How would I play a character with a Wisdom score of 22? He is a druid. System is PF. pic semi-related, its one of the artworks I used as inspiration for his appearance.
How would I play a character with a Wisdom score of 22? He is a druid. System is PF. pic semi-related...
Separating INT and WIS was a mistake.
I guess it would mean a lot of intuition, he'd constantly be 'right' in his guesses for some reason. Playing this well would require a lot of DM cooperation though.
The Straightman
Letting people take stats over 18 was a mistake.
That high of a wisdom score essentially means you are preternaturally aware of your surroundings, and the character should be able to predict the outcomes of any actions currently being taken before they complete. You will have an essentially perfect OODA loop, so you will most likely be the first in the party to notice any problems.
You should play the character as unshakable and calm at all times. This character is allowed to meta game to gain a tactical advantage, but you will have to speak in character to tell the other players meta game knowledge.
You;d have an absolutely MASSIVE amount of common sense. Which is strange, since you're playing Pathfinder.
ah fuck, i dunno man. Stats are arbitrary anyways. like what the fuck is dex and why does it make my shooty better? fuck it.
Seems I was on the right track. Our other characters are a hotheaded young monk, and a plucky bard. (so far, we have a wizard coming in next session who couldn't come to session 1 sadly) By comparison to them, I've been playing him as really calm and collected in most things.
Started at level 5 and I built him around the high Wisdom. Buffed to 18 in point buy, got a +2 for being an Aasimar, got a +2 because Aasimar have the ability to drop their spell-like ability in favor of a +2 to Wisdom(or Intellect or charisma) and I unconsciously munchkin characters which is why I normally DM.
>how would i role play in such a way as to represent my ability scores outside of class mechanics?
You fucking wouldn't. It's an arbitration factor that influences dice rolls.
The mistake was telling people that ability scores directly correlated to the ability of the character in question, and then arbitrating examples of what that might mean.
Be so wise that you took a vow of silence. They won't be able to tell the difference.
karl is the epitome of high wisdom with int as your dump stat
>You;d have an absolutely MASSIVE amount of common sense.
Do you know how you roleplay a character like that? You enter the BBEG's keep and just stare at him smugly, watching his plan fall apart because of a subtle yet fatal flaw that the quite intelligent BBEG overlooked but you and your massive common sense saw coming from a mile ago. And two decades later, after your face has been strained by smug looks for so long that you've transformed into a smug anime girl, and when the BBEG's world comes crashing down around him, you lean in and softly whisper "called it" into his ear.
>Tree-hugging superhippie
I'm not one of those ravenous D&D haters, but moments like these make me more sympathetic to their cause.
>watching his plan fall apart because of a subtle yet fatal flaw that the quite intelligent BBEG overlooked but you and your massive common sense saw coming from a mile ago.
Ehh, just being wise does not mean that you know everything
>hurrrrrrrr druids must be hippies
Get fucked
Apex Predator is a classic druid archetype.
The Dude.
>You;d have an absolutely MASSIVE amount of common sense. Which is strange, since you're playing Pathfinder.
You just have to know something they don't.
I'd go pure hippy, with just a ton love and understanding. Sounds cheesy, I know, but wouldn't a very wise person be filled with empathy for everything alive?
Maybe play the voice of reason for the group, when you all go to kill the goblins for whatever MacGuffin, try to convince the group that they don't need to die. They're just minding their own business in hat cave, why hurt them? And those rabbits, why eat them when there's a perfectly good berry bush over there?
Anywho, that's how I play my high-wis druids. Just people who love to love.