Alright. I want to hear writefaggotry about your world. Tell me more. MOAR! I NEED IT!
I'll tell you mine.
Alright. I want to hear writefaggotry about your world. Tell me more. MOAR! I NEED IT!
All of Veeky Forums makes a setting: Craaaaaaaaaaaaawl edition.
Go on, impress me
Yes. Sorry for being late
This is the logs of a Marine of the 354th "Starchasers" Batallion. This was in the Alohazzi Corridor, in the 5-year war against the Alohazzi Hive Mind Flock and the Fontran Combine. This was the first battle of the war, on the Hazzir Jewel world of Nizzor. 10 million humans as part of a corporation existed there. The Allohazzi were attacking the planet. An immediate evacuation order under the highest echelons of the commonwealth.
The Aquila gunships were landing onto the makeshift refugee camp on the city of Hizfom, 2 million were living there, and we had to evac the hell out of here. The regular army had set up defenses at the capital.
Shit! That was the 800mm gauss artillery the birdies got from our convoy when it was destroyed.
Alright! They launched a massive rush onto us! They had a force of 1000 men, along with 100 tanks to add to it as well. They were all a hive mind, and they didn't care about casualties, or themselves. We were gunning them down, while a counter force of fontrans shot down the shuttle! We drove 'em back, but we are dying here.
Uh, you mean about my book(s)? Or about my setting? I'm lost here.
Hive mind of aggressive birdies? Shouldn't it be 'murder'?
This is terrible, user.
D&D standart fantasy shit BUT WITH A TWIST
it's broken into pieces, so
>extraplanars have trouble getting to those pieces of material plane
>several centuries of isolation made people forget about the existence of other races, cultures, just allows me to have hobgoblin japan next to roman empire
>it kaboom'd with a bang "loud" enough to wake up azazoths, whose very attention upon the pieces change stuff
Yeah. It should. Well, they aren't aggressive, but they need to grow, to consume, to feed.
Look it up.
In the archives.
Imagine a story, Technically I helped you.
There's your story.
Alright. Colenel Johnson is leading a force taking us on the offensive. Damn birds are gonna die. Yesterday, Theta convoy was raided, and 300,000 innocent refugees were killed in the onslaught. I heard they were eaten alive and boiled into stews. Lobotomized, what they did was horrid. It's time for some payback.
Holy shit! That was a shell which just flew by me! Our landing was nearly taken down by flak from the birds. Col. Brent's forces were mostly shot down, and were presumed to be dead. Col. Difarnos are also shot down as well. We are the only ones who got here.
>A fighter drops it's load on us
>Flak batteries fire
We need to get those tanks online!
It's 2001. It's been two years since the all out nuclear engagement that occurred due to the soviets responding to the Able Archer 83 exercise in 1983. The old titans that ruled the world are gone. China, The United States, The Soviet Union and its satellites, and finally the NATO member states lay in irradiated ruination. New nations rise out of the fallout to find their purchase in this new world. Tyrants and despots rule most of these new nations making the monsters that led the "Old World" look like children.
This is the back drop for your adventures. Survive and make your mark on this glowing new world.
There was once a great empire that brought peace, justice, and technological advancement to the farthest corners of the world. It banished war and slavery, ignorance and cruelty, from lands which had throughout their history known nothing else.
Eventually though, after many, many years of almost uninterrupted peace, a great evil arose to challenge the Empire for hegemony over the world. The Empire could have stepped back and let the evil power take its share from the lesser polities of the world, for the evil was not yet ready to challenge the Empire's strength.
But the Empire could not let the peace it had built die so easily. Where the Empire had brought justice, the evil brought only a harsh, terrible order. The Empire had found lands riven by war and brought them peace, while the evil brought war to the peaceful. The Empire would not
And so, to defeat the evil, it went to war. Millions died, an entire generation of the Empire's young men was all but wiped out, but in the end the great Empire stood victorious, it's enemy utterly prostrate before it. But instead of annihilating the great enemy - as the evil power would have done had their positions been reversed - it showed mercy, and allowed it to continue to exist, stripped of its military power. In but a few years the Empire even reached out the hand of friendship to the great enemy; seeking to build trust, it relaxed almost all the conditions it had imposed upon the enemy to limit its power. And the enemy feigned a newfound love of peace.
But the heart is not an easy thing to change, and evil still lurked in the enemy, unconquered. Biding its time.
It did not have long to wait.
Weakened by the recent war, the Empire began to falter. It began to struggle. And evil saw its chance. It began to rebuild itself, to set forth on a new path of conquest. Yet once again, it was wary of confronting the Empire directly. If the Empire had so chosen, it could have stepped back and let half the world fall to darkness.
But once again, the Empire chose to stand firm against evil.
The Empire was weary now, depleted in resources from the previous war, and sick of slaughter and death. Taken by surprise by the enemy's sudden resurgence, it began to suffer defeats. Heavy defeats. The enemy forced it to its knees, but still it would not yield. And slowly, painstakingly, it pushed back. And the enemy found that it was not as strong as it had thought.
Once again, evil fell. This time it was scoured so completely that there could be no question of another war. And yet, despite all that the enemy had done, the Empire and its allies - allies who a generation before held only a fraction of the Empire's power, but now stood overbearingly at the Empire's shoulder - did not destroy the enemy, hoping that in time a seed of justice could be nurtured where once only greed and hatred had grown. And for all that many called them fools, in time they were proven right.
But in victory the Empire was utterly broken. Amidst the destruction, it's provinces began to lose faith in the ability of the Empire to govern. And the greedy and ambitious, who longed to return to the dark days before the Empire's coming when men like them held power, began to lose their fear of the Empire's once uncontested might. Slowly but surely, the provinces began to break away, shattering into a mess of squabbling, warring lands, usually governed by squabbling, corrupt men.
