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first for tyranids are zerg ripoffs

second for bring back squats


Why is skeletor and a ninja turtle cosplaying as blues brothers?

Reminder that Plastic Sisters Soon™

Fuck, bulk work is exhausting.

not before admech transport

Still gonna buy a 500 point expansion for my Sisters army. I just don't know if I want a squad of HB retributors for sitting on an objective or Penitent Engines to maybe get into close combat with high T opponents.

If I find an email for chinaman and ask for a catalog are they just gonna ignore me?

Not the artist, but I think it's supposed to be Trayzn and Creed.

So the space marine scout models look like shitfaced monkey men so my options are using
Kasrkin or Legion Recon

any other bright ideas?

>tfw taking the stuff I want in either a Grand Host or Black Crusade detachment ends up being 500 over 1500.
Dang it. This is why I like CAD, but the benefits of the formations are enticing.


I'll use some of all the bare heads that come with Deathwatch kits.

Gluing tiny pieces of plastic together while you sit on a comfy chair must be a fucking nightmare.

What can i make from hunter rocket? I was thinking about making heavy artillery for guard.

undercoating on the sprue y/n?

Chair's not all that comfy.

Biggest issue is the tine chest ammo belts, that need to be individually clipped off and cleaned up.

Kills my eyes, back and grip.

no. even if you wanted to prime before assembling you'd have to do cutting and removing mold lines which would fuck up your priming

I have 120 gaunts, 20 Genestealers, and 15 warriors I put together in like 3 days. Monotony is much preferred to stabbing the shit out of yourself daily

Personally, I'd go with the Retributers. Even though PEs are cool as fuck, they are extremely fragile because they're an open topped rhino and will likely die before doing anything. They're even i3, which means they could even die before they even do anything meaningful in combat.

Also, assembling PEs is the worst.

Cypher is redloss leader of the dreadwing

Gonna post it here too since it took so long to write. The writer of "Master of Mankind" himself has stated that do not take anything that happens in the book at face value.

The only time the Emperor refers to the primarchs via numbers is when he is talking to the Custodes, particularly Ra. Now, it is an established fact that people perceive the Emperor as appealing to their own standards. Arkhan Land sees the Emperor as completely machine like, and believes the Emperor has tons of hidden adjustments like himself. The Silent Sisters, due to being nulls, just see a regular man in pain. Regular humans (for example in a Thousand Sons) see the emperor as Primarch-y with regal features. Similar to how he is portrayed in the famous duel picture. The Custodes feel like they are his firstborn. and are obviously a bit threatened and jealous of the Primarchs. The Primarchs are even more "unique creations" than them, stronger, faster and better. Thus it is entirely reasonable that the the custodes perceive the emperor dismissing the Primarchs as just tools, or the Emperor refers to them as tools to satisfy the Custodes. And at the end of the book, the Emperor does call Horus by his name and shows emotion towards him. Also, while I'm at it, I'm gonna disprove some more chaos fanboy wankery:

>the emperor lost to drach'nyen
No. He let drach'nyen impale him to lower his guard. Then teleported away, and sealed drach'nyen into Ra. Why did he do this? Because Daemons can't be killed, they are just banished. Drach'nyen rekt everything in his path from Custodes to Marines, so it would make sense that instead of just banishing him the Emperor decided to seal him into an immortal super-human, tell that superhuman to fuck off into the largest labyrinth in the universe taking drach'nyen with him.

In fact, the Master of Mankind gave the Emperor a massive power boost. Why? He is able to resurrect dead human souls and Ferrus fucking Manus to fight for him.

Cadia is no more

went against Aetaos'Rau'Keres in a 2000 point game


The big bird? Ouch. How many of your dudes were turned into pink horrors by the end of it?

Unless you OK'd that, he can't run it in sub-4000 point games.

what will happen to Kasrkin?

Did they think about it writing this crap?

In regards to Titan warfare, is it ever stated how the Imperials are holding the line on Armageddon when there are thousands of Ork Gargants running amok on it's surface versus only a few hundred Imperial Titans?

