What is your favorite and least liked Legion or chapter and why?
>Serrated sons and world eaters. The sons saw the reality of the universe and although sickned they didnt choose obfuscation like Big E. World eaters are human afterall but they only respect strenght and are brotherly.
>space wolves shouldnt even be called wolves, they are dogs begging for scraps and a pat in the head by the emperor. Angron did well kicking the living shit out of Leman Russ and sending him with his tail between his legs.
Blake Ward
>Favorite Iron Warriors. They don't act like retards like the modern day Emperors Children do for instance when their arm turns into a dick, instead amputating chaos growths. Also their reason for turning traitor is more of a thing to do with betrayal, being sent into the thickest fighting but never receiving recognition and then having their planet rebel against them which I suspect was done by Alpha Legion.
>Least favorite I don't know. Dark Angels for their Primarchs lack of fervent loyalty or motive during the great crusade.
Jason Nelson
>Salamanders and Crimson Fists I'm a bit of a sap for more human characters, so Salamanders are a hit for me, and for the Crimson Fists I just love the whole idea of a desperate last stand. Kick-ass paint schemes as well. >Dark Angels Their fluff just seems to be trying to be edgy, and it's just kinda off-putting. Mostly, they've just never stood out at all to me. The robes and stuff are cool though.
Cameron Stewart
Fuck off chaosfag.
Ryder Hill
>Favorite Legion Imperial Fists. I guess I admire their purity. To me they represent the qualities of the Imperium and the Space Marines better than any other.
>Least Favorite I had to think about this one a bit. Ultramarines come to mind because of how much of a useless faggot Rowboat is, or how they're somehow the "greatest" of them all, but I think the Luna Wolves/Sons of Horus/Black Legion is going to take it for me. I actually think they're pretty neat in concept, but the reality is stupid as hell. A legitimate political grievance suddenly turns into full-blown retardation and chaos worship. They change from a sick-ass turquoise color scheme to boring black and gold. Failbaddon. They're just a bunch of jobbers at this point that serve as little more than a plot device.
Landon Gray
>Favorite Carcharodons for favorite chapter, for the fluff around them. Salamanders for a Legion
>Least favorite Alpha Legion
Jordan Rodriguez
>They change from a sick-ass turquoise color scheme to boring black and gold. Finally, a man with taste. Luna Wolves color scheme was god tier.
James Jenkins
Carcarodons/Space Sharks. Generally I like any assholish loyal Marine Chapter.
>Least liked
All the snowflakey Blood Angels spinoffs.
Jaxson Young
>>space wolves shouldnt even be called wolves, they are dogs begging for scraps This.
Hudson Miller
My melanin-enriched companion
Nathan Perez
>space wolves shouldnt even be called wolves, they are dogs begging for scraps and a pat in the head by the emperor.
Also the Serrated Sun, not Son, chapter was Word Bearer not World Eaters you ignorant avocado
Asher Bailey
Best Legion: Thousand Sons. I love everything about them, the Egyptian space wizard look, their playstyle, and especially their lore. They're one of the few chaos factions with a noble goal.
Worst: Probably Night Lords. The bat wings are just goofy to me. Possibly the World Bearers too, they're just so bland and forgettable.
Isaac Jackson
>Favorite Post-Heresy Emperor's Children.
>Least favorite Pre-Heresy Emperor's Children.
It's honestly a bit weird to me. I find them to be really obnoxious and boring before their corruption, and I'd say that their whole story leading up to the HH is one of the weakest out of any Legion, but then they get really entertaining in a dumb sort of way.
Jaxson Young
All word anti word bearer fargoths never read Betrayer or The first Heretic. Whenever this comes up in lgs, 10/10 havent read the HH novels and think are lore gurus because they own every codex.
Grayson Gomez
Whoa, slow down. What are you trying to say?
Gavin Scott
To be 100% fair, Peterarbo was kind of an enormous autistic dick. He did exactly nothing to help or change his situation until it had broken him. There is loyalty and stoicism, and then there is idiocy.
That said iron warriors and word bearers are my fave legions for similar reasons
and my least liked.. I'm gonna have to go with the good old ultrasmurfs
Mason Richardson
It pains me to see just how far the legion has fallen since the crusade/HH. No more do the word bearers fight to enlighten humanity to a truth that, for all its abhorrence cannot and should not be ignored.
>ywn see Argel Tal again
John Cox
>Favorite I really liked the Blood Ravens before they were featured extensively in the video game. Then everybody just thought I ripped off them off from that.
>Least Favorite Ultramarines. Just boring all around.
Camden Ross
Personally I see Perturabo as more sympathetic character. He represents his legion and is their paragon as are the other Primarchs and their respective legions. Along with being incredibly loyal and stoic towards the emperor, he was also a visionary who would've greatly preferred peace and diplomacy over war and genocide. I just take his character for what it's written as and view him as somewhat like Sisyphus and Altas. He was told to do a task that his father demanded of all his sons but unlike Atlas he eventually gave way.
Also he was constantly being watched by the eye of terror which is another factor when considering his character and one that could leave room for speculation.
Christopher Moore
>Favorite: Alpha Legion. I'm a sucker for plots inside plots inside plots inside HOLYSHITTOOMANYPLOTS.
Alternatively, The Luna Wolves (NOT the Black Legion or the Sons of Horus) are really interesting. I would love to see more about their era and what they were like as a chapter before Horus came along, though I know I never will.
>Least Boring but Ultramarines. They're just blandly competent and while that's nice, it's really uninteresting. Good stories come from flawed characters doing flawed things. Someone who is just good at whatever he tries to do, even though he isn't the best, isn't interesting.
Jackson Mitchell
>ywn see Argel Tal again Don't do this to me user.
Juan Ramirez
My own donut-steel OC chapter, for obvious reasons
>Least favorite
Probably Spess Woofs; literally viking wannabe twilight werewolves who somehow escape the Inquisition's and the general Imperium's stand on mutants as purge-fodder.