>The party has been polymorphed into animals
The party has been polymorphed into animals
>The princess has been turned into a female dog
>the party has been polymorphed into Russian nesting dolls
>user thinks his post was clever
It would have been funny if you had said "but the princess was already a bitch!"
But you didn't.
I have prepared for this day.
>but instead of boring old farm animals or local wildlife, they have been polymorphed into megafauna
>the fighter is now a mammoth or mastodon
>rogue is a glyptodont
>ranger is an Irish deer
>sorceress is a megatherium
I call ferret!
Could anybody hand me a pillow to put over my lap?
I played a game where the GM did this as part of a quest investigating a famous local Druid's big fancy party.
We all got told it was a costume party and to wear an animal costume, and the second we stepped through the doors we changed into the animals. After that it was a murder mystery.
Let me tell you, being a paladin eagle was the coolest shit ever. Smiting Evil by flying at them claws first and gouging out eyes is incredibly satisfying.
>the thread has been created for degenerate furry bait
>everything involving animals is furrybait
Next you'll tell me a DM isn't allowed to have a pack of wolves show up otherwise he's a knot-hungry faggot.
The kindly princess creates cute little cardigans for the demi horses.
>>The party has been polymorphed into animals
>It was a political Intrigue heavy campaign
>The party wasn't the only ones effected by the spell
>The party has to stop a faux-communist uprising led by a council of aristocratic pigs
>The chickens are responsible for the "coup" against the Lion King
If the players don't catch on at this point you might as well just introduce the mythic level wizard responsible for this miles wide polymorph as George Orwell
The werewolf gets a double dose of irony.
>The animals were polymorphed into a party
>the animals have been polymorphed into people, and now they're having a party
>the party have been polymorphed into animals
>their animal companions have simultanously been polymorphed into humans
> The BBEGs final plan is to polymorph himself into an animal
The party transforms the BBEG and their crew into animals and have a good laugh at their expense
>The BBEG is just lazy and wants other people to take care of him in the form of a dog.
>His various antics with the party was just an elaborate interview process for the right to take care of him
>the evil queen turns herself into a cat and wants to be pampered
Ooh, ooh! I want to be turned into a penguin!
Or maybe a pig. Then I'd get to lie around all day, constantly eat and I'd still be cute. A lot of people would consider me unclean though.
>A lot of people would consider me unclean though
Don't worry, we already do.
I love that guy, he's the best
Don't bully, you don't even know me.
We know you're here.
Careful what you wish for, least it comes true
He's got you there, user.
Fucking sick.
The BBEG has their mind put through a psychic blender until they think they're a cat
There's only a risk if the wolves are actually people or something along those lines.
I've had a wolf call me "faggot" and pull a knife on me out of the blue once.
Not one of those battery sows, of course. Just a cute little piggy that lives on a tiny farm some faggot has as a hobby who can sometimes come inside and lie on the couch while he's being fed cookies.
If I had to be turned into an animal, I'd like to be that guy. I know it's not exactly "cool" but it's comfy.
It's all fun and games until Prime Minister takes fancy...
"I mean, nothing's really different."
t. Tengu Rogue
The forest animals have been polymorphed into different animals, the ecosystem is collapsing
A hellhound, I guess.
I can still wield a sword without hands, damn it!
>princess = small songbird
>boyar = falcon
>troubadour = cuckoo
>monk = owl
>penitent thug = crow
I bet Baba Yaga did this!
>bard = peacock
>Showing any kind of mercy to the BBEG/Evil Queen
I'd turn her into a rat and FEED her to a fucking cat, the cunt
>not engaging in the cruelty of mercy
There are fates worse than death. The woman who becomes a cat will not remember she was ever a woman, and so her wish, even granted, will be meaningless.
i mean, it was THEIR plan though, surely any limitations or complications of becoming a cat were thought through?
Do you really think someone whose entire plan was to become a pampered cat was the kind of person who'd thought it all through?
>The party are all party animals
>PiƱata pangolin
>Overdose orangutan
>Beer bong bear
>Crowdsurf cow
What could go wrong at the Animal House?
