>the gypsy wants to read your character's future
The gypsy wants to read your character's future
It's Roma you dipshit.
I don't want to be around gypsies so I check my pockets and run away.
call the guard, the gypsies got into the town again.
I tell them to fuck off and the only future they'l find is six feet underground.
>le funny racism
Don't you have a trump rally to be on?
Are you assuming the ethny of the setting's gypsies?
What's racist about statistics, user?
>Gypsy hate
yo wat
Gypos and Pikeys are subhuman scum, apolagists have not met or associated with them.
There are no Trump rallys in my area, I would know.
To be a gypsy you need to be Roma, you stupid faggot. It's literally like calling black person a nigger - that's what "gypsy" is.
Great while you faggots were arguing the Gypsies stole our money.
>blonde Roma
Will /pol/ ever learn?
Niggers don't have to be black. A lot of settings have green niggers.
Ok guys, who bleached the gypsie?
You're only wrong by about 8500 km.
She has my permission to do so if she agrees to join our party.
everyone's a little racist user
embrace it
Spotted the non-european
I hope she can tell me who I'm going to marry!
What's wrong with it?
You might as well be linking to a bible verse for all its unbiased credibility.
Quick miss, run for the church! Sanctuary! We claim Sanctuary!
ironically, not even that article defends them.
The only positive thing it says is from a sub-article "hey, there are bulgarian mobsters too, you know"
>gypsey running to church
will they ever learn?
and the point of linking that was?
Hey, maybe YOUR church is full of pyromaniac assholes, but that doesn't mean they all are!
god bless god for outsmarting those gypsies
complain all you want, it won't uncatch you!
You seem to be under the mistaken belief that gypsies aren't the scum of the Earth. They are and you'd know that if you had ever encountered gypsies.
Now for a quick game of is this thread /pol/ or Veeky Forums
>I'm a rich american kid and I have never encountered a real gypsy, so I'll just link this fucking cis-males to the rationalwiki so they would open their eyes and stop being racist. Praise Hillary!
>"I'm going to die again, aren't I... Fuck. Yes, yes, I know, nothing in my future after that. Might as well set up my contingency revival spell now, huh? Yeesh."
And, as has been the case with literally every female fortune teller so far, he no doubt winds up in her bed, through no obvious actions of his own, and to his continued confusion.
not an argument or coherent reply either for that matter
Boss we found another one
>white skin + non-black hair + no unibrow
u wot m8?
He asks her whose supple body he'll be violating this evening
The answer is hers
Okay, how the fuck is the guy going TO the gypsy for his fortune, a gypsy? Ditto the guy he caught!
You might be able to justify treating gypsies however you want, with your fucked law system, but surely citizens are at least afforded the right to a trial?
Hide, Vistani are bad news.
we made them better
Frollo thread!
no the people interacting with them
still pretty bad but they may yet be saved
Seriously. Nigga is more a state of being, rather than an ethnicity. You can be a black guy and still not be a nigga.
>ITT Veeky Forumsfags get assblasted because a fantasy settings version of gypsies aren't the same as IRL gypsies.
You seriously would not speak this way if you've ever been around gypsies for a prolonged period in your life.
Best way to make a liberal reconsider their stances. Not because gypsies would be the worst people in the world, I'd take gypsies over chinese any day, but because they are the living and walking proof that certain natures will never change, certain people will never adapt, and never become anything more or less than they were born to be.
They're sad people, who see any attempt to help them as a sign of weakness on your side that must be exploited for all it's worth.
note to self Veeky Forums really hates gypsies
No you don't. There are Mick gyppoes too.
It never ends well for any of my characters.
Yup. The only good hting about Belgium EVER was that mayor of a town who used Psy-ops methods to get rid of a bunch of gypsies that camped out in his town. Blasting metal at them 24/7 until they fucked off.
>you agree and extend your palm
>she looks at it
>"... oh fuck"
wat do
how is basically shouting LEAVE at someone a psyop?
No-one said he used speakers to blast the metal
Please, as if he can't tell his own.
The world's more fun if you call any tactic to get someone to do something you want that doesn't involve and exchange of blows or gunfire a psyop.
Diplomacy's a psyop. Coercion is a psyop. Interrogation is a psyop. Etc. It's all psyops.
I'll pass. Nothing ever good came from learning the future.
>"Yes, yes, I'm going to die alone, virginal, painfully, and some time within the next ten years. And then I am going to Hell. I don't need to pay you to know that."
>meeting the inlaws is a psyop
she is killed by the inquistion for witchcraft and burned at the stake
Because it's a standard method from the Psy-Op playbook you fuckwit. As used by the USA against Noriega when he was claiming asylum in the Vatican embassy, Although, playing Van Halen at a coke-fiend might not have had the desired result as quickly as hoped.
If it's too hard for you to grasp, maybe you should read more.
Keep a fucking eye on her before she tries to make off with the juice or pay with a credit card that isn't hers.
>i have never had to deal with gypsies
As I come from a country with a LOT of gypsies, I walk past without making an eye contact as I know nothing good can come from interacting with them.
If it persists I get physically violent, as they do not comprehend subtle hints of disdain.
Nah mate see you're thinking of pikeys
I make another to check all the cabling nearby to ensure that they haven't picked the copper even though we're on fibre because they'll rip through anything for scrap to steal.
Playing loud music, as well as discordant sounds at high volume, continually IS a psy-op method. Or do you think that inducing sleep-deprivation and disorientation somehow doesn't count, despite being taught in The School of the Americas?
Pikeys, gyppoes, all the same. The only ones that are different are crusties, and that's because crusties are middle-class trustafarian cunts. They ALL count as gypsies, they should ALL get sent to ze camps.
Pikeys are just gypsies that don't tan well. Interestingly enough even they hate the real Roma gypsies.
Wow, that site is useless.
Look, there's three types.
Fucking trash-heap-making, community-disrupting cunts that need to get a job and should be cleared off any public ground they park their vans on
Basically hippies who didn't get the memo the 60s are over. Possibly tolerable if you have a lot of patience but can either be harmless or as bad as gyppos
>Actual Roma
Less of a pain in the ass these days than they used to be. Kinda cool to see them with traditional caravans. Rare as fucking gold dust in a pig pen these days.
They're all the same. Scum, the lot of them. Gas them all and be done with it.
Ah. Right. /pol/ is in town and I should never have bothered replying. Gotcha.
Here I thought the thread could be neat if there were enough Hunchback references, but no, our unpleasant neighbours had to show up. I'm out; fuck this party.
playing an ex circus performer ravnos for a VtM game what do chums?
bet she didn't see herself getting sucker punched and raped by me haha.
If she's willing to work the cards, I'd shuffle her deck...if you know what I mean.
If you don't, that means we see the future
okay, I let her
no citizen of mine would treat with gypsies!
I mean, except for and boss
>Until the 1830s, in Britain you could get the death penalty for associating with gypsies for more than 40 days
Yeah...nah. I tell the cunt to fuck off.
They lost there right of citizen ship and they know what to expect.
>citizen ship
Nice boat
Fuck you mang, you're just jelly that I tots know teh future now
I guess his response wasn't very rational, huh?
oh you don't need a gypsy if you want to know your future now
>qt gypsy watches the future by reading the hand of a knight
>sees herself getting dicked hard by said knight
She told me you were doing to say that.
And a particularly important one, too.
Where can I find the collection of these? Google's given me nothing so far.
You're in luck. You can't see it on archive.org because of their dumb robots.txt policy, but some user somewhere made a backup in case this happened.
I want to show you an episode of the old TV show, Green Acres. Now *those* were some gypsies.