Kari Zev's Expertise edition
>Stumped by?
>Hopes for Space Egypt?
Kari Zev's Expertise edition
>Stumped by?
>Hopes for Space Egypt?
I want to marry Kari Zev!
>Hopes for Space Egypt?
A mechanic that I enjoy. I loved the double-faced cards and Delirium in the SoI Block, but Kaladesh was so bland with its mechanics for my tastes. Sure, Revolt is a pretty useful mechanic, but it's hardly something you can make fun decks out of, in my opinion.
>energy beats
>not fun
Choose one
It's just another resource. You could just use counters for it, like several other stuff before it. Ballista uses counters in a similar way as energy already.
Mono-Black or Br Vampires (splash is for Unlicenced Disintigration)
Tweaking the list one last time before I scrap it for good. I have no Hearts, no XX robot dudes, and no Saheli, so until they ban one or the other, I have no tier 1 deck.
Magnets. How do they work?
I hope Jace stays home. He's got a mountain of paperwork, and likely an angry Ral Zarek.
I want to not be raped by a monkey, so I'll pass.
Do you want the only card featuring Jace in Amonkhet being him on a Office in Ravnica arging with guild representatives about taxes?
Yes. VERY Yes. If he has to be in the set at all, that's the only way I want it.
I could dig it.
"Ravnican taxation"
Blue enchantment.
Players can only spend mana of the colors of the basic lands they own unless they pay an extra 1 generic mana. ( basically, if wouldn't be able to use aether hubs or dual lands for other colors besides the ones you already have in your basic lands).
Flavor text: "You'll all have your due payments, just let me figure out these golgari tax returns..., Jace Beleren"
Went 2-2 with Grixis Control tonight. I managed to get Lilian's Emblem out a few times which was hilarious.
First loss was from utter mana flooding.
Second loss was from a G/W Weenie deck that top decked both games. Thalia Lieutenants and Always Watching all over the place. Ordered my playset of Fatal Pushes as soon as I got home as they just don't exist around here.
Did Maro say why they're doing full-art lands again?
Is this going to be a lands matter set?
Are we gonna get enemy fetches?
But energy is a resource that your opponent can't touch in any way and still allow you use all your mana.
I like it, but come on. How are people not upset over a brand new resource that let's you pay for abilities without touching any mana?
Not playing for a couple weeks. Kind of have Rakdos Aggro ready when I want to play again. Has a lot of 1-drops and hopes of getting an early kill. Meta seems greedy/midrange and previous decks couldn't punch through fast enough.
Hoping for a bit of extra hand disruption for Amonkhet. Lost Legacy and Harsh Scrutiny would be cool with some company. It's be nice to see something as simple as Ravenous Rats.
Mono B is real.
>will never be viable.
Your format is trash.
>Why are you playing mono b?
>You can play 3 colors
>But you wouldn't know because you can't read.
Stomped his esper trash.
>Get gud.
Lol you lost.
Standard blows.
Mono b midrange is really good against the current meta. Not the artifact one though, that's a false flag shit post. Aetherborn,mind wrak and kalitas are real. Add ballista for extra flavor.
>golgari tax returns
who the fuck are you quoting?
G/W Humans
I'll wait for a set I actually like to come out first.
>Stumped by?
I'm not sure how to punch holes in Aetherflux Combos or U/R Zombie/Emerge
>Hopes for Space Egypt?
While I do like midrange, I feel that the advantages of green can help the archetype a lot. The consistency is still near perfect in terms of getting your colors, and it gives you access to manlands.
>Go to FNM with the idea of building the Aetherworks Paradox deck for fun
>End up building UR Control because I have no self control
I had $80 in store credit from game day, so it wasn't that bad. It was fun, too, but sometimes I feel like Torrential Gearhulks makes people feel real bad.
Torrential Gearhulk can be soul crushing.
>playing grill gamer with r/b zombies
>she gets a really good early aggro curve and out tempoing me hard
>eventually get some good shit going like lighting axe/temper combo and other things to stabilize the board.
>too late, at 1 life
>she drops kari zev
>my field is an unflipped pariah and two scrapheaps with no haunted dead in yard
>out of removal
>know I'm fucked but just sit there with smug grin on face
>mfw she just sits on lethal damage for THREE (3) turns while I'm bricking on lands until I draw into removal and win.
