Post your ww1/ww2 firearms! I'll start with this ww1 colt 1911 I just received. Made in 1913, it will fit in well with my collection.
Post your ww1/ww2 firearms! I'll start with this ww1 colt 1911 I just received. Made in 1913...
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hey /k/
Cool gun. 1911's legit.
Since the /k/tard posted this in the wrong board, lets turn this thread into a WW1\WW2 weapon pic thread, and discuss best systems to run a WW1\WW2 game.
I actually ran a WW2 game using a modified d20 (gutted spycraft) with no leveling and a very very thin point buy - it was also hyper-lethal, had rules for cover to nullify attacks, rules for suppressing fire that weren't retarded, and made things like grenades into insta-gibs if someone was in the radius, and damage if they were out-but-close.
It worked relatively well, I even implemented a rule mechanic from Twilight 2013 that gave players bonuses to rolls and saves-vs-suppression and fear if the squad was acting together and following orders (and bonuses to single PC's if they decided to go maverick\or the squad orders were retarded)
Most interesting point in the game was one of the PC's getting a sucking chest wound from a 98k rifle shot, and the other PC's rolling aid to try and help him (because medics were elsewhere), while one PC with a captured StG44 was trying desperately to suppress a panzergrenadier push so it didn't overrun their little farmshed cover position
This is beautiful to me. I love the aesthetics of this gun. Tell me things about it please.
Japanese submachine. Overall probably a decent gun, but not that many were made because the Japanese didn't care about subguns as much as the West and they just didn't have the production capacity to make very many. They basically disappear by the mid-point of the war. Also, like a lot of Japanese stuff, the quality declines pretty quickly as the conflict goes on. The Type 100 just stopped being produced though, instead of becoming shittier and shittier.
Japanese sub machine gun that is based on the mp18 and has a folding stock.
>discuss best systems to run a WW1\WW2 game.
hmm... would Only War work, with some refluffing?
Probably would work the best, and I've considered doing that myself. However, it would require A LOT of work to stat things like weapons, refluff and rebalance things like skills and talents, etc.
Regiment creation would have to be tweaked and refluffed.
But Only War is a game that is based on doing exactly that - playing soldiers in a war.
Thank you. I would very much like one of these.
Enfield was here, Springfield a shit!
Unless anyone has any requests I'm done.
You should take a closer look at that "springfield".
What's the point of doing this to a rifle? Doesn't it kind of defeat the purpose?
>Germany, Free French
>Italy, Britain
>Soviet Union, Japan
>???, Nationalist China
What's the one with the star in the circle? If forced to guess I'd say Communist China, but I don't think I've ever seen that symbol to refer to them.
Also, do the design differences have any significant impact on how these rifles work/perform or are they effectively interchangeable?
Well... i wanted a custom 1911 for a Italian Mafia character i made in the 1920s.
Settled on this pic before the game flaked.
>i made in the 1920s
Not even reading what i wrote...
Same character, these were to be used by his guards. Not strictly 1920s but ive always wanted to run a game with Tanker M1 Garands customised with BAR mags.
Despite being in the mafia, his base of operations would have been a mental assylum, and he would have been a doctor there. These M1s would have been used by the security.
However to have something more period specific was on the cards. Possibly the Remington Model 8 with detachable magazine.
Its an M1 Garand.
What is it about 1911s that is just so sexy? I know they're not any good as a modern carry weapon, but fuck I love them.
early SMGs are fugly, pic related
I could do that. What would be the easiest way to make it shareable? I have no idea how pastebin, dropbox or what-have-you work.
It's only for concealability, really. Everything else suffers.
The USA, you dolt
Oh shit, so it's America. Of course, now the star makes sense. I'm kind of dumb.
people just do it for shits and giggles, and sometimes retarded gangsters do it to make it 'concealable' or somesuch without realizing that a cut-down rifle with a barrel that short is basically unusable due to basically creating a fireball in front of your face
>mag-fed Garand
Ever since Helsing I've always liked the idea of a gun similar to a Mauser c96 that can shoot the same sort of bullets the Jackel shoots.
I've actually fired one before. It's retardedly loud and kicks like a mule, but it's not "unusable" by any means.
I have no idea what you're talking about, but I just so happen to have this shoop.
>Its unique design makes it seem as if it doesn't have a pistol slide; however, the entire upper assembly is the slide
>The Jackal fires a huge, armour-piercing, 13mm hollow point bullet
>The rounds use "Marvell's Chemical Cartridge N.N.A.9", and are suggested to be very short by the minimal movement of the Jackal's slide. This could be due to the cartridge being powerful enough to require only minimal propellant.
What the fuck man
Not a single part of any of those sentences makes sense. That's not how any of that works.
>armour-piercing hollowpoint
>the cartridge being powerful enough to require only minimal propellant
Yeah... Also
>the entire upper assembly is the slide
>huge, 13mm