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How do you learn half swording?
Looks tricky. Is it harder to learn than swording?
Only takes half the time.
1) Grab the sword by the blade
2) Hit people with the blunt end
There, you've lerned it.
Can someone explain why this doesn't cut your hands?
Because in most cases you'd be wearing gloves.
It doesn't cut you even if you're not wearing gloves, like on the OP picture.
you firmly grasp it
It'd do the same blunt damage as a club, but if you crit fail you slice your hands.
swords cut by slicing, not wedging
firmly grasp it, then the normal force supplied buy the blade to your hands is great enough so there is still static friction.
if you loosly grasp it, the normal force is less, so there is kinetic friction, and then sliding... which cuts
There is a difference between half swording and the murder stroke.
The ultimate technique of swordsmanship coming through.
Firstly, cut out any distractions; no half-measures. Then you flip your life upside down, get a firm two-handed grip on the task at hand, go into your training full swing. If you're lucky and keep an eye on your target, you'll pierce the technique easily enough.
Praise the pommel.
.5 Sword
Can someone explain why you don't shred your skin with razors?
Fucking underrated.
These types of swords are not 'sharp', doing their damage by focusing the impact. That is part of why 'sharp' swords are not good for this although they do have other odd seeming tricks.
If you tried this with a katana, you wouldn't even have hands anymore.
I was only pretending!
stat me Veeky Forums
This webm gave me seizures.
Despite the brain damage I got from watching this some of those moves are pretty dope. The one where he tangles the sword under his arm especially.
1d6 club. (impact/crushing)
fumble deals 1d4 (edged) damage to you.
Japanese edged weapons were meant to cut down peasants and show off how much you were fucking the peasants over with how expensive it was to make it, not actually win a fight. They had bowmen and peasants with farming equipment for that.
Gametheory is fake news.