So I just found this game at walmart. seems like generic fantasy stuff but the art is pretty good, anyone ever play this game?
So I just found this game at walmart. seems like generic fantasy stuff but the art is pretty good...
>seems like generic fantasy stuff
No motherfucking shit?
>At Walmart
...Damn, they weren't exaggerating when they said 5e's caused D&D popularity to skyrocket.
It's a bit obscure. You're going to have a hard time finding anyone who's actually played it, let alone has seen a copy of it.
At my game store, one guy said he knew a guy who had played it, but we just laughed it off as another one of his tall tales.
This. For starting I would recommend some better known systems, like BESM or Nobilis.
Within the last year, I'd definitely say Stranger Things at least peaked more interest.
>Playing Paper and Pencil games
What a pleb. I hope you're not serious, cuz MUDS are superior by far. I don't even need to leave my house!
You should try Myfarog, it'll be much easier to find a group to play than that one.
Anima BF too, is a little simple but for someone who just has started is one of the bests.
Nah man, Everyone in my area plays GURPS. It's a lot more straightforward.
Never heard of it, but a cursory google search suggests it's shit. You're better off with something tried and true like From Another Time, Another Land.
Dungeons and dragons? never heard of it
This. Literally saw some fucking youtube comment saying "I'm here because of Stranger Things"
I don't get it, shouldn't the cover have a dragon on it or something?
Really made me think.
Now that I'm looking, none of the 3 main covers have dragons on them
Maybe that is a dragon in its setting. I hate settings that use the wrong word for a thing just to stand out. "Our dwarves are called elves" and all that. Although in this case, it would be "Our giants are called dragons."
Oh. You have to play it in the walmart. If you take it out of the store the Dungeon Manager gives checkout kobolds advantage.
Dammit now this is bothering me.
So fucking stupid. The game designer should kill themselves for this special snowflake bullshit.
I'm only guessing it's one designer because I can't imagine how an entire team would make this garbage.
Yep. Looks like Dungeons and Dragons has finally cemented its place as a containment RPG.
It's not like this wasn't already a thing. Ever since third edition came out the trend was already starting. Fourth edition came with the popularity surge of The Big Bang Theory which resulted in a spike in sales, which was not enough to save 4e's badly-written mechanics.
Fifth edition was specifically watered down to be palatable both to grognards (who do not rely on the active D&D community nor do they need a new ruleset, thus this pandering was stupid) and to normies, who flocked to the game in great masses thanks to the game's appearance on two terrible TV shows (Stranger Things and Big Bang Theory). Also, the prevalence of Critical Role podcast created quite a lot of love for D&D, which found itself inundated by waves of new players. Wizards of the Coast saw sales skyrocketing, giving them the false message that dumbing down the game represented an improvement in game design (though they did streamline many of the mechanics, which *was* a good thing). As a result, Wizards is very happy with this diluting of the Dungeons and Dragons fanbase. Veeky Forums has also deluded itself into thinking this influx of players is a good thing. This lack of foresight is to be expected.
D&D is now the containment RPG. It keeps the dumb-ass Skyrim addicts and the brain-dead hipster roasties who can't even figure out which die to roll, out of the good RPGs. Which is sad, because D&D, despite being shit in many small ways, was overall a very fun and enjoyable roleplaying game. It was structured that way. However, the fanbase it is now attracting is making it intolerable, and the way said fanbase is guiding the mechanics is a direction that would make a game like Dungeon World seem sophisticated.
So, in short, D&D is dead, but thank god for its existence.
>another fantasy heartbreaker
Literally who gives a fuck?
The Starter Set has a dragon on it, at least.
Why not From Another Time Another Land?It seems more appropriate for a beginner.
Found the elitist neckbeard.
It does. The giant's wearing it.
Not an argument.
>WAAAAH new people are playing! MOOOOM the NORMIES!
Not an argument. Also, the problem is not with new people playing, it's the type of new people playing.
Just play how you want, and have fun doing it. Why do we need a "containment" RPG when every player-based issue can be solved by communication and player screening?
