post ur ideas lol. what are ur orcs like? what are ur fav orcs? what if there were high orcs? how would they be different from normal orcs?
ITT orc (sub)race ideas
Other urls found in this thread:
>the entirety of all this
My orcs are a mongrel race. Orcs, Half-Orcs, Half-Ogres, along with some Ogres, Trolls, and Ettins. Human and dwarf slaves taken for breeding. They follow different powers. From Grummsh the orcish Odin, ot Orcus their twisted maker, to Demogorgon the enemy of their maker. Those that follow Baphomet have more porcine traits and have wereboars among their number.
Warcraft 1 and 2 orcs are largely my favorite. The Old Horde is great, Cho'gall was awesome.
I'm sure it's supposed to look like it was written by an orc.
No if it was orc it would be.
"Dis is humie, not supicius. why are orcs the best? what are your orcs like? do they like smashing elves? how could a innocent humie contact said orcs. what are da best orcs and why are they that way?
signed normal humie"
>what are your orcs like
they live innawoods like wild boars because they ARE wild boar beastmen with thick bristle and four nipples. they can be reasoned with and think the same about humans, but attempting contact without lengthy preparations and lots of patience WILL get you into a fight. they have a habit of beating trespassers to death with their bare hands and hanging the corpses from the trees that mark a clan's perimeter, to scare away further trespassers. there are many such trees because humans are fucking stupid.
I always like the Forgotten Realms' gray orcs. Where the greenies are the usual 40k-ish smash-and-loot, the grays had organized faith, a slightly more organized society than normal tribal orcs, and were fairly literate. Kind of like Mayan or Aztec orcs except in alpine environments.
If I'm remembering correctly.
>Mayan or Aztec orcs
>green human
That's what orcs are.
Deal with it.
My orcs come in various varieties:
-The corcs exist to cuck white men.
-The grorcs exist for bad phonetic memeposting about how grorcs are the only happy people in grimdark universes.
-The pladorcs are special snowflake redeemed creatures of darkness who wish to redeem all the evil in the universe.
-The blizzorcs began as a tribe of awesome shameless mongol-rip offs who were huge and unkillable instead of masterful horse archers and gradually became more morally grey and sympathetic with every edition, with their original goals of glory and plunder changed to survival, and then them being mislead, and finally their misleading being destiny so they could ally with the races of white men, dwarves and elves to push back the vast great horrible darkness once and for all.
it has 2 arms 2 legs so its a human :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
No, dat 'ould be an Ork, you tol-keen wankin' git.
Orc sub-races like elf sub-races could be fun. Regular orcs are plains and steppe-dwelling creatures of greenish hue, semi-nomadic, travelling forever between various ancient strongholds inhabited by many various wandering tribes, these are cultural centres for orcs, who trade, pass information of animal migrations, tell stories and hold religious festivals in these holds. The creation of a new hold is rare and a great event. Every hold across the land is usually inhabited by at least one tribe at a time. If orcs come upon an uninhabited stronghold, they tend to stay there until more orcs show up, feeling as if the places get cold and lonely without orcs in them.
Frost Orcs who left the other ancient tribes to dwell in seclusion and hardship at the behest of a mighty patron spirit, but live an honest and strong life, life is often tough and frugal, but in the midst of their struggle they have great mirth and kinship with each other, extending to all of the tightly knight Frost Orc villages and life is pretty much centred around the holiness of village life and their great celebrations that dot the year. Have developed thick shaggy white fur over their arms, backs, shoulders and legs. These orcs are pious often become paladins.
Dark Orcs left the other ancient tribes to commune with the chthonic intelligences of the dark. Lanky and malevolent creatures of a pitch black hue who slither out of dark caves and create burrows worming through the world. They have mighty monolithic cities reaching miles below the surface and only show the merest pinpoints of their structures above ground. The cities are few but vast, and mighty sorcerors often form their ruling classes. Below even them, though, are Deep Orcs, but they stopped resembling orcs a long time ago.
I really like these threads, but OP's language is unnerving to say the least.
Orcs are the corpses of elves infused with vengefull corrupted souls.
There you have it. Orcs are just another form of undead.
I'm making orc subspecies that has +2 to Jump checks, and +2 to Hide checks thanks to their dark coloring. Would calling them black orcs be too obvious, or should I call them urban orcs instead?