You know, I want to detest you. I really do. But, I can't act like I haven't pretended to overtly count mana with nothing but land in hand to turn a game around.
Well done.
I think she realized how bullshit that situation was and let you win
Wait never mind just realized what you had on the field
Whay not use orzhov?
It gibes you access to some of the best removal in the game and gives you threats all throught the game
Don't have a standard deck yet, kind of want to make UR Emerge zombies. But I also want to make my first modern deck, Ad Nauseam. What do?
I have a similar thing. I'm known locally for playing Brisela and I have a habit of drawing for turn and then checking my graveyard and smiling. Regardless of whether of holding Bruna my opponent will usually assume I am and play around it, even if I have better plays. It's a sneaky move but when playing Jank I will take all the advantages I can.
R8 my brew, upperclassmen.
Ah, disregard the sideboard; it's a mess. The deck is actually not bad. Its worst matchups against vehicles and four colour Saheeli are about 40-60, and you're favored against everything else. It's also cheap and fun to play, lots of lines.
Vampire Tribal
Nothing in Standard until AKH drops.
>Stumped by?
Fucking cats.
>Hopes for Space Egypt?
Less artifacts, more enchantments.
>Did Maro say why they're doing full-art lands again?
The full art lands are lotto cards. Cheap lotto cards (1 in 4 chance), but lotto cards nonetheless.
I'm kind of new to magic - can anyone recommend a brew that runs around $50, is fun to play, and won't get shit on? Colours don't matter.
Try any variant of RG or UG Energy
Black and Red Artifact Good-Stuff.
Mardu (Black Red and White) Artifact Good-Stuff is currently the #1 deck. Just remove the White (and Heart of Kiran) and replace with more Black and Red. See the following.
Yesterday, I had a problem with a guy playing a weird eldrazi tribal deck.
He had a Eternal Scourge on board and I cast Harnessed Lightning at EoT. The guy said since Eternal Scourge get exiled because of his trigger when targeting, I dont get energy from Harnessed Lighting.
How true is that?
If there's no target, you don't get the energy.
But there was a target before the creature gets exiled.
Doesn't matter. You get the energy as part of the spell's resolution, as it lost it's target the spell fizzled so you don't get the energy.
That really sound like BS but if the rules say that, it cant be helped.
The guy won first place with that colorless eldrazi deck. He was using full wastes and mirrorpools.
Got me interested. What was he using?
It's really cut and dry rules of the game. If a spell requires a target and the target isn't there then it can't be cast and goes into the grave with none of the effects happening.
Green just slows it down and is a totally different deck...mono b eats snek like a fucking mongoose
Again tg you suck at magic. If it ain't broke dont fix it.
Clarification: The spell still resolves if at least one of the targets is still there. A spell that says 'destroy two target creatures' will still resolve even if one of the targets is bounced/given hexproof/sacrificed in response.
Secondary Clarification:
>If a spell requires a target and the target isn't there then it can't be cast
Technically true, but given the scenario you are responding to, I think you want to change the word 'cast' to 'resolve'. Using harnessed lightning on an Eternal Scourge would still trigger prowess and other 'on cast' abilities.
Poorly worded on my part, thanks for the clarification.
Hey guys, i'm a new player here, i'm looking for a good anti control deck or a fun one for fnm tournaments that doesnt cost more than 25$, i feel like this one i would really like and would still be playable fnm deckstats.net
BR Vampires is a really solid budget aggro deck for FNM. I'd really suggest selling out an extra $10 to replace the tap lands though, lands that always come in tapped are horrible in an aggressive deck.
As said above the real winner of budget decks is GR energy which can be built very cheaply and is both effective and consistent. You can also add new cards to it as you acquire them to upgrade it and none of it's key cards are at any risk of rotating any time soon.
What do you do when they go snake rishkar t2/t3
Thanks for the tip fo the GR deck, i have a few cards for a GR deck a foil longtusk cub and what not, . I might get both eventually if paycheck doesn't vanish like always. The question is, how long can the deck be played before they go into modern? because as a new player i ain't stepping into modern, too many explosions there.
UW spirits
still trying to see if i can make the mana nice for bant spirits
>Stumped by?
3 colors
>Hopes for Space Egypt?
