Second question (optional) What could the Bohrok defeat?
When could they be stopped?
And if so, How?
Can a Rust monster rust something made of Protodermis?
>What could the Bohrok defeat?
Well, I think the basic stone Bohrok could shatter granite with those tuning fork hands of theirs.
... So quite a bit. I can't remember what powers the individual Bohork Khal had.
I never remember reading anything in the lore about protodermis oxidizing naturally. However, your homebrewed setting, your home brewed rules.
Also, keep in mind that not all metals oxidize like iron does, leaving a weak porous layer that allows for further rusting. Some metals, such as aluminum and chromium, (I think) oxidize in a manner that forms a protective coating that prevents further oxidation of the material.
if you wish to defeat the BOHROK SWARM, you must gather one of each kind of living KRANA they hold. Venture into the tunnels beneath MATA NUI and face the BAHRAG QUEENS. The EXO-TOA will hinder your elemental powers.
Now that I think about it a bit more... There's no way that protodermis would oxidize like rust, or the Ga-matoran would die from rusting rather quickly in their humid enviroment.
So there you have it, OP. Bionicles should not be vulnerable to rust monsters.
Phew, I was scared of having the magnetism Bohrok-kal fight in close quarters.
Gravity vacuum plasma magnetism electricity and sonic
bump in hopes of more sick bionicle lore and game ideas.
Well, for a game idea, have the PCs explore a dungeon, kill monsters, etc. Get to the last room and procure the treasure, then when they leave the dungeon the see a bunch of creatures devastating the environment around them. As far as I am aware the bohrok ignore living creatures until they begin obstructing their purpose.
My spoiler button isn't working, How about I just tell you something about the Bohrok?
The entire Bohrok swarm is made of Av-Matoran, Think about it, Millions of Av-Matoran turning themselves into every species of Bohrok.
>Tfw you realise that the mask of light turned a Ta-Matoran into the Toa of light because no Av-Matoran were available
>tfw takanuva was actually confirmed to be an av-matoran before becoming the toa of light
That's a huge retcon.
Texas sized retcon.
>Takua was the first Matoran to be created. He came from Karda Nui
>Takua was an adventurous Av-Matoran who was disguised as a Ta-Matoran and sent to Metru Nui during the Time Slip. He later moved to Mata Nui
>He lost his memory during the Time Slip
Sure is
There were hints for it I think
Like in the first movie Takua's mask kept coming loose because he wasn't a true ta-matoran and destined from the very beginning to become something more.
The one redcon I don't like is the makuta being an entire species and not just one guy. he's not even mata nui's brother ffs
I thought it was neat to see the different makutas in the core
So, I play D&D 5e and I was curious what you guys thought would be an acceptable way for a campaign to be bionicle themed. Maybe like spiritilualy instead of everyone being warforged. Maybe we could make a system for it?
Aw, I don't want this to be a dead thread :(
You still should be. If you're in close quarters with ANY Bohrok, let alone a Kal, you're probably gonna have a bad time.
I'm playing AS the magnetism Bohrok-Kal.
Despite playing with the figurines I never could get into the story. Partially because I didn't even know where to look.
Look for this.
At the end of the comic series it goes full Gurren Laggan.
Were you going for Thrackerzod there?
First off, what the fuck is this shit?
Second off, WHAT the FUCK is this SHIT?
And lastly, get the fuck out of here with this non-tg shit
You have to 18+ to post here.
Why are you here then?
Or for that matter, why does this thread exist?
>I don't like something you can't either
Because I'm Twenty.
This thread exists due to an existing Bionicle RPG Tabletop game, Which only allows you to play as the good characters, I'm playing a campaign with the evil characters, and then I stumbled across a problem, Hence I am here to ask Veeky Forums a question.
How dare you slander my legitimate claim to having a Veeky Forums related thread.
I have a physical copy of that comic in a good condition. It's really neat.
Not that it's ever going to be worth anything, I just like to hang onto the one piece of Bionicle stuff I still own.
>Not knowing Bionicle
Get out of here at once you pleb
Very Nice.
The ignition series went dark though.
I was warned of a super-autist who targets anything "not /tg related".
REVIVAL, post anything Bionicle and Veeky Forums related.
Did they ever make that Bionicle RPG?
Hated this.
well rust monsters are able to 'rust' gold and other metals that don't normally corrode so why not. if it could make them world ending maybe it only weakly affects it. It's magic so long as you keep it internally consistent do the interesting thing.
Which masks would be artifacts? or would they all be lesser barring the ones like the mask of time?
Holy fuck, I was just rebuilding a bunch of my Bionicles for Nostalgia's sake the other day. Even binged the 3 original movies. A Bionicle tabletop RPG would be rad.