Orcs are humans corrupted by and ancient God of Chaos, who wanted his own race of worshippers to wage war agaisnt the other gods. He was defeated eventually,but the orcs endured; now they live in semi-underground compounds and fortresses in the setting's Polar Circle, from where they launch their anual summer raids,aided by other evil factions and,sometimes, with allied ice giants (who worship this Chaos God,too).
Physically their big,taller and heavier than the tallest human men,with gray skill and black,coarse body hair. Their main feature is the lack of sexual dimorphism; both male and female look practically the same, the only way to tell them apart without looking under the skirts being the tusks that protur from orcs' upper jaw through their cheeks (thicker and longer in males),and the male orcs tendency to baldness as they age(through this is irrelevant since warring orcs shave their head before go raiding as a sort of curtomary ritual). I wanted to introduce this in my setting,inspired by the aparent absency of orc females in LotR (though that was explained in Tolkien's letters).
I like pacifist orc-subraces,since represent an interesting anathema with the mythos. I wanted to include one in my setting,but it just didn't fit; the closest thing are half-orcs (hybrid NPC races don't exist as common thing in my setting; half-orcs are an exception because orcs and humans are related). I have some dwarf sub-especies,though.
My orcs are the setting's primary comic relief. In this regard, they're rather similar to the orks of Warhammer, but without the malevolence and aggression and with anarchic tendencies cranked up to eleven. Their very nature is so mutable and malleable that they're incapable of forming long-lasting cultures or stable civilisations, the whole race is doomed to constantly reinvent itself. It's split into dozens of petty fiefdoms and shaky empires that crumble and rise again several times a week.
Naturally, the orcs are the most diverse race in the world by far. They have more subraces than any other race, and those subraces are so different that you'd have to wonder if they're related to each other at all. There are scientist orcs, hillbilly orcs, surfer orcs, clown orcs, paladin orcs, etc. The list can go on and on, and if some player comes up with a completely new faction of orcs that I never envisioned, I'll say "why not?"
Orcs are the only major race not native to the setting: they've been summoned by arimaspi druids a tool to destroy the world. The origin is a complete mystery, it's one of the few things in the setting that I deliberately left unexplained. I now appreciate the "mysterious" writing that old GW was so fond of: you don't have to work your ass off trying to come up with cool lore, while simultaneously keeping the grognards happy for some reason.
They might be comic relief, but they shouldn't be treated lightly: back when they first invaded the world, they effortlessly crushed the largest human empire in history, and only their squabbles for the conquered territories prevented them from taking over the rest of the world. These days, they've gotten used to a sedentary lifestyle and aren't nearly as warlike as they used to be. Some orcish fiefdoms still organise minor raids and invasions, but it's more of an exception than a rule. After all, fighting other orcs is much more fun than fighting any other races.
Just fuck off you anal gatekeeper.
>thinks cultures are biological
I'm not even sure how early you dropped off from school not to know the difference between race and culture.
>What if there were high orcs?
My setting already has this. High orcs are the result of a male orc impregnating a female orc. The rest of the orcs are 'low orcs' and much stupider then high orcs, because orc females are so rare low orcs are entirely made through man orc on man orc buttfucking
In fantasy, though, it's retarded. Apparently only humans are allowed to have multiple countries, while for elves and such we have 9000+ subtypes with paper-thin differences.
That said, i was too angry to properly articulate my point in my previous post, so
Just MAKE them cultures, you fucking cockdonuts.
I like Tolkien's version of orcs. A deliberately twisted race of mutants made by an evil god.
There are far too many races of humans in funny hats in a lot of common fantasy settings, and the way some of them are used tends to take away much verisimilitude for me. If you need a race of plain-dwelling wild horsemen that raid villages and generally act like dicks to settlers, you don't need to have a separate race, humans will do just fine. It actually sets up for more interesting interactions between different factions. The non-human common races should taken to more fantastical extremes instead of just awkwardly aping humans and adding some tails or pointy ears.
Orcs are twisted monsters created by a malign mind (evil god/sorcerer/ depends on setting), without any meaningful society or industry outside that enforced by their masters. If left alone, they are barely capable of living off the land by hunting and foraging at the level of early stone age people, in small groups. Their presence is malign and disgusting to most natural world due to their unnatural creation to the point that plants and animals may grow sick if enough orcs assemble,
Elves are basically fae, almost inscrutable by mortals but still relatively human-like at the initial glance. No more 100 year old tweens.