The block after Amonkhet will rotate Zendikar and Innistrad. Kaladesh block has like another year so a deck like GR Energy is a safe build as the parts will be around for a good long while.
I'll test it out online and see how it does.
I didnt play magic since 2003 but Amonkeht looks interesting, should I start again?
i like mainboard reverse engineer
so in scrub terms, the RB deck will fade soon and the GR will stay longer? just how soon will it fade since the madness mechanic seems fun(not a fan of vamps though but atleast they arent twilight level).
Eh. We still don't have enough info on Amonkhet to have a solid opinion on it. Just some planeswalkers cards and maybe an archenemy set.
I'd wait until Kaladesh goes out of the rotation, cause it was a pretty boring block. If you are just going to come back for some casual fun, sure.
Have removal, scoop or hope the rest of their cards are just lands.
My usual out for good openings vs BG is to hope I can live to turn 5 and cast Fumigate.
I wouldn't bother. Spirits rely heavily on their tribal theme to work well mostly using flying as evasion and an abundance of flash and anti-tempo cards like Queller and Mausoleum Wanderer to close out the game. Adding green adds nothing to the game plan, all you need is counters, spirits, always watching, Gideon and Avacyn to round off the curve. Weakening your mana base to add a colour that gives very little is pointless.
If it ain't broke, don't try and fix it.
i've been playing spirits for a few months and have 4-0'd and 3-0-1'd FNM 3 times, usually 3-1. the deck is good. a few wins were with bant, last night's 3-0-1 was just UW.
>adding green adds nothing to the game plan
duskwatch recruiter fits perfectly into the deck, as does tamiyo. the issues are the inconsistency of mana
Madness will not be seen again for a very long time, if ever. It was mostly a story gimmick really as most of the madness cards are utter garbage. You're right though, 90% of that deck will be gone in 6 months time, while for $25 more you can get a better deck that will last you longer and can be easily improved with prize packs due to it being made mostly from cards from the latest sets.
That's the main issue though, it's nice but it doesn't add enough to make it worth hurting your mana base to do it. I've tried playing Bant with my normal GW deck and it just makes the first 3 turns really rocky too often, which is a death knell in the current meta. Tamiyo is nice and she'd be a surefire include if she was UW instead of the Bant nonsense they forced her to be.
i recently made some big changes to the deck, replacing nebelgast heralds for bygone bishops and mausoleum wanderers for thraben inspector. it's a more reactive than proactive gameplan that works really well against copycat/UR tower and adds a point of toughness vs ballista
I really hope I get lucky during May.
how does a mono black deck cast fumigate?
sounds like you need more colors desu
I don't play Black.
are you not the illiterate mono B user?
I am not, I play GW into Brisela.
lancers? if yes what other legendaries?
no judge thread up need help
Felidar Guardian ETB's and I exile an aura and it returns to the battlefield.
When an aura ETBs without being cast do I attach it to a legal target?
When I cast an aura, do I select a legal target when I cast it same as selecting modes+targets on something like dromoka's command?
Yes and yes. Same as Starfield of Nyx, when it ETBs you can select any legal target.
I play 2 lancers. 1 Sigarda, 1 Bruna, 3 Gisela, 2 Avacyn, 2 Thalia(sometimes tutor her if I'm scared of Cat and have no other outs). Sideboard targets: Linvala and Skysovereign.
With Emmy banned Sigarda really isn't that great but I like her anyway and she's hilarious at PPTQs for the amount of warnings people get from mistriggers due to the self-hexproof. Every creature that isn't an angel a human so that is sorta relevant and she makes Gideon hexproof too.
Why are YOU not running Ulvenwald Mysteries in metalgear colossus?
why the fuck would i do that
Amonkhet leaks when?
Come on people, you are letting us down!
Consider the gatecrash leaks, the oath leaks. You people need to do better.
When does the set hit?
We usually start seeing a steady amount of spoilers within a month of release.
>wizards absolutely losing their shit for the Oath leaks and banning every level 3+ judge in the state of florida the week of PPTQ
Just went 0-3 in a small standard tournament that i wanted to try and use before an upcoming GP..
Should I just drop the GP event now? I rarely ever practice and don't have the time to go to any events.
End of April.
Who knows. I have a guy I know that managed to win the national magic league here, but never manages to win the local FNM tourneys.