Even the Empire's memory was trodden into the ashes of its once great achievements, with those that came after it to vie for global hegemony denouncing it as a tyrant, an oppressor, a thief. Even as they started bloody wars and looted the wealth of the less powerful, the new powers of the world tried to justify their claim to power by portraying themselves as heroes, breaking apart the old order created by the terrible old Empire.
But some remembered. Some remembered the Empire that had come in ships to sweep slavery from the seas. That had come to break the bonds of the slaves and break the backs of the slavers. Some remembered, as their pockets were pilfered by their own leaders, a time when government officials did not steal, were not uniformly corrupt and self serving. Some remembered an Empire that had found their lands without technology or the knowledge to build it, and some remembered that much of the technology they were still using was brought to them by that Empire.
Some remembered... but few cared.
For that was all the Empire was now. A memory.
wouldn't that just leave South America as the centre of the world?
>tfw this is the story we live in
A long time ago, the Seraphics came down upon the wasteland. Rami, the Seeder, who blessed the land with fertility. Iuri, the Purifier, who purged the taint and curse from the land. Zeyu, the Shaper, who molded the land into the shape it became. Arae, the Digger, who created the vast underground and gave it great riches, And Eris, the Settler, who sent her chosen people down to inherit that which had been made for them. From these Seraphs, the land of Seran was made.
The state of the world is kept in check by the Holy Servants sent down to guide Seran, the Cherum.
Just 300 scant years ago, it is known that Zeyu descended from her throne in the Godly Plane to punish the people for their warring ways, which threatened to reach a level of self-destruction that would undo her work. As punishment, she took from Seran the land of Illbathara, the Merged Kingdom, which had seemed poised for civil war. With that, the kingdom and it's land was torn from the ground, creating the Lake of Two Oceans as it is today.
At the same time, new beings appeared. They were not of the spark of Eris, as the Four First Races, Humans, Orcs, Dwarfs, and Elves were. They were foreign to this plane, and appeared in the thousands at the site of the Four Armies Battle. Although it is unknown why they were sent, all who were sent down during this time knew nothing of their previous land.
One day, the races will prove themselves worthy of the Seraphs, and become Cherum of their own right, and be sent to guard and nurture other lands at the command of the Five. That day is said to come when the Forges of Dawn run dry, the forces from the Underdark are shattered to their core, and the forces of Magi run with wild abandon. On those days, the Chosen will arise, and prove to the Seraph whether the races are worthy of becoming the next Cherum, or to be regarded as failures and sent back to the start.
That and africa yes.
even after WW3 the development levels would be: South America > nuclear wastelands > africa
I wonder if Africa would be better or worse if the West and China disappeared overnight.
user that's just a map of the British Empire.
Worse. Much, much worse. Africa's population is over ten times bigger than it was before white people showed up. Without western technology (not to mention western aid) to keep agricultural production up Africa would be unbelievably screwed. And if Zimbabwe has proved anything it's that African countries can't maintain the level of technology they have now without outside help.
I'll leave it to you to imagine a scenario in which there's only food for 10% of the population. There are a number of ways that the remaining 90% could be removed, but among the BEST case scenarios is the whites living in Africa banding together to set themselves up as an aristocracy which can restore order and cull the surplus people. Second best is a black group doing the same. If things were just left to progress naturally then the chaos would develop into a cycle of violence which would bring Africa's population down to maybe even below the pre-industrial-age average.
Maybe go post your unsupported wankfest about the "lesser races" on /pol/ where it'd be appreciated.
>mommy, the mean man is spreading wrongthink again.
Saying this sort of thing may be politically/socially unpopular atm, but it's completely true and you know it. Africa's population now versus it's historic population is just basic fact, as is Zimbabwe's collapse (not to mention South Africa's economic problems after the end of Apartheid).
Didn't take that long for my setting to have an argument.
Might just win the SJW's by having a faction of white african despots for them too kill and save the oppressed blacks.
Thanks /pol/.
Lad, I say this as a British imperialist, but we were kinda dicks to most of our subjects.
I mean, it was what all the cool countries were doing at the time, so it's not like we can really be blamed or anything, but still.
> but we were kinda dicks to most of our subjects.
>"It's completely true and you know it"
>I don't actually have any evidence or sources, but I'm assuming everyone is as racist as I am
Go read a book about colonialism. In fact, just go read a book that isn't Mein Kampf.
>I don't actually have any evidence or sources
the fuck? You're the one who's just throwing insults. What do you want sources for? The fact that Africa's population was ten times smaller 200 years ago? The fact that Zimbabwe's economy collapsed after they started persecuting white people? Anyone with even the vaguest knowledge of Africa knows that, and if you don't three seconds on google would back me up. Would you like some sources showing that Donald Trump is president? How about sources proving that water is wet?
Where the fuck do you think you are, anyway? I don't care if you call me a Nazi, and no one else here cares. Not because I'm a Nazi, but because this is an anonymous image board and that kind of cheap tactic doesn't work when there's no identities to attack (and no crowd of sycophants behind you ready to congratulate you on you wit).
Post a hard source disproving something that I have stated or shut up.
Also, fuck you, I didn't come here to talk about politics, I came here to talk counterfactual history spiced with a little fantasy and general world building. You could have responded along the lines of 'actually, I don't think it would play out like that, I think it would more likely go down like this...' But you didn't, because you're not smart enough to either deconstruct my scenario or come up with something equally well thought out yourself. You just saw something you perceived as right wing, got irritated, and then lashed out because you forgot that you're not irl where you can hide your sub-standard debating skills by playing to the prejudices of your liberal circle of friends (i.e. by calling everyone you disagree with a Nazi).
Fuck you for dragging me into this shitty conversation.