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First for Guard, rate my list

back when 40k only had 4 chapters

make carnifexes great again

nth for despite the wellspring of 40k memes the general only circulates 3 unfunny op images

When.. never?

>square bases

Ultramarini ite domum.

Vintage 40k looks like dog shit my dude. And one more thread of you shitting the place up with these pics will officially make you gayer than the night lords fag

Need halp, really new but I'd like some input on this before I make an ass of myself or become That Tau Guy. Will this make for a good game for both teams and what is wrong with it in your eyes? Any input is appreciated

I won't.

Why isn't there a full range of Ratling imperial guard? That would be fun

>those schemes

This is two different people.

did someone say DUBSTEP?

inb4 baseless dreadnought

banana hand warriors were best warriors.

now post some eldar

>want to play Grey Knights
>hate the stormtalon model
>only play 1k games

I like it !

Makes me want to play my ~2500 pts of guards that I haven't played for 2 years

Ok, then go away.

it's the same models they have now.

I've always wondered how people can tell without post id. How do you know that's two different people?

Somebody give me a 850 point list to test mine against in Tabletop Simulator please.

Look at the post times, they're less than a minute apart. Veeky Forums has a one minute throttle after you make a post, so it has to be two posts by separate people.

One of them is me and one isn't.

30 secs for pass users

wait, did the eldar range only get updated once?! i know the current models are mostly 2nd or 3rd edition

I don't know why you have a CCS all the way up top. Are you taking it as a solo Battlegroup Detachment? Because you can definitely do that, the Detachment is only 1+ Command as a minimum.

But part of me is thinking you're using the Battlegroup Detachment thinking the Emperor's Shield Infantry Platoon is a core. If that's the case, it's an Emperor's Shield Infantry Company that is a core, which is 3 ES Infantry Platoons.

If I assumed wrong, and you just wanted another CCS to give out orders to the ES Infantry Platoon, then you can just combine the CCS into the CAD as your second HQ choice, because if you take the solo CCS Battlegroup Detachment, then you won't get any of the command benefits from the Battlegroup.

Otherwise I really like the list. The only issue I see is that the last 2 Infantry squads are messed up. The last squad has 1 too many men, and the one above it is missing a Grenade Launcher.

Reposting from last thread, as I was drowned out by 8e wishlisting. I think I'm mostly sorted with this list, but I'm wondering about a couple things. Firstly, should I change the Knight into a single-gun variant to be able to take a third Dragoon, and maybe a Serpenta for them to mark their target? I'm also a bit concerned about the Hoplites being blown apart before they reach their target. Would it just be playing smart to keep them out of trouble? I assume any tank commander would have a fit seeing a wall of Haywire walking towards them.

If you aren't playing fully painted tiger claws, can you even really say that you are playing at all?

They got updated twice. Once in third edition where they got plastic guardians, a better wraithlord, new jetbikes etc then again in I think 5th where they got the new war walker and all their new shit.

Aspect warriors and phoenix lords never got updated since 2nd edition.

What program did you use to make that?

It's been updated twice. There was a selection of new Aspect Warriors in 3rd edition (Hawks, Banshees, Reapers, Scorpions), then again in 4th (Banshees, Scorpions, Reapers, Dragons, Avengers).

Warp Spiders and Shining Spears are the only Aspect Warriors still using 2nd edition models. Most of the Warlocks date back to that era as well.

Two 20 man crusader squads with pf sb ps melta, a chapter master with art arm thunderhammer combi flamer, and 1 attack bike

So how terrible is my list?

The idea is that Cawl, the TPD and the Custodes join up and make their way up the field wrecking things. The TPD spots for the Rangers and Onager hiding under the Void Shield in the back. And the Vanguard try to grab objectives/support where needed.

You are more correct than me. I thought we were still using second edition striking scorpions and shit.

Loses to pie plates/10

Phoenix lords are still damn sharp.
well except for Kharandras chunky helm.

The ratling model with the scope removed and using it like a telescope is fucking dumb and I hate all of them for it and refuse to buy them

Eldar are a race that appreciates big hats.

Looks solid, thanks user.

>Aspect warriors and phoenix lords never got updated since 2nd edition.

Most aspect warriors got updated.
I think only Warp Spiders and Shining Spears have not had new models.

>and make their way up the field wrecking things

It's a death star that only moves 6" a turn and doesn't have amazing shooting power. It'll never actually get a chance to catch anything in close combat. It'll never die either, so you can pretty much pick an objective and never lose it, but that won't win you many games.

Is this list shit?