You know that's like 2 years from now before kaladesh leaves, right?
wanted to get into mtg and got told for constructed formats standard is the way to go for new players. So I was browsing a few budget decks and decided on this one:
you guys think its viable enough to win FNMs?
>Stomped his esper trash.
Results oriented shitter detected.
I don't think it'd win you FNMs, at least not reliably. It's not a terrible deck but a decent Aggro deck will cave your face in before you can get running and a lot of the Control decks out there will have the tools to just ruin your plans.
If you want to try to win on a budget go with Greed/Red Energy. It's the deck I'm building for when I don't feel like running Grixis Control.
What sucks about this standard (well one of the things) is that the three best decks - Mardu Vehicles, GB, and Saheeli combo - are all basically KAL/AER decks. They won't rotate for more than a year. And to be honest the first two at least are very, very powerful decks with high synergy, explosive draws, and late game staying power. I don't think they'll be going anywhere.
Are we in for another year and a half of this shit? I miss when there were like eight viable standard decks, but I realize it's been a while. Why can't WotC design cards right?
Unfortunately I ordered the cards like a week ago so I already bought it. At least it seems fun.
Is that green/red energy you speak of cheap? I guess having 2 decks wouldn't be a bad idea for when the matchup is uniwnnable
You can get an okay G/R energy from 40-60 bucks depending on how you want to outfit it.
Is a conversion of GR to Jund energy viable? I want some black spells in there like Fatal Push, Unlicensed Disintegration and possibly Murder for removal.
You can also splash in snek for the extra energy counters and even more efficent cub and pummeler
I don't think it's that bad, honestly. Went to one of the biggest FNMs for Standard and I saw a good variety of deck building. A small plus with the few absurdly expensive cards compared to the rest in Standard is people are opting to go with alternative builds. Also the strength of removal in Amonkhet will dictate a lot of how things will play out for the next year.
But of those three: the only one of those three decks that I really see as obnoxious is the Green/Black Snek as it can ramp to such absurd levels so quickly and move out the range of a lot of removal even before you consider that as long as they have one green floating around they can counter nearly all removal in the game. It does so much so quickly and reliably it's pretty stupid.
If Mardu Vehicles runs into deck that can snuff a lot of their early momentum it struggles to hold any board presence. Also, once they lose Gideon when BFZ rotates out it'll be a lot less threatening. Copycat I can't say much about: don't see it that often around here and I primarily run Control so when I do I've shut it down every single time.
Yeah, a Green/Red Energy can run for about 60-100. There are some other pretty entertaining builds that are in that price range. Just as long as they don't need Gearhulks, Walking Balistas, Heart of Kiran and some of the Planeswalkers most decks aren't that bad to build.
If a gideon in amonkhet is any good, mardu is gonna stay around
Colossus in hand + colossus in graveyard + mysteries = infinite 1/1 soldier tokens
Yup, he can play any other format until them. Even block draft with amonkhet would be better.
To be fair the combo is slightly more in-depth than that, you'd need enough artifacts in play to make the colossus free and a clue in play to make the initial sac, but it does work.
Top 8 of today's GP:
3 BG
4 Mardu Vehicles now featuring Ballista
1 4C Shaheeli
top kek
>this is post copter ban.
So whats going to get banned in a couple of weeks?
Heart of Kiran?
Aether Hub
Nice one user.
Gideon will not be banned until at least Amonkhet. If you think they'll have a Standard without Gideon in it you're wrong. They may even ban him so that the new Gideon sees play.
My votes for bans are:
Veteran Motorist
Motorist is too much, getting rid of him slows down Mardu enough to allow midrange to actually exist again. A 2 mana Serra angel with a downside is one thing, but when it's routinely a 5/5 thus dodging even 4 drop fliers like Gisela and Mindwrack Demon, that's silly. On top of that the scy 2 is overkill.
I suspect Felidar will attract a ban, given that the combo managed to sneak past the devs (assuming anything you hear here is accurate). I think if they want to ban something that undoes the Gideon vehicle deck, it's the Heart of Kiran that gets banned rather than the motorist. Veteran Motorist is pretty strong in its own deck, but not so much that it attracts a ban.
>wizards missed a 2-card infinite
burn down the R+D department, jesus
Yeah I am just going by what has been said on Veeky Forums previously about it. Take it with a pinch of salt.