So where exactly did this "big mana reserve" thing originate from?
So where exactly did this "big mana reserve" thing originate from?
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Stop shitposting.
Swap "Mana Reserve" with "Strength/Fighting Power" and it's been a gimmick for years.
Fighting/athletic girls more often have smaller tits
Magic using/smart girls more often have bigger tits
Because euphemisms and memes are both a thing, someone came up with the idea that big tits = big mana pool and that they store the mana in their tits as an explanation/meme as why their tits are so big.
In short, it's just a prank bro. Does this question actually need a thread for it? You might as well ask how the "big sword arm" thing originated from. It's a joke.
Someone with good ideas
its probably less that they're actual containers for magical energy. (Certainly possible, but at that point you might as well use all your body fat, not just your chest.)
Its more that being able to alter your form into an "Ultra sexy titty monster" is a point of professional pride for most female casters, divine or otherwise. Would YOU trust a person who supposedly can alter reality but cant even give themselves a decent pair of back breakers?
>pair of back breakers
And the best part is, with the right spells no back pain!
Magic, in many settings, is linked with "life energy", or at least the positive forms of it are. The more magical you are, the more vital essence you have, the more "alive" you are. Spellcasters have longer lifespans overall, but also suffer physical fatigue or other ill effects if they expend too much magic at once, which is a result of draining their life energy.
So, where is this "life energy" stored in the body? If lack of it makes you sickly, and a good supply of it would let you last longer through hardship or recover from sickness faster, then it makes sense that in these fantasy settings, life energy is stored where we store spare nutrients in our world; in our body fat.
Of course, too much fat is unhealthy. In the fantasy setting, this is probably because the magical life energy flow through your body gets tangled up and disrupted by having fat layered all over your body. So, if you want to be a powerful spellcaster with a lot of reserves, but without causing problems, you need to keep your fat deposits in one place where they won't disrupt that essential flow.
That is, your tits.
Also blah blah something about milk or whatever, life-giving symbolism, magical lactation fetish et cetera
Don't trust female mages that have no tits.
She's probably a shitty mage that can only cast a single spell per day.
Big boobs make a woman look more powerful than small boobs. Not necessarily in the sense of physical strength (though any increase in the visual sense of "weight" does do that a bit), but just that it makes her stand out more, pushes her to the foreground, draws attention. It's a more dominating look.
Like, who looks stronger, supergirl or power girl?
>Its more that being able to alter your form into an "Ultra sexy titty monster" is a point of professional pride for most female casters,
It can go a bit too far though.
Who is this semen demon?
It takes all of no brain power to connect Big to Big. By the virtue of people existing, euphemisms as such have existed since the dawn of time.
what, you don't recognize quetzalcoatl
Curvy musclegirls are best
Quetzalcoatl doesn't have a half - ring through his head. Also, far more feathers. And scales.
I think Dragon's Crown is the one that put it into definiable terms
Nevertheless, user. Right there, in the OP image, with the tits; that's Quetzalcoatl.
Came in hoping this was a gif. Dissapoint.
>Not a superior webm
I've never interpreted it as a big mana reserve; if you think of it as a willingness to teach arcane secrets, the whole thing makes significantly more sense. As the pupil learns more, they become more experienced. As they become more experienced, they go up in level. As they go up in level, they get more mana / spell slots.
It's an indirect link, I think
Lucoa a slut. And a best
webms play as videos, not pictures. no thanks
Eh, sometimes I'm not up for the commitment of a Webm.
Do you still use your 30 year old nokia phone because dragging the screen is too much for you to handle?
>decent pair of back breakers
I'll take a handful of small, just-right boobs than a pair of massive pillows any day.
it's like you don't even want to date a magical girl
"a handful", eh?
Since the dawn of time, women have always been romanticized as having some magical connection to nature or their genitals being sources of magic. Christ in some medieval cultures it was thought that demons feared vaginas.