And is an Ordinatus larger than a Titan or usually smaller?

In the Helsreach book I thought it was odd such an amazingly destructive weapon was smaller than the Titans it fought alongside and dwarfed entirely by the Gargant it was targeting.

I listen to audiobooks, it's my general way to deal with monotonous tasks, I do it at work as well.

>The Silent Sisters, due to being nulls, just see a regular man in pain

>tzeentch is my favorite chaos god
>love playing chaos daemons
>people always think i'm some kind of waacfag when they see me and my army
Fuck this gay Earth.


I know your pain, Tau are my favourite army and I just love the Riptide fluff so much, I have three in my 1000pts army. The model as well, it's just so versatile, I've modeled all of mine in various dynamic poses, like crouching low after deep striking or kneeling to take a shot.

People that don't understand me get butthurt and call me out for WAACing.

Just rude.

Presumably Magnus has seen the Emperor's true self also since they traversed the warp as psychic entities together.

I want to run a kill team of stalkers. What's the best way to represent cheeki breeki artifact hunters? Inquisition warband? Tempestus? R&H?

Oh, I thought you meant Sicarian Ruststalkers until I reread that. I dunno. Probably AdMech Rangers. They even have gasmasks and their job is to scout and collect relics anyways.

They're presumably holding the line because Ork Titan-Class threats are considerably worse man-to-man than Imperial Titans, and the Warhounds, Reavers and Warlord-class titans all have armaments very suited to blowing large holes through giant, slow and unshielded beasts with only a couple guns that can actually hurt the Void Shields on a Titan. The Warhounds are so maneuverable they can practically tap-dance. Also, they're escorted by Skitarii and Secutarii, which are extremely competent at butchering orks and their vehicles in fluff and tabletop. They can often kill Gargants and such with sustained Arc Rifle fire alone, Orks don't exactly shield their electronics.

Ordinatii vary massively, from the Minoris-class which are basically a gun the size of a Warhound, and used as the Admech's superheavy artillery, and have several standard types, to the Majoris, which are constructed bespoke to fight certain threats and named after that planet. I suspect a Minoris could probably handle a Gargant, and they've got a command platform at the back with one dude on it.

If that was THE Ordinatus Armageddon, it should be much larger than the standard Titans, on par with the Imperators. Think it may be a writer scale fuckup as normal, but not read that book.

Yeah, I figure that they'd be the sensible option, my local meta has Space Wolves, Death Guard, Tau, Grey Knights, Orks and maybe Dark Eldar/Harlequins, and I only see the DG being a problem when it comes to really durable units. I kinda felt bad for the guy who just today played his first game with the Orks, knowing they're not exactly a great army.

>love Necron fluff
>"Oh, cool, the Decurion is how they actually organize their armies!"
>the Decurion is filthy cheese

next week , battle brothers

>is it ever stated how the Imperials are holding the line on Armageddon when there are thousands of Ork Gargants running amok on it's surface versus only a few hundred Imperial Titans?

Yeah, Ork Gargants are shit.

Gonna post again for the user asking about the Cadian battlegroup. It's not a great detachment because the core requirements take up about 1000 points and are ridiculous. One is 5 lemans and 1 engiseer and the other is 170 bodies and 3 sentinels. That second option is almost never taken due to price and how long it would take to play. So you're realistically stuck with the first option which limits what else you can take. You're better off using the department as bonus hqs for your CAD since the detachment is 1+ hq as the minimum.

Providing you don't take Deathmarks, Flayed Ones or a C'tan you can field a Decurion without it being one, just as the individual formations. The best part of this is being able to field it as a Decurion if the opponent starts fielding a high-tier list, but holding back a little against lower-end builds.

Meant to reply to dammit.

How do blood angels fare these days? Worse space wolves?

>Its 106 light years to Macragge, we got a full stasis chamber, half a planet of Cadia, its Warp outside and we are wearing carapace.
>Hit it!

Official Tau theme song: google.com/search?q=beirut rip tide&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari


Solid rules, solid mid-tier army, lack the cheese units/options the vanilla codex has.

