Modern General

Death's Shadow edition

What are your thoughts on the card?

Any spicy brews using him?

Do you think the dominance at GP Vancouver was due to the group playing the deck or because it's actually broken?

Current Modern Metagame


Evolution of Death's shadow

Other urls found in this thread:

>Nacatl was banned because 1 mana for 3/3 was too much power
>Death's Shadow

>mfw I knew a guy with a death shadow deck
>He played a meme tier soul conduit deck that ran 4 death's shadow when they were a 3 dollar card
>I haven't played a agro version yet, so I can remember the memery as a pleasant experiance.

Death's Shadow is a fine card. You have to work for it like Delver.

Nacatl is arguably a more effortless card than either of those cards.

It was also unbanned and is a fair card

48 other cards. Go

>Play Naya Zoo
>Slowly watch everything become Sucide Zoo
>Now it's just Death's Shadow

Feel bad man.

>Use Cranial plating on ornathopter
>Tap to activate dreadnaught
>Attach the plating to dreadnaught
sounds like fun

not sure which thread is active so i'll post here too...
looking for help on my kithkin tribal deck, i'll post pics of the cards i have
i really want to be able to play a bunch of small kithkin quickly, beef them up and swing, but any strategy help /useful card suggestion is appreciated.

also, im kinda on a budget so path to exile priced stuff is out (believe me i know the humbles don't really cut it)


Needs more burning tree emissary and reckless bushwhacker

kithkin cont.



last one


Needs more path to exile

try the edh thread, it seems more your speed

Kithkin your self

all very helpful :( thanks

I know you want help and don't have many places to go but we, including myself, are grossly hostile to casual play.

Because it always boils down to this: we'll throw in some input, but you're not good at the game to understand the theory or lingo, you haven't explained who you're playing against, you can't research, or you're on a budget. We're just going to feed you information and you can't even tell if it's good or bad advice or even pushback when you yourself don't understand what you're talking about.

The only way to get good at this game is to have the best decks and play against the best decks. Yes, the game is ridiculously not affordable and that sucks for the future of this format/game.

But you can do yourself a favor and get good at the game; because once you learn to do your own research and skills in play you will be able to help yourself and most importantly, learn the right questions to get the right advice; start with the links above or just use google. Whoever told you tribal (or a group of colors, or a specific mechanic) was a good way to build a deck lied to you or they themselves were also incompetent - we were all lied to so Wizards or your store or your friends can get money out of you while you know nothing.

This a good exercise in figuring out who in your real-life community actually is any good at the game or can teach properly. Just know that just because some guy has all the cards or claims to have been playing a long time doesn't mean they know jack shit.

I hate to break it to you, but you're brewing with very few good cards. That's why people aren't giving you good criticism.

It's assumed that the people in these threads generally have a certain amount of experience in the game to recognize what does and doesn't make a good card. It's reflected in the metagame of what decks are popular. Cenns Heir is 2 mana for a 1/1 that relies on other cards on your board. Against a deck that's 50% removal and 50% threats that are way better than yours (and eat your threats) how do you expect to win?

Maybe this is technically modern legal but competitive modern is a different beast.

People here are shitter memelord netdecker FUCKS.

heres some food for thought, seems like a cool tribal with interesting payoffs (rustic clachan being the coolest imo)

>people here are shitter memelord netdecker fucks

I'm the post above you and I literally play knight tribal and spellweaver helix

But at least both of those decks I try and use cards that will actually gain me some ground for the mana I spend or win the game. It's got nothing to do with being a netdecker but playing the netdecks at least let you appreciate how strong a deck needs to be before people are willing to look at it. Regardless of what people want, netdecks are going to be your competition, so prepare to answer them or lose.


Ultimately, you have to ask yourself, do you have fun by being good or do you have fun by fucking around.

If you want to get good, you will follow my advice. If you want to fuck around just play EDH, it's a clusterfuck of a format where you don't have the have the best play/deck to win.

But if you want to get good do realize that deckbuilding is the LAST skill anybody develops in this game. I will tell you that 99% of Magic players can't build decks, they can only tune them to be better; nobody here can build you the very best Kithkin deck imaginable. 99% of the people who encourage deckbuilding and "personal expression" quite frankly are faggots who are not good at the game.

We are playing this game at its most objective level; there is almost always certainly a very clear line between what works or doesn't work.

Good luck. We are here to help you get good, not attempt to build a cake out of garbage.

One With Nothing!

>shitter memelord netdecker fucks
fuck off desolator

pic related it's you, you fucking shitter

You're right about Cenn's Heir, not worth going tribal if that's the powerlevel of your payoff, but I think theres some good cards that might make it okay (lords, banner etc)

Kinda looks like goblins did pre-piledriver/reckless solidified it into 8whack.