Is mana just stored in the breast or some shit?
Reminder, lest we forget these truths which we hold to be self-evident
>Christ in some medieval cultures it was thought that demons feared vaginas.
Turned out it was in fact the robots that feared vaginas.
>in love with the imitation, not the original
>Breasts reduce in size as the wizard/witch uses their magic
>Slowly returns to size over time as their mana reserves replenish
Baby spawning is pretty magic. Disgusting. But pretty damn magical.
There's a Skyrim mod for that
So giants and mini giants make the mightiest wizards?
Demons cannot innovate or create, for creation is the realm of the creator.
Therefore, since Humanity is Christ-like, and thus godly, Humans are capable of creation which demons simultaneously fear and envy.
This is also how the Succubus and Incubus came about. A Succubus would lay with a man, store his seed, turn into an incubus, and then fuck a girl and squirt the man's corrupted seed inside her.
It's about the proportion, not the mass itself.
Kinda like brains. Sheer size is not as important as how many wrinkles the brain has. Koalas have smooth brains, they're also dumb as balls. People born with smooth brains also have severe retardation.
The best mages are women with wide shoulders and stocky frames as to accommodate head-sized tits leaking with delicious magical energy.
Can a tittymage recharge her mana from another's reserves by suckling it out of the storage compartments?
That depends on whether mana can be discharged as a liquid.
Which raises all kinds of implications.
>Big titted mages put into stables and milked like cows
>Mage milk sold to other mages as a quick recharge
>Magitech economy literally powered by breast milk
My head-canon is no, she'd need to formulate a mixture consisting of various mashed roots, alcohols and the magical chest milk into a potion.
Congrats, that is what mana potions are. Formulated magical breast milk.
My hands are huge. B's would barely fill them.
>Breastmilk is mana
>Pregnancy is magical
>Witches are stereotyped as laying with beasts to birth monsters
The quiet mousy Wizard student is actually a cock-hungry harlot?
I first saw this and many other was that Trump tweets on Veeky Forums as imitated by anons and I swear to you I thought it was someone mimicking some anime girl, possibly Chaika or something. It still fucking fits too.
I unironically like this, but my only question is this: why are guy mages (almost) always skinny?
It's not the size I question, it's the number.
In the Fate/Stay series you CAN get Mana from a Mage's bodily fluids. Some broke mages sell their blood, but you can also get it through semen. And Breast Milk.
something something Tohsaka old men something
Who has time to eat when there's learning to be done and magic to be practiced?
>Due to the massive demand for mage milk, new magitek advances have been made in the field of portable refrigeration
>This form of magitek refrigeration, which runs on a magical loop created by looking concentrated make milk through a series of rune-circuits within the apparatus, soon is marketed to civillians in magocratic cities for commercial use.
I'm liking where this train of thought is going. Quick, someone else think of something to add on
Makes sense to me. Explains how hedge wizards and skinwalkers work as well
Can you prove that touchscreens aren't just collecting our fingerprint data to place us in locations for directed advertising campaigns and tracking to pin crimes on us as convenient? No? Then piss off.
>Now you might wonder why beholders have such fearsome arrey of magical abilities for a floating eye. Well according to our latest research in magical creatures, beholders are not floating eyes as they were thought to be but floating breasts. The alpha bard will explain these foundings in detail.
Holy shit this place is full of children. It's from the anime "Slayers". It's older than most of you, clearly.
>t. failure girl
I'd say "tits or GTFO", but really, what would even be the point.
It's not that big boobs make you powerful, it's that being powerful means you should have big boobs. From a narrative perspective.
It's a great visual shorthand.
>Anime watcher calls other people children
Really jiggles those mana tanks
Why is Megumin such a piece of shit to Yunyun?