>dont worry Cadians, The Mordian Iron Guard will cover you

I'm trying to build a Slaanesh daemon army but I have no Fiends, how many should I buy? How many do I need?

Hmm, rangers might be good for Monolith, but not so much for other factions. Mercenaries and Duty could probably be scions.

What should i add or change to 1850 points.
Castellan detach so i can take thunderfires. Coteaz and inquisitor are cheapest hq, also give me protection from alpha strike. Scions so i can quickly return to battlefield via deep strike.
Tech priest joins to thunderfires and gives them prefered from kurov's aquila.
Obvious problems. Coteaz doesn't have powerful unit to join and i don't have anti charge screen in general.

I wanna fuck that kharskin

Drop one Scion squad and put in this.

PCS 30
Infantry Squad 50, Lascannon 20 x3 - 210pts
Conscripts x30 - 90pts

Should equal 1850. Put Coteaz in the Infantry blob, then put the Inquisitor in the Conscript blob. That way both blobs are Stubborn and Coteaz can shoot a bunch of Lasguns and Lascannons at deep striking stuff.

You could also run the Infantry Squads with Autocannons and Grenade Launchers/Flamers for anti-tank and if you run Flamers, for Wall of Death.

When rolling for a scatter for a Deep Strike do I take into the account the Ballistic Skill or any other characteristic of the Terminator?


Just play how you like, don't let them judge you

you've got staying in the lines down now you gotta THIN

Scatterlazers and hover bikes are my favorite things.I AM SO SICK OF EVERYONE CALLING ME A CHEESE BEARD!!!

Anyone who knows anything about Deldar know how viable this is?


fuck off you fucking nigger! you fucking assholes have broken my heart like 3 times. this time i really thought they will release plastic sisters... but it was just celestine and two friends. not enough ;_; I WANT MORE!!! I DESERVE MORE!!!!!!!!

Well you're asking for it

I only really look at lists from the perspective of how my list would fight it.

While I don't know the exact rules I believe I can safely engage everything but the Scions without worrying about them respawn deep-striking behind me. So naturally expect lots of strength 7 and 8 weaponry on the thunderfire cannons, some long-range anti-tank on that Manticore (Which will have to be 12" or less away from the techpriest to avoid a stun-lock) and for a nice wide infantry screen behind my vehicles to protect against your scions while minimizing their own vulnerability to artillery.

Once I down or stun the Manticore and thunderfires, I'm going to AT the basilisks and then finally the CCS Chimera. My mid-strength weaponry after the thunderfires will target your HQs, and whatever remains of my infantry (NOT expected to last long, but with priests I can at least avoid them running away) will try to whittle down your troops as much as possible without killing them.

So what you need is something to threatan my tanks from the front. A Manticore is not enough; you need something else I'm not alpha striking to shoot my AV-14. Meltavets, Meltascions, a demolisher, a vanquisher (if your desperate), or a couple of Centurians would do it.

After poring over the rules, I have a question.

Dark Angels formations aren't giving the flexibility I need, am I just totally fucked if I take CA Detachment? I can't even find a concrete answer if I still get Grim Resolve with a non-DA specific Formation.

What kind of "flexibility" do you need?
And just fyi yes you still get grim resolve, it's a model rule, the formation rule just affects grim resolve.


>trazyn flying by with a neon sign

He has truly earned the nickname trollzyn

Well my idea was to take a Knight Oathsworn with the Dangles and have a Techmarine as an HQ to fix it up when needed. I also want to take a Ravenwing Command Squad and a Darkshroud and I can't find a way to do that on the cheap with the list builder I'm using.

Oh I like this a lot. I'm not that user, but I like this kind of critique of a list. What someone else would do against it. As a semi-new Guard player I would appreciate this kind of input.

These are currently all the models I have built and painted. That's an Imperial Agents Astropath I've allied in.

what is your points limit?

