good tools
>zombie infestation
>ravens crime
>flame jab has a lot of targets
>collective brutality
etc, but it just doesn't feel fast enough. ghost quarter loam is only sometimes good because you spend multiple turns wasting your valuable land drops (likely early game when they matter) keeping your opponent mostly on tempo.
Tec edge is just too slow because you're still getting karned on 3 or TKS on 2.
It's so close to being a really good deck but it's just missing something and I think it's wasteland
cycling lands would be nice though too
Death's Shadow. I only need Traverse now
The Tron fad that's been going on locally
>>does jund death's shadow have longevity in the format?
I've been play testing with the Traverses proxied, and I have no clue how you're supposed to win consistently
>>biggest disappointment mythic you think will be in mm2017 (comet storm etc)
Probably some shitty walker like Tibalt
Is Esper a bad meme in modern?
I just want to play my favorite color combo
I was playing Pox at my store's legacy night when someone said the deck does well in Modern, but I don't see any Pox build listed in the metagame on mtggoldfish. Is there actually a deck there I could modify my Legacy list into, or did the guy just not know what he was talking about?
>did the guy just not know what he was talking about?
He's talking about 8-rack in Modern. That's the pox deck.
Ah, I see it runs smallpox and Lilianas. I guess that's what he was probably thinking about.
Ready to stock up on domri rades ;)
I mean obviously it can't play pox. Same concept.
I really wish there was a deck for domri. He's not entirely terrible
Legacy Pox doesn't even fucking play more than a copy Pox
Grixis delver, the deck is fun as heck but all the eldrazi decks are rough matchups
Mono blue delver, all I want in life is to ninja back a spellstutter sprite
> death's shadow
I haven't watched the gp coverage yet but death's shadow is a powerful card, and having real threats to back it up instead of steppe lynxes seems strong
> trash mythic
Nicol bolas, planeswalker
I've already seen people at my locals defending Domri having a mythic slot
Sometimes zoo plays like 1. I think it was more common when zoo was good cause he seems good in the mirror
Right, the biggest issue I'm seeing is that you don't have a recurrable 2/2 from the graveyard for free in Modern which is sort of the lifeblood of the deck in Legacy. Multiple racks feel like they clog up the deck's design space, and force you to go more into discard and less into board control. I can see the similarities, I'm just not entirely sure how well the deck would perform. I could be totally wrong though, is 8-Rack a viable, solid list? Or is it undergoing brewing at the moment?
This is what I'm looking at:
snek deks
>does jund death's shadow have longevity in the format?
Probably. Definitely at GPT/FNM level.
>biggest disappointment mythic you think will be in mm2017 (comet storm etc)
Domri Rade
is this legacy or troll?
>1 flooded strand
why? I'd rather just include the 4th hallowed fountain at this point
8 rack has been a well established list for a long time that preys on certain deck types.
It can actually be powerful if the meta is right for it. Now is not that meta.
Decks that dump their hand wide might get its racks live faster but by then the clock is too fast to survive.
8rack relies on the opponent topdecking something not good enough every turn. It has a good matchup vs combo aggro like infect because of proactive discard like IoK but it loses to zoo because of so much redundancy.
Basically the idea is get them hellbent and watch their topdecks not get them as much reach as you get with 5-6 damage per turn. Solid strategy but Affinity doesn't care about it because it kills you with those cards you were going to make them discard before you had the chance.
What's the recurrable 2/2?
Got a list?
I don't play legacy, sorry.
Yo, I have made some changes to my board. 2 Fulminator Mage, 2 Ceremonious Rejection. Fulminator, obviously, comes in against a ton o decks including Eldrazi. Ceremonious Rejection people harp on for being to narrow, but considering Tron and Eldrazi are the deck's two worst matchup, and consideribg how good it is against those decks, it feels worth. I was skeptical until the first time I countered a tirn 2 TKS for 1 mana.
>Tarns finally arrived in the mail
Oh, it feels good.
How much did you buy them for? Are they foil? Expeditions?
from the chinaman?
I'm a college student, so foil and expedition are not in my budget. I spent a paycheck getting a playset, lightly played, for 68 a pop. I'm still against the chinamen, but we will see how that changes when I get around to finishing off my Legacy deck.
Copy Cat Jeskai in modern, and some eternal command. I'm in a tempo mood.
Thinking of making a build the hardened scales/snek affinity builds people have been brewing with
Tron, no matter what I'm playing. EldraziTron dropping chalice leaving me with no way to deal with their threats most recently.
>biggest disappointment mythic you think will be in mm2017 (comet storm etc)
Having Cavern of Souls at mythic. Domri being on the box is disappointing already.
It's an OK meme
Draw-go has put up some results with Fatal Push
If your meta is full of midrange decks then esper is great because they literally cannot beat Elspeth. It got better vs aggro with push but it's not spectacular
would you say land-go is the best variant?
Not a problem. I don't have my list on me right now, but the creature I'm talking about is Nether Spirit.