Because Yunyun keeps challenging her
At this point Megumin's just trolling
>obstinate little bitch incapable of learning even minute utility to help out her friends, because she is only interested in muh speshul powers
>continually crushes the pride of a long-time peer of hers, just because she can
Megumin sure is best girl
At one point after he gains her trust she resets her ability points and hands her card to Kazuma to respec. He puts them all back in Explosion because he knows that's what she loves.
There's probably a good reason why Yunyun has no friends
That only cements Kazuma as being a solid friend, it doesn't absolve Megumin of anything.
It's her human form. I don't think her dragon form has appeared in the anime yet.
The "semen demon" comment is actually pretty funny since in the anime she gets summoned by some kid, who mistakes her for a succubus, and she tries to convince him she's not one but failing due to looking and acting like a typical semen-demon.
seikon no qwaser says yes.
Something something something disruption of flow, something something something different power source, something something something magic ain't gotta explain shit.
Because male mages can't hang on to their magic. In much the same way that women store it in their breasts men store it in their balls. Along come the semen demons, and away goes their power. The only powerful wizards are therefore eternal virgins who guard their power jealously. All the male magic users are skinny because they have been drained repeatedly since they hit puberty, or because they are disguising their appearance and want you to think they have been.
But Lina had itty bitty titties user.
Boob envy was why she hated that other caster chick
why is that young boy slapping that woman's chest?
I was going to mock you for thinking that Nokia was making cell phones 30 years ago, but apparently they started exactly 30 years ago. You're still being ridiculous though. .gif and webm each have strengths and weaknesses. And cell phones were better as phones back when they had monochrome LCD displays and actual buttons.
So if magic power is stored in a girl's hooters, where is it stored in men?
Or do male mages slowly grow tits too
What about muscle wizards?
It's your sperm. Why do you think the semen demons crave it so much?
Can confirm.
Wizards of such incredible power and badassery that they need not hide their prowess. Indeed they are wizards of such magical potence that they need not even guard their virginities to maintain their power.
Lucoa-san is the cutest ara~ara~
Because who gives a shit about guys?
Touchscreen smartphones are the worst invention of the last half century. I don't understand how someone, who chooses to not use an inpractical and ridiculously expensive phone, can be thought of as old-fashioned or out-of-touch.
>implying Trump isn't the smuggest anime girl of them all
No one bothers to come up with explanations. We're all about the tits
Such a shame IRL musclegirls tend to be roiders with no or fake tits.
Because only the male mages who aren't powerful enough to transform into hot wenches are visibly male.
Because Megumin used to be exceedingly poor and couldn't even afford lunch at chuuni school. Part of the rules at chuuni school was that there were no gifts between each other, and you could win anything you wanted via duel.
Yunyun saw Megu crying one day and challenged her to a duel in front of the whole school, for her lunch, putting her own lunch on the line, and then purposefully lost.
She's been doing this for years now.
Megu is actually really thankful. But her chuuni pride makes it come across as being a bitch.
here ya go.
>Vagina fearing demons.
I'm stealing this idea.
To be fair to it, that's actually based in real schools of thought notably taoism, wherin women absorb qi via sex and never lose it through orgasm wheras men lose it via semen and transfer it to women during sex.
Slutty busty witches do things to me.
Tantrism goes back thousands of years. Nasu didn't make that part up.
If you have red blood in your veins, thinking about tits is very healthy and normal.
And of course why virgins become wizards.
Creating new life is a potent form of magic, which passes on the power of the parents onto the offspring.
Also explains Succubi. They're sent by the infernal realms to sap magic from mortals. Hence sleeping with men, capturing children, and also taking the forms of familiars to suckle on witches' teats.
You're still losing magic through masturbation.
So stop wizard's masturbating.
Or since this thread is going magical realm, as long as they ingest it -- or another source of magic like breast milk -- then they're okay
Not as much is lost obviously.
It's a cantrip.
Jack Off
Evocation cantrip.
Casting Time: 1 action.
Range: 1 foot.
Duration: Instantaneous
You produce a small handful of concentrated mana.