Right now I have a list for exactly 1500.

ah so basically what you're saying is I want to combine all the best formations and squads of the dark angels into a 1500 point list that includes an imperial knight
I'm gonna go with "no"

Would Ogryns, squats, Felinids and such reject gene seed?

And no not asking "would gene seed be used on them" just if it'd be biologically viable.

Prety sure this has been brought up before, but since the geneseed is finicky enough to entire reject the opposite sex of a normal human, I doubt it would work on abhumans

No, Abhumans are genetically far enough from Humans to not be considered pure humans, but still close enough to not be another species, which is why they're allowed citizenship.

>Tyranids salivating
I know it's canon, but I always found it so weird that whatever genetic artisans were at work breeding nids would waste so much biomatter and metabolic chemical energy on developing a long-term digestive system for a creature that was intended to last a week tops. I know that some forms were intended for long-term, independent operations, but these warrior forms shouldn't themselves really have a need to consume, especially since they are intended to be re-consumed. Teeth, sure. Saliva and a throat for digesting? That's pretty pessimistic of the hivemind.

Dont worry,

One day soon when everything is a WAACfag army, nothing will be WAACfag

Since I made no mention of anything Deathwing, nor did I build for it, and I don't include a vehicle of any kind save for some Rhinos for the tactical squads, AND I didn't take any fliers. I don't understand in what way I'm saying that. If I'm saying anything it's "I want to build a DA army that has good synergy with a Knight."

Also I was wrong, the list is 1415.

But they typically don't really have a long-term digestive system. Carnifexes are a different story because they're meant to survive orbital bombardments and exterminatus via hibernation and then re-emerge and fuck shit up afterwards as a contingency plan.

Solid foundation I guess but not enough AT/ap2 weapons.

The archon and incubi unit are shit though, it just wont work.
You deepstrike and you're praying for a good run roll to avoid the templates, you charge in to combat in the hopes you wont be challenged out.
It just won't work.

It's explicitly stated that gaunts don't have an actual digestive system and are most likely fed with nutrient slime produced by another organism. This can be assumed to be true for the vast majority of tyranid organisms with low life expectancy and no need operate independently.

The mouths are decorative.

Tyranids don't have anything decorative. The mouths are a weapon.

Hormagaunts also have digestive systems.

Well, why do you care about grim resolve-related formations? Your ravenwing will probably be jinking anyway. What kind of shooty marines would you want to take in such a list besides the ravenwing and knight?

Their mouths are weapons to be used against their enemies.

The saliva is most likely some kind of low level toxin/contaminant to make their bite more deadly.

Cool, might just keep him cheap then, give him a blaster and stick him with another blasterborn squad in a venom.

They don't. See codex tyranids third edition. There's an autopsy report on a hormagaunt detailing its lack of a digestive system.

I run mine similar but:
Four incubi in a venom, they need a transport.
Upgrade one to a klaivex yo eat challenges your archon doesn't want.
I'd advise a shadow field.

Well, the mandatory Tactical Squads, who aren't exemplary at cutting shit up. But that's about it.

My main concern was someone in a past thread decrying CA detachments, and I wanted to know how fucked I was if I took it.

Read it again.

>Digestive system: None [see Phage Cells]
>Most of the Tyranids examined had amoeba-like cells within their blood, which appeared to serve no purpose. Close examination of these later brought the realization that these cells act as digestive systems.

Also in recent Tyranid fluff, Hormagaunts drain liquids from their kills in order to keep their metabolism going while they continue to operate far ahead of the main body of the swarm. Whether or not this is a retcon or a new adaptation or only true of some particular strains and not others is pretty much up to interpretation since Tyranids are constantly changing.

>Implying norn queens don't care about making their babies look the part

Could you post your list?

They don't. They're cold, calculating bio-computers of utterly alien intelligence that only care about continued survival and propagation of their "race".


The catalogues can be found online, so if you ask for them by email, they'll probably assume you're an idiot and not reply.


lots, they're great

>It is theorized that Tyranids (at least the advanced ones) feed on a preprocessed liquid which may be absorbed through osmosis within the larger hive vessels.