Shitlords like you better start bending the knee if you wanna be laid!
Stop calling them Girl Gamers Veeky Forums!
They call themselves that. I hate the term personally, it's usually just girls trying to look more desirable by associating themselves with a predominantly male interest.
While I'm at it, I hate the term gamer in general. None of my friends, male or female, who are into this shit use it because they're not fucking losers who have to validate themselves with some autistic identity.
Isn't it strange that peoole who play games call themselves gamers, while people sho read books don't call themselves Readers or those who like TV Watchers?
>"Hi, I'm a girl Reader. That's right, I'm a girl and I reads books!"
I would rather call the people that I game with my friends, or at least 'my game group.' I wouldn't call people I go to the bar with drinkers.
>while people sho read books don't call themselves Readers
They don't call themselves readers. But they'll let you know they read. Constantly.
>implying people don't do this
They may not come up with retarded words for it, but people absolutely say shit like this about themselves.
it is strange. And it's usually a symptom of having other things dreadfully wrong with their personality. If you're lucky, the problem is just that they are incredibly boring.
You wouldn't call them drinkers, you would call them *drunks.
I'm being an asshole, ignore me.
That neckbearded faggot is giving me advice on women? Nigger please.
The last time that assclown saw a vagina was when his mother shit him out.
Are you kidding me!? He is literally drowning in pussy, I mean look at that hairline! That large gut! That whispy facial hair! But I suppose shitlords like you don't really know what strong independent liberal women want
I take offense at you using shitlord as a derogatory term. The Otyughs of the Shitlord tribe are a proud and honourable people.
Ok, I'll call them hole-gamers.
Why in heaven's name would you let breeding stock sit at your table? Do you let your dog crap in your bed?
And it's flawed stock at that. Not even good for its intended purpose. stock that insists on being treated as anything but what it is needs to go and stay go.
Oh don't act smug, you know it's true.
The myth of the Gamer Girl is an artifact of adult film stars playing to the insecurities of nerds. (I like these things, SHE likes these things and is attractive. She will like me).
the reality is that subpar breeding stock, usually a 4/10 on the tappable scale at best know that they are subpar, unwanted, and that sane individuals won't dare share their genetics in the old hump n' bump.
But breeding stock is broken. It cannot think rationally.
Unlike a male that understands he is undesirable and is capable of finding other avenues to achieve contentment, the breeding stock is compelled on a genetic level to pursue a mate.
You can't teach a raccoon NOT to wash its food, you can't teach a breeder not to breed.
So the flawed stock will seek out mates, and will be rebuffed by saner individuals.Being unable to divorce itself from emotions, it turns to males that don't meet the criteria of those that forced it away; itlashes out at the seemingly subpar males that it forces itself upon.
Females that attempt to game are broken creatures. They need to go and stay go.
And then there's people like you. People that feel pity. You don't pity a dog with rabies, you put it down. you don't pity a tool out of the factory unable to fulfill its purpose. You get rid of it.
It's really hard to shitpost while giggling at the filenames
Look at any greentext thread, chuckles. Anecdotes abound about broken breeding stock ruining games.
There are a million useless things to care about. Breeding stock is not one of them. There will always be stock.
DFC and WebDM.taught me how to be a decent GM. Who cares if DFC has dumb opinions he is smart on the topics I care about and quite honestly this shit doesn't belong on.Veeky Forums, /pol/, or even fucking /r9k/
Okay, screw it. I can't go on. Gib more reaction images, thanks.
Monty Hall means the distribution of wealth to the masses, or something. Go-go reaction images.
My father was a drinker...and a fiend.
Fine, you win, but only because I feel like it
You better appreciate these
I better see at least one of these images reused in another future thread
>what strong independent liberal women want
A good hard dicking, but they are going about it all wrong.
More than any man reasonably should, I promise you.
It takes a bit to come up with interesting pics and filenames, so Im glad you appreciate them
He's about 15-20 years late with this statement.
Your dice smell like poop
Reminder that this asshole trolled multiple DnD channels on youtube to make them quit in order to gain their followers for money
dubs confirm
[citation needed]
This might be my last, getting harder to find funny images in this vid. Might poach another vid today or whenever. Hope you liked my effort
Godspeed you glorious beast. They will be cherished and reused when the world needs them most.
Oh fuck, he has a video on socially awkward gamers and its over an hour long... ok i might be back for a bit
And he has friends! Who would have thought!
ok i'm curious, who is this guy and why he has so many hilarious faces?
He is a DM youtuber who likes to talk about improving the game, he is quite energetic and loves making grand facial/arm gestures, whihc I can then shamelessly take and give (hopefully) hilarious filenames
I see, can you tell me the name of his channel? please.
I linked it in the OP, most of these images are from that one specific video, but he has a fuck tonne of them so have fun
user, you're doing good work. I'm going to bed but know that Veeky Forums downloader is grabbing every picture. If this thread is still here in the morning, will comment.
>I linked it in the OP
Fuck i must be blind, thank you user for the link and those hilarious pictures
Thanks, it's getting late here in Canada as well, but hopefully my shitposting legacy will continue for many generations
Book nerds prefer "bibliophile" and TV watchers refer to themselves as "junkies" or "buffs"
Hey, I got dubs. Yay
Can't tell if this is the youtuber shilling himself with all these retarded pics or just OP falseflagging like a faggot. Either way I will not check him out. Cheers!
Ouch, I just made this thread to have some fun, relax user
Well, apparently this thread is now unappreciated, so i guess i will say my goodbyes. Just remember it was this faggot who ruined the fun Nice dubs btw
If this thread is still up when I wake up I might post more pics
It's been real Veeky Forums
That's kind of why people hate it though? Nothing can be allowed not to be about SJW shit anymore.
Senpai do you not read books?