They all run up the middle abusing the cover save venomthropes give them.

Not the size as much as the pinchers being too bulky

Rail rifles broadsides suck. Take a missile pod one, that way he and his drones can actually effectively shoot at the same thing too.

Your commander is a mess. I have no idea what his role is. Is he pairing with the other marker drones? Why does he have his own then? Why does he have the MSSS? There's no cover saves against markerlights. Why does he have two different guns if he isn't shooting most of the time?

Take pathfinders instead of marker drones.

hello edgy kiddy who grew up thinking centurion devastators were acceptable

and im not gay


They have a SM scout model doing that too. Why are sculptors so dumb? They should read a book on the subject matter.

wheres your hq?

They're from England and have subsequently never so much as seen a real gun before.

Ideally with LOS I can spread the wounds around or dump them on Cawl if they aren't Str10/Insta-death.

Good point. I figured with some good maneuvering I could force them into out into the open to get shot at or catch them with a charge if they were sleeping.

>Triaros Conveyer

This is 7th edition, you don't need silly things like "coherent army structures" and "balance".

Are you blind?
Would explain a few things.

Also if you cut the support turrets, the missile drones, and take the wargear off the one broadside, you can take a second broadside instead.

>Sigmar VI


If you play Ulthwe and your helmets are not painted yellow then you're a disgusting newfag degenerate.

>Not all snipers

>6 Eversors
>not 13 Eversors

Not enough WRYYYYY/10

Yeah the idea was to pair him with the markerlights but an earlier build had him with gundrones so I guess I forgot about the MSSS being useless with markerlights, the weapons I slapped on him were for situational adaptation in case I need him to split from the drones or if they die. Thanks for your post by the way, I am green as grass and somethings arent quite clicking yet

>im not gay
Your idea that a paintjob gets better the more primary colours are used indicates otherwise.

Two kinds of people, I suppose.

Are Eversors good?

No, but they're cheap.

Now that I think about it you can't take a neophyte with a sword brother. So drop two neos and give the attack bike a multi melta

The missile drones/support turrets were for flavor and theme, I do not have access to a second broadside yet. I just have the targeted reconnaissance cadre, start collecting box and a piranha so far and have been trying to make something out of that (hence the split fire warrior teams)

I need an Imperial army. Ideally one that isn't played very much, footslogging preferred.

Using both abhumans, I'm proud son. I have 6 Bullgryns and 8 Ratlings I like to use together from time to time. Endurance Bullgryns

R8 my list?
Miranda Doni [Extra Munitions, Proton Torpedoes, Rey, Ion Bombs, Conner Net] (43)

Jess Pava [M9-G8, Integrated Astromech] (28)

Biggs Darklighter [R2-D2, Integrated Astromech] (29)

I started playing in 2002. The old models are garbage tier friendo

Wrong general dude.

>can't take Neophyte with a Sword Brother
Since when is that working like that?

Thoughts on Guilliman's return?


Not really. Probably the worst of the 4.

Oddly enough they got buffed with Castellans of the Imperium as they gain Hatred.

Death Korps of Krieg

no, but they are not terrible

You what?

I think you're so slow you must be a Slowpoke with 0 speed IVs and a speed hindering nature WEARING A MACHO BRACE

>that funky OG salamander scheme

>I started playing in 2002.

That would explain your shit taste

I might be wrong but I think it says in the current codex that you take 1 neophyte for every initiate max, so a sword brother wouldn't have the option to take one. But I may have just read that wrong

Dear god that looks like shit on all levels.

>red weapons

Black over red, kills 'em dead.

Red over black? Nigga that's whack.

He will be the first primarch to betray Emps, that's all.

I bet you don't even collect Johnnies, you fucking poser.

The dreadnought still looks good. Mono pose metal marines? Nope

OG indeed.

What is the Horus Heresy.

>skitarii box comes with one of each special weapon
>when the squad can carry 3


>mold lines
>THICC paint
>literally splatter on the model
>paint in places it should never be in
>no decal
I feel sorry for any Johnny that has to live with a similar paint job.

Sisters of battle. I'm not even meming, I've played for 15 years and never seen a single SoB player or played agaisnt them ever.

Because making money is nice.

Besides, you'll buy at least 2, usually 3 boxes anyway.

It's a really cool idea, and if I ever win the lottery, I'm totally gonna do it, but I don't have any redundant organs to sell, senpai.

The hustlers on Ebay gotta get their cut of the pie too, sonny!

:^) welcome to GW

Why didn't you take any Culexus?

Should I get an army or cosplay