8rack is my main modern deck right now. The deck doesn't perform well without the bridges on the mainboard, but then you have a good matchup on basically all creature decks except affinity. I've had good results against control as well.
That list you're looking at is missing funeral charm, which has proven to be the mvp of my deck.
Essentially, it's as viable as any deck that just folds to combo can be.
lol how does 8rack fold to combo?
Do you play just one Nether Spirit?
Is pox UB? How do you get to the one Nether Spirit?
What's pox's win con? Is it the rack?
>be me
>play jund
>win die roll
>T1 inquisition
>it's some kind of storm, he has grapeshot in hand, take mox opal
>he plays urborg and passes
>T2 thoughtseize, take grapeshot, raging ravine pass
>play scooze
>wait until GG mana up, eat grapeshot
>GG mana was GG
How is Mono U Tron? I'm sick of Gx Tron
play eldraziTron or different deck altogether
the narset version is your best bet
how are you holding up fellow grixis delver bro. I feel like our deck won't be tier 2 much longer. Really disappointed with the recent GP results
It's win condition is a single Nether Spirit, or Mishra's Factories. Some run an additional win conditions of Cursed Scroll, Bitterblossom, or some artifact that turns into a creature like Chimeric Idol or Haunted Plate Mail, as those will dodge the various Smallpox, Pox, Toxic Deluge, and Innocent Bloods you run to keep the board clear.
Do you know what you do user? You shame the fuck out of them. You tell them that they're willingly being blind to the anti-consumer bullshit Wizards shoves down our throats every time they print Masters product and ignores every single person wanting to play this game but doesn't because they're not fucking stupid enough to pay a thousand dollars for a deck. You fucking take them to task for defending year after year of new policies that only fuck over stores who struggle to host events as is with all the useless politicking players bitch about concerning prices.
And if they don't change their mind and the rest of the store villianizes you you fucking LEAVE and never come back because you've done your job, you tried to treat the cancer but it's beyond your ability. The community is beyond redemption and doesn't deserve you. Support your store but don't give another goddamn dime to Wizards.
When people say fun is a zero sum game, this is what they mean
There is no reason a Modern Master mythic should be worth LESS than the pack price.
When you pull a mythic you should feel like you've won the lottery, not like you just wasted $10.
I needed a reprint of him for my EDH deck, so personally I'm glad they use modern masters for more than just modern. You guys should feel good about your product helping other formats
He's not even expensive. Fuck off
Anyone tested this anywhere yet? Seems pretty good and I might replace Nacatls in Burn. Or brew up some RUG/BUG "Threshold Lite" kind of tempo deck.
That is some pathetic bait and trolling Jesus Christ. I do hope you're getting paid to type that because it's just terrible how you can be like that.
I am currently working on a for fun budget spirit modern deck. I haven't played magic in a long time and would like to hear any ideas you guys might have.
In the mainboard are things I know I want in there numbers are not set. Side are just some ideas. I kind of like the idea of using the Kirin to be a controlled engineered explosive threat constantly and being able to use selfless spirit to control it's impact on me.
>you're a blue player now
Are those main deck?
Death touch is a trap. It's never as good as you think. Also gnarled would just be better
Throw in 2 mana Anafenza and a few Ojutai's command
I don't really care about deathtouch. I see it as a 2/3 for G that makes me take less life than Nacatl.
I think I'll play around with it. Not like it's going to hurt me.
Yeah. It's a copy cat deck, you can flicker the seas with cat to draw an extra card. I've also tried wall of omens (this actually blocks very few things more than once in modern) and augury owl (makes comboing super consistent, but it's a 2 mana 1/1).
Here I am about to snap for my 3rd remand when my opponent tries to use his only white mana.
How are you losing less life? It still needs a fetch. Are you just getting a forest? Just seems bad my dude
I really like the jeskai saheeli lists I've been seeing, personally I'm against maindeck Spreading Seas but in this meta it isnt half bad at all and better positioned than Wall. I want to see some other flickerbased tech, I know in Standard that Oath of Chandra was fairly spicy.
Wall can also be Saheeli minused in a pinch too which could be relevant, but powerful ETB enchantments + kitty is always a slamdunk.
Nacatl requires 4- 6 life in Burn (Either Grounds+Foundry, Fetch+any shock in hand, 2 fetches) to be a 3/3. And in games where I don't see a W spell at all, it's pretty bad. Narnam only needs a fetch, which means a loss of 3 life (unless I have another source of G, then it's one or none depending on what happened that turn).
They both die to bolt, they're both aggressive early creatures, the only real differences between the two is Narnam has 1 less power (which doesn't make or break games) and requires less life loss.
I'm not saying either of them are super good (they're both pretty bad topdecks), but in my opinion, they're pretty comparable.
>3 power over 2 doesn't make or break games
burn would be awful if it had shock and not bolt. consider that for a second. 2 damage vs 3 compounded over several hits does indeed make or break games.