I mean they could just use any spell that transforms them without destroying their own mind, since i understand there are plenty of them, and actually are easier to come by than ones that are permanent and destroy minds.
Actually, considering this person could accomplish this task very easily without really harming anyone at all, i wonder what they even did to be considered the BBEG
>that picture
At least keep the fetishes relevant to the thread
>what could go wrong
So it's TF AND vore then? I didn't realise I was on /d/.
please go on.
>The party's mounts are actually polymorphed royalty, unknown to the riders.
>one of the PCs gets a tapeworm
>it's actually the BBEG of a different campaign, doing their best to hide from a much higher level party
Maybe the party is made up of bigoted cat-power cat extremists that consider this unnatural and want to slay trans-specists ?
>Some random druid walks into a tavern
>Hey look what I can do!
>Turns into a bear.
>The party swears they will hunt him to the ends of the earth
>all the animals in this are now dead
>break out Redwall and proceed to Mouseketeer
Checkmate, OP
>The party is polymorphed into animals
>All of the party dies
>They're still animals in the afterlife
Why must we always take the bait?
Cause it's fun. It's not even really bait is it?
Not my fetish but I'll go along with it
>Evil queen polymorphs self into cat
>But only after the party is TFed into mice
>Proceeds to toy with them as she hunts them down before eating them one by one
Now if only I could think of a good reason for her to swallow them whole, maybe have her become a sphinx or something instead
>druid can still wildshape
>turns into a bear after being swallowed
>The party turns the BBEG into a horse and then keeps them as a mount.
"Okay gang, it's time to get freaky"
Anyone remember that thread about blatant dragon tf fetishes, but anons wound up making a story about a BBEG turning herself into a Komodo dragon and fighting the party wizard, who turned himself into a crocodile?
If I recall, the party gets arrested for illegal animal fighting and the two casters are "released back into nature" where the BBEG makes her escape.
That was a fun thread.
Holy shit, cap post?
That sounds hilarious!
what the fuck is the context of this image
My lizardfolk quits his job as an adventurer now that he's less than 1 foot tall and takes a shot at selling car insurance.
One of the group got turned into a mouse once. It became pretty magical realm.
>Party gets into epic fight with a Remorhaz Queen
>Druid polymorphs it into a sheep
>Party leaves it to be eaten by own offspring
Despite the fun that was had, I was still disappointed.
>Not a female sorceress's new clothing
Not clothing, but close
Triple if the werewolf was a hipster.
Wish I had some, part of the reason I asked is because I was hoping someone else did
10/10 would play again.
>party gets polymorphed into animals
>for whatever reasons normal dispel magic isn't affecting it
>they have to go on a whacky quest to get restored
>get caught by the city guard and taken to a zoo
>discover said zoo has lots of former people in it that also got polymorphed
>they escape and go find an NPC who can restore them
>turns out the NPC can
>their "cure" is actually just casting a stronger polymorph to turn the animals into humanoids
>however he/she has no idea what the party looked like or even what race they were
>the NPC spitballs it and takes a wild guess
>party is now back to humanoid but totally mixed up in race, gender and age
Would you play?
Good thread. Many boners were had
>>monk = owl
>>penitent thug = crow
Confirmed for knowing nothing about birds
These are more likely to be the other way round.
Jesus, and I thought THIS thread was full of fetishists. That alligator and Komodo dragon shit was fucking great though
>The main villain carries a frog around
>Releases it into good guys castle
>Princess finds it and kisses it
>It turns into a rabid direwolf
>Frog claims to be polymorphed prince
>Kiss turns him back
>Turns out he was polymorphed because he's an evil little shit
>happy bunny hugs
>The party is polymorphed into fruit
What if party already is a fruit? Tremendous boy-molesting fruit.
>The party is polymorphed into decent people.
Aw gosh darn, there's that word again. Better go suck some cocks for comfort.
There's not way players could keep up roleplaying that.
>Upon reaching adulthood, i polymorphed into a dissapointment to my family
That's bullshit
>That filename
>The party is polymorphed into the literal shit of animals
Jesus, do kids these days not know what the lama song is?