>Big Bang Theory
While I agree the show is subpar, the edition of the game they play is 4e, not 5e.
D&D at Walmart?
And what type of people would those be?
I think this was answered above
No one plays games in tg.
Tell us more why you don't have any friends.
Is that Tulio and Miguel?
Or Miguel and Tulio?
You that user from 2011 /v/ who said not fun?
Under his watch, no fun is allowed.
>Hates 3rd-5th
>Hates Dungeon World
>Hates New people
>New people includes anyone who joined during those editions
>Streamlining mechanics is both bad and "good"
Ok I'll bite. What's your game that's not full of scary normies and why is it so much better?
Idk what you're doing here, this is the Elegant Gentlemen board. Where we discuss etiquette and fine clothing.
Pretty sure it's severe autism.
>Dungeons and dragons? never heard of it
I think it's like an off-brand Lord of the Rings board game or something.
>Fourth edition came with the popularity surge of The Big Bang Theory which resulted in a spike in sales, which was not enough to save 4e's badly-written mechanics.
Am I the only guy who genuinely wants to know what this guy plays instead? Must be amazing.
It has to be FATAL.
Is this the guy who said last year that it was better for D&D and RPGs to die rather than bring in new people?
Is this fresh pasta?
False dichotomy. RPGs are in no danger of dying, and haven't been since the 1980s. RPGs are healthier today than they ever have been, with dozens of new games being created and brought onto the market each year. None of this is a result of the normie influx polluting D&D.
Nope. I actually enjoy playing D&D. All editions, really. Even 5e isn't bad.... it just isn't good, and it's frustrating to watch Wizards make small baby steps toward competency before falling flat on its face and shitting itself again. 5e is thankfully a step in the right direction, though it comes at the cost of raping customization and returning to the overly-structured nature of 4e.
Fun is fun, but fun is not the primary goal of an RPG. Not only does fun mean different things to different people, but if your only goal is fun at the expense of everything else, then shooting up fucking heroin is the quickest and most efficient path to ecstasy. So, clearly, "fun", in all of its damnable vagueness, is an abhorrent guide for the quality of an RPG system or group experience.
Especially since these normies' idea of "fun" is anything that causes the same bouts of autistic roaring laughter as you hear in a RoosterTeeth Podcast. Fuck that noise.
My sister bought one of the handbooks. I looked through for 15 minutes and realized how unfun it would be to play.
Ex heroin addict here. Its not fun in itself. It just feels the best. There are people, circumstances, etc. to shoot up with that are fun, but this isn't always or even regularly the case. Feeling good isn't the same thing as fun. They're related but not equivalent.
what about the dilution of an entire gaming culture where we become a minority in our own community in the space of 3 to 4 years?
and we ARE still affected by this because game devs will pander to normies with their new game mechanics. So unless you're fine with homebrewing EVERYTHING for the rest of your life, you are affected by this too.
You'll say you don't need any outside support to commit to the just-world fallacy of pretending this isn't an issue and thinks are working out how they are supposed to, but let's wait until you get bored of what you are doing right now.
>Feeling good isn't the same thing as fun. They're related but not equivalent.
Exactly the point I am trying to make. The problem is, the normies invading D&D have no distinction between true enjoyment and pure hedonism, so they will continue to fuck up our games.
It's not pasta. Sometimes people type out a post longer than your four-sentence american attention span.
You are the worst. Don't even joke about that.
warm water agreement.
But It isn't, more people playing may lead to changes that I disagree with, but that's fine because "we" are not the majority of the player base anymore.
The grognards of the past felt the same way about us, and they became irrelevant in time.
More attention to our hobby ensures growth and someone to play with. Less attention results in stagnation across the board, and a decaying player-base.
I'll take changes I may not like over not being able to play at all. If I get bored, I'll call it quits.
The type of people who don't want to do anything but murderhobo, play chaotic neutral kitsune demon hunters and say "What do you mean the Nature God polymorphed me into a squirrel? I only insulted it to it's face and acted like an edgy athiest! Fuck you railroading DM!" ( I actually had the last one. Needless to say she never came back )
Do you have friends to play it with?