>I'm not saying either of them are super good
nacatl was banned
2 power versus 3 power on a creature makes little difference in burn. Hell, burn was fine before Nacatl unban.
And yet, now that its not, only one deck uses it. And even those players have started moving away from Nacatl.
Decks are moving away from nacatl, so you think a worse nacatl is the answer?
I'd maindeck 3 Saint Trafts
Kira, Great Glass-Spinner
Kami of the Cresent Moon goes well with Rattlechains/Vial
Aether Vial gets the additional bonus of letting you board a creature without triggering Kirin
>for fun
Godhead of Awe for Drogskol/Anafenza synergy
No, all I said is I'm going to play around with it. I'm going to try it out and see what happens. It will probably end up being cut, but it might turn out okay. I won't know unless I try it out.
Geeze, it's like you fucks are so focused on existing deck lists that you forget that we can try out new or different things just to see what happens.
It has nothing to do with not trying things. It's just you're so off the mark on what burn wants and what makes a card good or bad
Now that Probe is banned, are there any tempo decks in Modern that aren't memes?
>mfw I paid $15 for what is likely a fake creeping tar pit
god damn ti
Interesting I didn't think of the potential vial shenanigans. Thanks.
What the fuck am I reading. 2 power creature with no haste would be complete garbage in burn.
Should I sell my modern staples and convert it to legacy dual lands? Keeping my fetches of course.
death and taxes?
Yeah, but Nacatl is somehow so much better?
Yes. Get out and never look back. You'll feel so much better.
Would you think of it wise of me to play visions with mana leaks? Or just one or the other, or neither?
50% better to be exact
RUG delver but you'll probably say it's a meme
I would probably run Leaks if I felt like the Quellers/Wanderers weren't cutting it.
Visions never hurts, but it's not like your deck has a big need to cantrip. Would probably run a playset if you're not going the Vial route, if only to fill out your 1drops.
Do people play legacy in your area? That could be a big determining factor. I personally would rather have a modern deck to play with people than a legacy deck to masturbate over
Is there any reasonable reason to play green other than tarmogoyf and maybe mandrils in rug delver?
>Yeah, but Nacatl is somehow so much better?
Yes? Playing 2 power creature without haste would be like playing monastery swiftspear and hitting wihtout prowess for 2 turns. Goblin guide gives 4 damage on 2 turns with 1 mana invested, and so should do monastery swiftspear in ideal sequence. Nacatl gives 3 damage on 2 turn for 1 mana investment, given it will ever get to hit, which is harder than with haste creature.
So like this guy said >50% better to be exact
I don't really like nacatl either, but I see it being okay in some metas. It would force me to play less white mana sources, which would end up playing less lightning helix in red heavy meta which I'm in. Not to mention it would hurt the sideboard plan with kor firewalkers, path to exile, deflecting palm and what not.
Simic Charm :^)
Traverse the ulvenwald coupled with huge goyfs and mandrils keeps the threat count high and early game it can be used to get land. It also opens up a few of the sb options too which is nice.
Simic charm
Traverse the ulvenwald
Ancient grudge and friends
Huntmaster of the Fells
RUG can play mother fucking blood moon
You act like tarmogoyf and a 4/4 trampler isn't a good reason.
>is there any reason to play green for [super efficient threats] in [tempo deck]
Is it that much better than Legendary tarmogoyf and 5/5 except without any good spells?
bant spirits
Well you don't have to play shit cantrips and you can have 4x goyf because he doesn't require a full graveyard
I mean thought scour really isn't that bad in a deck that runs snapcaster k command and delve cards, it's just a cycle. I take it you don't understand the meaning of synergy.
Tasigur is not tarmogoyf. Trample is possibly the best keyword next to flying
>muh terminate
You're the one who doesn't get it. Tasigur is not a goyf and rug plays thought scour as well
You're right, tasigur eats tarmogoyfs most of the time after you delve away your shit and he grinds, he also doesn't die to popping a relic of progenitus.
I honestly wouldn't know what rug plays cause I've never seen it on mtgtop8 or really anywhere desu. Probably cause it's shit.
Are all grixis players salty grumpy players?
said the grixis delver player
>Two autistic similar posts conveniently a minute apart
Making me think
Wouldn't be so high and mighty. How's grixis bugman doing lmao
I can make em 40s apart though
Not like grixis delver is doing any better given it probably has 100 times more players playing it in tournaments. I honestly think delver is pretty bad card in modern.
Existant, unlike Rug
Oh it absolutely is. That's why grixis control is just straight up better when literally the whole difference is just trade 4 delvers for 4 ancestral and call it a deal.
Why you so butthurt? Some people like rug.
You can't come here saying shit like tasigur is better than goyf and then get all pissy
At what, your LGS? Esper was the only delver to top 32 either Vancouver or Brisbane
No, the claim was that Goyf is not better than Tasigur and all the decent spells black has in a fucking delver deck.
MM17 spoilers when