> Some days you get glimpses of civilization out in the far reaches of wherever you may be. Those days are gone though. Even I struggle to remember what it was like before 'XP' came into existence...before people got stronger from killing things
World Building Thread
Put specifically, this is a campaign I want to run.
I feel as if western nations would be complete anarchy, while desert Muslims nations with low biodiversity might be able to stand.
Yes. I'm a DM who ran a zombie apoc campaign. We are currently being soldiered as mercs to fight the Communist republic of Southern Oregon.
One thing is that also you need to try to make it look anarchic.
I feel like we all agree that Crossed is cringe. That said, I feel like it would be the most accurate outcome.
I mean, make it anarchic and not like crossed.
Alright, you're going to have to educate me then on the difference. I'm not saying that XP would make people hosts of murder-orgies- but simply suggesting that the same level of uncontrolled killing would happen.
About how many of those "unique" Crossed are there now? Or is Salt the only one that was actually coherent?
I ought to read Crossed +100 again. it was neat, even if the art style got retarded after a while.
hi. i just googled this comic because the pic interests me, where can i view it in order of release? on view-comic.com its rlly chaotic
> can't tell if spork comment is ironic
If XP existed, you can bet some government control would exist to prevent the collapse of society. Since most people wouldn't bother gaining XP (seriously, people now don't even bother with self-improvement, so why would they when murder was the obstacle?), it would only be the insane who would try it. Which also means the military/police/government would need to try to beat them to it, like an arms race.
The more likely scenario would be a system built to keep the majority of people at a low level, punishing those who tried to pass certain levels, and an elite task force with high levels designed to take out the bad guys. Maybe even "death farms", where inmates on death-row, the elderly looking for euthanasia, and terminally ill people would be offered up to keep the police force strong.
Unironically, PRK might do best in this situation.
>Be innocent truck driver
>Jackknife causes me to ram a bus and we slide off an overpass
>No survivors but me
>Killing 30 people has given me superpowers and now the govt is out to get me
It was one of my best quests desu. I'll tell you later.
Sounds like either the start of a good story or a good character background.
>Butchers suddenly rule the world.
Fucking noobs. Just boil an anthill or two. Minimum one xp per kill.
Can animals get xp? Because if so, superpowered predators will be a problem.
Better deliver
Wouldn't it give you less XP if you're just killing animals lined up to die? You gotta chase each cow down with a pencil for that sick grinding.
Well, you need at least 3 INT to have a theoretical character sheet, so maybe chimps, dolphins, orcas, and crows