Dwarves are born from the rock, probably asexual and with pretty strange family structure. Those that leave their generally hidden away and well-defended mountain holds might grow accustomed to human society, but they're the outcasts and freaks of their kind.
My orcs are kind of like Krogan from mass effect. They breed very quickly, in large numbers, and adapt to their environment within a generation or two. So they end up being very good at surviving (they're almost like cockroaches in terms of what they can live through) in their specific environment, with their subrace determined geographically.
Their origin is in the Tolkein-ripoff form of corrupted elves, but in the case of my setting, they're elves that were corrupted by -other- elves, originally to create a race of slaves and disposable warriors.
The different subraces have different cultures and levels of intelligence, with some being more 'proud warrior race' type noble savages, and some being more 'me gonna smash you and take your stuff' like D&D orcs. So they're a little bit of everything but I've tried to justify it.
Your point is still silly because races and cultures are things that co-exist. They're not alternatives. You have multiple Caucasian cultures that are more similar to each other than to various Asian cultures, etc.
>you don't have to work your ass off trying to come up with cool lore, while simultaneously keeping the grognards happy for some reason.
Easy, it exploits people's natural desire to speculate and make up theories, while also giving a semblance of legitimacy to their headcanons. It's very, very cheap writing and should be universally frowned upon.
In my setting, Orcs are hulking and immensely strong. They're regularly above three meters tall. Not only this, but they're industrious and live in tightly-knit communities with strict hierarchies and a role for every member of their society. They're known for their skills with steel and iron and gunpowder, but are xenophobic and rarely interact with outsiders unless they have to, and are more than content to be left in their own devices. As for appearance, they have a thick, leathery skin of greenish or dark grey hues, jagged, huge teeth and very prominent bones that seem to jut out and give them a freakish look.
In my other setting, Orcs are an invading, unstoppable horde that appeared out of nowhere and started moving northwards, destroying and killing everything and anything they came across. Nobody knows what they look like, since they never leave survivors and those who've seen them from a distance just see tall, gaunt monsters in black plate armour with wicked weapons.
Nice bait,kiddo.
Yes,agreed. In my setting there different kinds of humans,like ethniticies,but in terms of characteristics and game mechanics they use the same race template, I just allow my players to change this and that racial trait to represent the diversity. The only real difference comes from cultural background,and that adds to flavor and roleplay.
Also,how can I justify a warmongering race such as orcs in my setting not making themselves go extinct? Both males and females go raiding every year,and since they're esentially equals in physical might,an orc male just can't force a woman (also I don't wanna go all magical realmy on orc breeding through gangrape,so I basically made it forbidden by the orcish "holy law" because orcs think only spineless,worhtless shitheads overpower another orc for sex through sheer numbers,instead of trying to attempt a proper mating ritual), and orc women aren't that much into maternity either,though they understand it's necessary. Half-orcs are a thing,but they're mostly seen as gross mongrels of powerful orc and pittyful humans,so they're not "mass produced" by orc tribes.
You said yourself you don't like humanlike orcs. Make their females lay large clusters of eggs that any male can fertilise, then make their offspring tadpoles who don't need parenting.
Once the tribal inhabitants of the Cohnar Valley, the Orcish hordes have been pushed back into the heights of the Archag Mountains. The scars of the many wars between the orcish hordes and the encroaching human settlers mar the lands below in the now blooming Cohnar Valley. The Orcish people have been long isolated from common contact with humans. Many tribes to the southern reach of the mountain range remain hostile to humans due to the nation of Ardon's ever growing desire to mine the Oricalcum and Cold Iron of the mountains, whereas the northern tribes, who do not neighbor the Cohnar valley, have become mostly docile, with one notable tribe becoming completely conjoined with the mountain-dwelling human tribe of Higharch. These Orcs commonly act as guides to humans seeking pass through the mountains, as they know how to avoid hostile Orcs, as well as the native Ogres and Drakes. They are noble men of the mountains, making settlements nestled into valleys sheltered from the harsh winds. However, the southern tribes remain seemingly outwardly savage and aggressive, though they do this because they have still held a grudge against the men who long ago took their homelands. The southern tribes view their northern brothers as heretics who have abandoned their people and their spirits. They have chosen to remain resolute and continue fighting for their homelands, although they see that all they can hope to do is raid the poorly supplied frontier towns in the Archag foothills.