What exactly is your problem with us normies?
Just because we want to roleplay as normal characters rather than fetishlized, special snowflake, edgy fedora tipping assholes doesn't mean we're worse.
5e is the most casualized D&D out there, but it's actually good.
Only autists like the 3.x editions.
Good folks like 4e.
They sell it at all the Walmarts I've been to lately here in Central Texas
It's pretty fun. I'm running it for my homies right now. They're playin a gang of dwarf street thugs, callin themselves Diggas With Attitude
Nigger, Stranger Things isn't terrible, you're just a bitch who can't handle a little fun
I personally think Cadillacs and Dinosaurs is the best entry-level RPG.
Nobody's making an argument you tremendous faggot. molyneux go home
Why would anyone type out all that bullshit?
Oh it's that guy.
It is now.
I can't wait to serve this one cold in a couple weeks.
>ristorante mexico
Exactly, captcha.
Not that user, but he vaguely sounds like he came from /osrg/
>Hates 3rd-5th
• They hate, and the mentalities it breeds.
• The vast majority of them like 4e, but not all.
• Most disdain, but don't outright hate, 5e (except a few 5e players who dip in for modules to port).
>Hates Dungeon World
• Something, something, shitty AW port.
• Something, something, Torchbearer is a better dungeon delving narrative system.
• Something, something, narrative systems are bad for dungeon delving.
>Hates New people
• No really, but it ties into the next point.
>New people includes anyone who joined during those editions
• They hate most people who joined during 3e, specifically those Who Aren't Open To Trying Other Systems
>Streamlining mechanics is both bad and "good"
• OSR has simple mechanics
• OSR Does Not have streamlined mechanics
>fun is not the primary goal of an RPG
Then what is?
This autist again. Disregard this guy, he thinks RPGs are high art and that one can derive deep meaningful artistic merit from them, and that anything else is demeaning.
It's about having fun and/or escapism. For some people, fun means an extremely crunchy game where everything is quantified and exact, and you fight to turn the rules to your advantage.
For others, fun is the fact that the group barbarian just got a critical and bisected a villager he was just trying to injure or knock out, so now everyone is laughing.
For DMs, it may be about having someone experience your story like a good book. Or it may be like trying to set up a bunch of toys for them to play with in a colorful sandbox.
It's not bad that some people want pure unmitigated escapism.
It's not bad that others want fun rollicking good times with friends
It is bad that autistic weirdos like this guy try to gatekeep the hobby by saying fun isn't the objective.
Yeah it's not the ONLY metric. But it is an important yardstick.
Neatly put.
It's two of the actors from the Hobbit. Guys who played Fili and Kili, I think?
And sadly the Tulio/Miguel-ness or Miguel/Tulio-ness is just a pretty obvious edit.
But it does make me want a live-action reboot and a live action Chel. Rawr
What section have they been selling this fucker in Walmart at?!
We expect the people we play RPGs with to be able to hold a normal conversation, to be willing to bathe regularly, and we're unwilling to put up with their autistic bullshit.
In short, we're better than him, and he resents us for it.
>getting this triggered when someone laughs at something you don't find funny
You must be the life of the party huh?
>using the word normie unironically.
Beholder has OSR rights so he deserves to be on a cover
Liches are the standard BBEG for any campaign so he gets the DMG
I am surprised that PHB is a giant though.
On a related note, walked into a shop called 'Games Workshop' while walking home, thought they might have some cool videogames or something
They tried to sell me a game called "Warhammer", anyone heard of it?
>fun is not the primary goal of an RPG
>because others' idea of fun isn't the same as mine
The concept of having "fun" or "enjoying" the game with other players is the only thing that makes Fantasy Math Simulator bearable. If you don't think "having fun" is worthwhile in your games, then you probably need to find a different fucking hobby.
Sounds like a cover for Scientology recruitment. Were the products they were offering overpriced and poor quality?
That's how you can really tell.
check the snack aisles
Kek, fantasy math simulator.
Is this why he incessantly whines?