I'll be dumping my small collection of tabletop rpgs that I'll never get to play with anyone
I'll be dumping my small collection of tabletop rpgs that I'll never get to play with anyone
this one here is kinda "fire emblem: the rpg"
Magical girl RPG, has a lot of imbalance stuff, but great creation tables
I'm looking for an easy-to-play naval wargame for use with my Pirates of the Spanish Main miniatures
although for creation tables nothing will ever beat THIS
I'll help you man
Anyone got a pdf of The Dark Eye?
surprisingly good
creating enemies is a fucking pain though, somebody should make a monster encyclopedia or enemy compendium
Someone just started a naval general thread here: You may have better luck with your request there.
saved for checking out later!
what a shame that there is a 8MB limit, otherwise I could dump more
There's a big pdf thread up already if you haven't seen it.
Nice dubs