>thinks cultures are biological
>You have multiple Caucasian cultures that are more similar to each other than to various Asian cultures, etc
You're right about race and culture not being alternatives, but a group of cultures being similar to each others has more to do with them being right next to each others or historically related somehow than it does with genetic affinity. Chinese civilization in particular sinicized a great deal of peripheral nations that were not biologically East Asian. Ancient Mediterranean urbanites of all skin colors could share a laugh at the expense of their sand/snow/mountainnigger cousins, probably without even realizing they had common descent with those primitives, when they met up at the temples to worship the same gods. Steppe tribes formed great hordes of like-minded horsemen of Indo-European, Turkic, Uralic and Mongolian extraction.
and so on
are not cultures
In my setting Orcs got replaced with Mandrill Men who worship Demogorgon and are entirely male and can only reproduce via M-pregging eachother's muscular man butts or magically M-pregging only the manliest men of other races or being M-pregged by them. Less killy sqvage and more raiding towns and cities for decent breeding stock.
That also happens to be the least strange setting change, so make of that what you will.
>You said yourself you don't like humanlike orcs
I can't find that in either of my posts,user, but I like that idea.
I make of it that your setting is a magical realm to end all magical realms.
>Orc ladies have four titties
>Kind of like Mayan or Aztec orcs except in alpine environments.
So Bleeding Howl clan?
Brown orcs that are pudgy and act like Moaris/Fijians
I have four kinds of orcs in my campaign. My favorite are the gorgons, the sea-orcs, because while the others are very Tolkienian in flavor, the sea-orcs are a bunch of frat bros that live very healthy lives by swimming all the time and eating fish. They're chaotic neutral as a society but most of them are chaotic good, really.
What a about Half Orcs that functioned like Hulks? Relatively normal humans until something triggers them and they hulk out, some choose to always be hulk, some are stuck that way because they are feral etc
My orcs were artificially created and are basically the warrior state in an indian castes-like culture where Brahmins are still in the top both de iure and de facto. Otherwise they're pretty much regular orcs, you don't need to change orcs much to make them cool.
Guess what? People right next to each other are normally more genetically related than separated people.
Nah, like I said, mine are more Tolkienian so they're not Hulks but rather chimpanzees. The exception are the high orcs, the phagus, which are tall, strangely beautiful cannibals that worship the Silence Before Existence. They look more like Hordak than anything else.
But that's fine for your setting, user.
>Tolkienian so they're not Hulks but rather chimpanzees
When will people stop misinterpreting Tolkien based on D&D? His orcs were a metaphor for industrialisation. Chimpanzees my ass.
They're shorter than humans, stoop, and have long arms. It's not a crazy comparison and has nothing to do with D&D. Ass.
My Orcs are more like Kung Fu Gorons but more aggressive. They curl into balls and roll around, since their walking speed is slow as hell. They live mostly by volcanos and chasms in barren lands,
So they're literally Warlords Trolls?
Name a single reason why pigfaced orcs are a good idea.
Character and sexual dimorphism. Females have two pronounced tusks, males have four.
sows are about 8-9 ft tall (1.25x taller and 1.5x heavier than males on average, with some burrow queens being even more massive) and can easily break human bones just with wild flailing, not even talking about actual combat here. do not try to fuck the orc. you will die.
trying to imagine what a humanoid face would look like if it evolved from pigs is interesting to me. you look at them and see something that could one day be human, but horribly mixed with bestial traits.
>biological constructs are the same thing as social constructs
With my setting, the Orcs were initially a subrace of Mud. All races were once mineral or materials that were exposed to mana for longer durations, everyone descended from Elementals.
Humans and Halflings = Clay
Dwarves and Duerg = Stone
Elves = Crystal
Gnomes = Metal
Greenskins = Mud
Their history is long but lemme see if I can condense it. Greenskins pop out of mud. Duergar expedition finds little greenskins and begins practicing breeding programs, conditioning and genetic memory conditioning on the "Globs" later "Globlings" and later still "Goblins". The products of testing became the Hobbed Globlings which took to Duergar military lifestyle and once the Duergar left, proceeded to subjugate all other denizens of their primordial valley to their will.
