What armies do you not get the appeal of? Pic related for me, I don't get how playing the bland "Good guys" is interesting
What armies do you not get the appeal of? Pic related for me...
>spess marines
>'good guy'
shit naga, my only experience with 40k is Veeky Forums and yet somehow you, an alleged player of the game, missed the message and details of the setting so hard that ancient sailors triangulated their positions using how high the point went above your head
I understand that technically they can be interpreted as bad etc. But in any kind of fluff they're always portrayed as the good guys despite their background.
I get the feeling you think that's an Ultramarine
Literally every army that isn't the pic related.
>all "good" characters are bland
Don't post on Veeky Forums if your age is on the clock fampai
Space Marines in general senpai. And White Scars are worse because the bikes look stupid
They seem bland to me, I can't figure out what's appealing about Space Marines. What are armies you don't get the appeal of?
The appeal for space marines is that they actually get rulebooks
i unironically think that anyone does doesnt play some IOM faction is a cuck
i love playing good guys
>I don't get how playing the acid spitting, brain eating, immortal death machine revered as an instrument of divine retribution is interesting.
Most of the armies I can see the appeal of, even if I accept that I'm not really the target demographic. Tau kind of annoy me with their ability to become retroactively more technologically adept in a static timeline (particularly since I preferred them as the center of a coalition of smaller alien empires), but I get the appeal.
Necron though ... I think it's neat that 40k's undead legion are robots, but I can't seem to penetrate beyond that surface level aesthetic.
Nids. Bland and one dimensional as fuck. Can't do much with Your Dudes. Zero personality. Fukken sweet models though, so I guess there's that.
Ultramarines. They're bland as fuck, and yet one of the most popular armies. Boggles the mind.
One thing about necrons is that, like every other faction, there are dynasties with different traits and motives. The only difference between them and others is that only the characters have any character, everyone else is a mindless slave so gw went balls to the wall making them as outrageously insane as possible. One phaeron, is oblivious too that fact that he is now a machine and is living 65 million years after their empire went to sleep, his bodyguard is exasperated by this. Another wants to find a way to go back to things were. One dude likes to sit in his tomb and send out proxy bodies that he can inhabit while he collects fascinating items and people across the galaxy while hes safe with his toys like a neet in his mothers basement. Oh and almost all of them have as many doomsday devices as professor farnsworth and cant wait to unleash them on the other phareons or some evolved monkey that gets in their way. They reached the point where their tech was indistinguishable from magic and then took a nap because their king told them too, imagine what happens when he comes back and says play nice, destoy everything thats not a necron.
For me anyway, reading the fluff for the models reminded me of being and reading through bestiaries. I just like the idea of a bunch of different organisms each fulfilling their own role.
It's true they don't have much personality, but that's what GSC's for
They actually get regular and substantial rules updates.
24 hour military clock, amirite?
>mfw I picked Carcharodons merely because they have white mouthplates and black shoulders I felt that created a lot of interesting contrast and pop on the grey
>mfw people paint them without one or the other
Space Marines are a blank slate so that's why they're interesting. If you don't like the existing chapters and don't want to create your own, then yeah they're just generic super soldiers with super armor and rocket machine guns. But if we weren't so jaded, that concept alone would already make them awesome.
They're basically like Storm Troopers minus the Empire and all the other lore of Star Wars. That would be pretty boring.
Maybe they merely like the idea of playing the "good guys"?
Or wait, even simpler, maybe they dig the look of the space marines
It's very easy to wrap your head around the idea of someone liking something you don't. You just gotta stop being an autistic fuck
Space marines are good guys in the context of the setting, but they're far from bland.
Brettonia and Imperial Guard.
>muh everyman
>muh badass normals
>muh fuk ye humanity
It's so dull and tiresome. Just play fucking Risk.
Brettonia are knights though
IG are overrated as fuck yeah
>And White Scars are worse because the bikes look stupid
these are storm wardens, user...
Orks or Guard. And it's not that I hate the idea of horde armies, I love Nids, just those 2 seem so why yo me.
Nids. Literally playing an NPC faction so other players can enjoy Starship Troopers scenarios.
The feeling is actually pretty fun though.
>He doesn't want to play as the heroic everyman standing against the horrors of the warhammer universe with nothing but a simple weapon and his courage
>playing as yourself
Necrons. Their range is just so dull. I know a guy with over 5000 pts of finely painted Necrons and they still look dull and monochromatic in their metallic colours. Christ, just thinking how many brushes he ruined by using so many metal paints sends shivers down my spine.
>metallic colours.
Everyone goes for the gunmetal, the black, or the gold shit with Crons. I kinda want to see them done in psuedo ceramic, a faded blue or a red-earth kind of color. Or fucking porcelain white. It'd look good and it'd be practically fucking unique these days.
I understand the appeal of Tau, but it doesn't appeal to me personally. While seeing the dreadnought on a tabletop in a gw store years ago was what got me into the hobby, i dont like the weeaboo mech suits. The recent turn towards grimdark for the Tau in books like blades of damocles however has made them a little more appealing.