If Slivers can be a thing, and Goblins can be a thing, who knows if in a year Kithkin memes might be real.


>We are here to help you get good
i'm not expecting to be modern competitive, i just don't like the 100 card format of EDH, frankly yeah, this is a casual deck, but a ton of people don't play ultra competitive modern because of costs
tribal is a good way to have a built in strategy, potentially keep costs low
and yes, express your creativity, sorry if i'm old school but i stopped playing at kamigawa and only recently picked it back up
some of us play for fun and flavor, not the zenith of the format

First off, fuck you.

Second of all, sphinx rev is OP as balls, what are you even on??

is there a similarly effective removal that doesn't cost 11 bucks a card?


>doesn't know the image
>sphinx's rev is OP as balls
Wew lad kys

If you have a problem with "netdeckers" then you can get the fuck out of this thread since it obviously isn't for you

Oust, Condemn, theres a white 3damage (Sunpierce? Idk) that only hits creatures for 1

Could also go for some mana tithes I guess?

Lots of cool options at 2 as well.

One day you'll find my posts funny.
It's cool if you don't get it man

yeah, nothing as good as exile, damn why did that card have to be so awesome

>but i stopped playing... and only recently picked it back up
I want to explain why this statement is so offensive to many players.

If you were any good at the game before you quit, you would be able to integrate back into the game with nearly zero effort. The analogy is worn out but it's like riding a bike; and in this case you never actually learned to ride, you kinda just puttered along. This is why at a base level why we are so hostile to bad players - they never bothered to learn to fish; they only keep asking for fish; asking for help; never making the financial or mental investment to permanently better themselves. Many Magic players who have played for many years continuously are just as useless in that manner; they may have cards and years of experience, but they can't play worth a damn.

It is not old-school to play for flavor, playing for style points is a completely different thing. The old-school nerd is the nerd who wants to master shit. The old-school nerd wants to find the most insane pinnacle within the realm of the rules and challenges others to topple them from the throne.

Casually trying something, tossing it aside before getting good, and picking it up later, is not old-school whatsoever. There is nothing casual about old-school. True old-school had no room for filthy casuals - that is what pushed those people to keep on playing D&D, LARP, read comic books, or play card games in the face of widespread social mockery and ridicule.

Even when old-school nerds people wanted to play for flavor or casually they would still be able to help themselves do it; they would find some way to strap a machine-gun to a cat and blow everyone out. And even then they'll admit that it isn't the most efficient way to go abouts things.

You only want the relaxed gameplay but want to put in none of the effort, financially and mentally.

So I'm sorry we can't help you; but that's only because you won't help yourself.

>and yes, express your creativity
>some of us play for fun and flavor

it's one thing to ask for help where it's inappropriate and complain about the quality of the advice. it's another thing to get lots of constructive criticism and act still entitled to help when you're exactly the type of player he condemned in his posts.

This is not the fun and flavor thread where you can express your creativity by posting objectively bad decks. If someone is going to "tweak" your list, it's going to be a huge tweak.

Not only that but the tweak is going to cost a lot of money. Start building on xmage where everything is free and tell me if you still use those cards.

>death shadow topic
>kithkin tribal shit
>netdecker meme

Can we sage this thread?

The topic was fine, but I don't know how a modern thread attracted an unironic kithkin poster. Like holy shit, have some awareness.

And not any of those is a s good as path to exile. Gee, I wonder why that one card is 11 dollars? Maybe because it's the only one that does the job?

jesus dude this is some scary autism

cool, thanks fags

Why did you post 5 pictures instead of one?

Why did you post.


RG Titanshift or RG BreachTitan?

Titan shift I think is more consistent but breach makes the deck more explosive

what is the best deck with suicide in its name?

Suicide Twin

So effective it was never heard from again

what decks do you have fun playing, but feel bad for using them
mine is 8 rack

I'm having trouble with the Affinity vs Grixis Delver match up on the side as Affinity. Right now, in locals, its around 20-80 in terms of wins-losses. So I'm not sure it's me being a shitter or if the match up is really that bad. It feels like I am running my head against the wall when the opponent kills most of my threats and drops a Tasigur on turn 3.

So any advice on how not to be so shit against Grixis Delver as Affinity?


etched champion with a hat and maybe ravager
Race that tasigur

Should I be siding in Skites in Match 2 for the K commands? It feels like such a shitty card when he just pushes it.
Right now; Im siding in 1 Thoughtseize, 2 Spell Pierces, and the 2 Etched Champs.
Im thinking of just dropping a spring-leaf or memnite to bring in spellskites.

literally the only deck played on xmage

do you feel bad because you lose everything?

no, i win alot of the time and my opponents just cant do anything about it

>i win a lot of times

don't bother with skites I think. You're better off trying to race. K command is only going to blow up one thing and if he's getting snap commands off you're waiting too long.

cross your fingers for a good draw and blitz before he stabilizes.