Many subraces escaped into the desert beyond the valley, notably many Goblins, Trolls, Ogres and Orcs. Ogres took an early lead and rounded up Orcs and Goblins as slaves for generations. Being as sadistic as they are, they forced many of their kin to fight each other for their amusement. Eventually battle was woven into the orcs but not just any kind of battle, spectacular, brutal displays. They eventually developed a trump card in their genetics to help them overthrow the Ogres.
Ogres were stronger, larger and smarter than Orcs but the ability of Orcs to fight after sustaining lethal damage surprised the Ogres. After all, it's kind of fucking scary when you stab a midget with a spear and said midget merely further impales itself, pulls you close and bites your face off.
There are still races of Orc that don't have the berzerk gene, the next biggest subrace being the intellectual Sharakim but largely your typical Orc is overly aggressive and prone to seek excitement to activate their massive capacity for adrenaline. They would have taken over the Hobgoblin Shogunate a while ago but bullets don't care about your super spooky ability to fight while being dismembered as much as your typical melee grunt would.
my orcs don't really have "cultures" in the way humans have them. they do have a unique type of access to magic that humans don't get due to their more direct connection to the primal magical forces of the Earth, and can be trained in human magic (they're slow learners and usually bad at it though)
Never played Warlords, I'll look into it.
They also like Sumo wrestling.
I really don't think it would be too different from humans. Convergent evolution, mate.
Blind cave orcs. Morlocks and lovecraft's Beast In The Cave for inspiration.
I thought the Orcs were a metaphor for Germans.
Unlikely. They destroy other cultures by invading them in massive hordes, not the reverse.
Yur a grot.
Orcs are Barbarians as defined by Focault.
So they're Muslims?
I like warcraft orcs but they got a little too pussified. All my orcs are based off of the original horde because I'm shameless. They range from 7-9 feet tall and basically run trains on whoever they fight. They have a low birthrate and low occurence of magic users is their only weakness. Half orcs with humans dont exist, but they can breed with goblins hobgoblins elves trolls and livestock. Minotaurs are the result of the livestock breeding but they are considered a different but accepted race within orcish culture. The orcelfs, the orukei, make for powerful warlocks, druids and necromancers. Hobgoblins are orc goblin/hobgoblin hybrids and have the goblins ability to climb walls and are basically analagous to aliens and predaliens. The trolls are the grunts who scout pillage and claim territory.
The orc god is a war god and when he invokes miricles on the realm it manifests itself as animated orc blood that radiates a sickening red light. Orc paladins have to be a pureblooded orc but at a high enough level are able to manifest wings at the cost of hp per turn. It gives them an extra attack if they arent flying and always will stay active until the orc is reduced to 0 hp.
The goblins and trolls are the results of ancient orc tribes who fell prey to magical curses, one fae and the other divine. Part of each curse was the inability for their god to understand them, he felt pity for his once great people and sent a divine messiah to reunify his race.
During his messiahs reunification the war of the gods began and the orc god was taken off gaurd by the Godess of the fae while he was trying to defend the human god. She tried to seduce him and make him her bride but one of his divine aspects is free will and her love spell dispersed his form causing it to rain to the mortal realm amongst his race. She sends her dryads to the world seeking his reincarnation. She gathers his essense so she can rebuild him in a form that can withstand her domineering influence.
They're called Grubs as a species and begin life as goblins. They are always ready to eat or fuck, never sated, and never put on fat. They will always grow larger, smarter, hornier, and hungrier. If they're part of a wild Grub horde, they will eat ravenously, hopefully growing up and dying an ogre after siring many progeny. This is the most common situation.
There is, however, one known Orc society. Orcs are Grubs that have grown sufficiently to be of an intelligence that permits then to cherish their intelligence, beauty, love.
Theirs is a brutally strict culture, centered on religious fear of Devil, Ogres (and subsequently temptation), and fierce pride and respect for the strong. The largest (and subsequently most intelligent) of them leads and is always respected and somewhat feared, the elders most aware of the edge they tread.
They live perpetually resisting the temptation to eat too much, which can cause an Ogre cascade. The more a Grub eats, the bigger and hungrier he gets. At a certain point, the urges cannot be contained. That Orc has become an Ogre. Ogres will rampage, growing out of control until they and their caloric needs are so great that they die of starvation, physically unable to sustain themselves. They can grow to the size of large cottages, shoving horse into their mouth all at once.
So Orcs carefully eat just the right amount, and are careful not to have more kids than they can handle. Children who prove too difficult to control are destroyed, but they grow up quickly. It's a race to feed them until they are intelligent enough to respect their elders, and then teach them of "Devil, who is inside us all."
They live nomadically, happy on the edge of starvation for safety from Devil, but still reverent of those of them who push the limits to see the Greater Beauty.
Tolkien adamantly refuted /pol/ interpretations of his books.
>They live perpetually resisting the temptation to eat too much, which can cause an Ogre cascade. The more a Grub eats, the bigger and hungrier he gets. At a certain point, the urges cannot be contained. That Orc has become an Ogre. Ogres will rampage, growing out of control until they and their caloric needs are so great that they die of starvation, physically unable to sustain themselves. They can grow to the size of large cottages, shoving horse into their mouth all at once.
I really like this idea, user, might pinch it.
You can have a noble orc intentionally going full ogre to help his people in a losing battle like some ogre-Jesus.
That's what they said about your mom too, but I did it anyway.
>Character is called "Ogre"
>Orc is linguistically tied to "Ogre", being its Saxonic equivalent
>Warcraft is currently the only mainstream fantasy making connotations to Orcs being an Ogre sub-race through its children's book
We are wasting our time, here. Orcs are already a sub-race, we should think about more ogre-subraces!
>Flee a battlefield the orcs dine on.
That's pretty cool, desu. In my setting, Orcs aren't militant yet. They're still trying to earn the respect of the other sapient races, but trust is hard to earn when you're on the edge of disaster all the time.
Also, once all the enemies are killed, the Ogre will turn on his kin for sustenance.
I also like the idea that Orcs have crazy ballistae around all the time. Every cart has got one, and they're always within a few paces of a specialized supersized spear.
But that's what germans did all their history?
>I need to fertilise my field with some manure
>better take a ballista with me
They may have done it on a couple of occasions, but they're leagues and leagues behind the real destroyers of cultures: the English.
go fuck yourself - OP
Did a teenage girl write this? Or a 12 year old kid? What the hell is going on with OP here?
I feel like they don't farm, to avoid surplus food, and also because crops would be vulnerable to Ogres.
did you died?
why would they collectively go out of their way to avoid having more food? it doesn't make sense.
A teenage orc
have some ideas of my own for this, will share them once I've got them written down
They live inefficiently and sparsely because it's easy for more permanent solutions to food and shelter to be destroyed by an Ogre. And having a large amount of surplus food provides:
1) Additional risk of an Ogre incident,
2) Additional "ignition fuel" for an Ogre to flourish more quickly and easily in the initial stages of an Ogre cascade,
3) Additional labor time and resources that are almost certainly lost in an Ogre incident.
So they don't rely on more efficient forms of food production because it's endangered by their nature as Grubs. This is also true of their shelter and transportation. Their carts are simple platforms for carrying things like weapons (Ogre killing weapons, like oversized spears and crossbows, and more wieldy versions of those things for hunting), simple tools, and canvasing for the tents which are just about the only places they sleep when there isn't natural cover for the night.
They're constantly moving on, stewards of nature because they rely on its ecological health. So they inhabit all the in-betweens of the world. Where agriculture is weak, and there's nobody settled nearby, there are Orcs. Their small tribes aren't too difficult to sustain entirely on hunting and gathering, and they like it that way. Maybe there are lots of these tribes wandering around, because they have to frequently splinter to avoid competing for limited naturally occurring food sources.
My setting doesn't have orcs. It has ogres, which are basically killer whales on land - small eyes, large teeth and lots of blubber.
And no lips.
Someone post the elf girl and orc guy comics.
Non-degenerate morlocks. Formerly an elven slave race, they ended up overthrowing their masters and took control of the former territory of the ancient elven empire.
>ears make nice trophies and play things
The least metal race gets metal. 0/10
What game is this from?
More? Source? PDF?
I'd like to read, well, basically the entire bestiary now.
It's Hackmaster 5e Hacklopedia of Beasts if that helps. Haven't been able to find it online tho