I have also heard of ensoul artifact being pretty good on darksteel citadel and try and run 4 champions

>Im thinking of just dropping a spring-leaf or memnite to bring in spellskites.

>I'm thinking about slowing down my blitz aggro deck against a control deck that already runs answers to the things I'm bringing in

this is a mistake. go fast > go safe. safe is your champions, live on the back of your champions.

if the deck aint red
by turn 8 they are dead

Getting out of modern. Should I sell my shock and fetch lands?

>turn 8
damn, that's as fast a single nacatl

Is that why it´s called 8rack? I thought that was a wrestling move.

If you don't plan to ever play mtg, yes. If you intend to come back to mtg in any other format, no.


its a dirty control deck, not aggro

Rakdos Return has won me games against tron desu. They empty their hand so fast, if you can catch them on turn 4 before they get tron you can hit their threats, it's a good deal.

I figure I'd make a commander deck that uses the cards I have. Should I lose the remaining three?

No, it runs 8 'rack' effects, 4x The Rack itself and 4x Shrieking Affliction

Just run blightning

it's a shit deck, that's what it is

>Turn 4 before they hit Tron
>after getting your land exiled on turn 3 by Karn

nice try guy

>someone how is salty and lost to 8rack constantly

it's not even tier 3

you seem like a net decker

>you seem like a person who likes winning

alrighty desolator, go 1-3 your FNM

>he justifies net decking

You cut Signal Pests first since it "can't" attack to a Delver and does nothing after a couple of Bolts/Pushes to the rest of your team, all 0-drops stay in MUs where you kill fast or don't at all. You can shave 1 drum on the play and one land (basic in non-path matchups) on the draw. Dismember takes care of Tasigur if you run it but if your opponent has shitload of removal and a Tasigur you lost because he drew the nuts, not because the latter is a good card for the matchup since 90% of your dudes fly. Against Delver (so assuming no damnation/anger) you're looking for go wide hands (playing Bomat Couriers helps since they're Ancestrals unanswered) or the classic Champion+Plating+stuff.
Skite negates bolt until removed and trades 1:1 with Kcommand so fuck yes you bring him in.

there is nothing to justify

How does skite trade 1 for 1 with Kcommand? Kcommand gets to kill skite and use one of the other modes as well

You redirect all modes to Skite, learn the rules.

The term ''net decking'' exist only because gay ass fags like you are trying SO HARD to be special little snow flakes who builds decks their little special way.

Stfu. Net decking is an artificial construct and you are just a fucking sore loser who cant handle the fact that your deck blows.

Make skite discard a card? Bring skite back from the graveyard to their hand?

Discard is irrelevant 100% of the time and if they're at the point where they're looping Snapcasters and removal you've already lost unless you can connect the last few points with Champion. The most common Command is destroy plating/Ravager and deal 2 to your (second) biggest threat (usually Overseer) at the moment, which Skite prevents, twice if you have Welding Jar.

You can only redirect two of the modes. If you're killing Spellskite you just use shatter and one of the other modes it can't redirect


You've already lost to looping snapcasters because they can bring snap back with K command and use a different mode at the same time, like killing skite. You've lost because they're trading 1 for 2 with you, if skite actually traded 1 for 1 with kcommand you wouldn't be losing.

In the first five turns, which is about the maximum you want the game to last, there are no snaps in the yard and Command always reads destroy plating and kill something else, which Skite prevents. Only thing that snap can chumpblock is Ravager, which is not supposed to attack in the matchup unless there's nothing on the field but dump counters on protected Inkmoth or Etched Champion.

>I'm right in this exact scenario and no other time is relevant

Unless they're running self mill like 4 of thought scour, but I mean that's only every grixis delver deck there is. Or they block with a flipped delver and return it. Or just use it on your draw step when you're guaranteed to have a card in hand. Or just the fact that the game can go over 5 turns, and no matter how much you don't want it to it doesn't change the fact that spellskite doesn't trade 1 for 1 with kcommand.

Whir of Invention is an amazing card.

If you think you are going to play only commander..... I got some bad news for you. You are addicted for life and you will be sorry when you are going to build 60 card deck again.

I just don't think I can play competitively anymore.

Do you think you invented 8rack?

is 8rack called 8rack because 4 the rack and 4 lili who has a big rack?

Shrieking affliction