Veeky Forums, the day is won, but the vile Mordred has dealt me a fatal blow. Here, take Excalibur...

Veeky Forums, the day is won, but the vile Mordred has dealt me a fatal blow. Here, take Excalibur. Find a pool of calm water and throw the sword into it then return to me. Fear not, for one day a worthy king will come and the sword will rise once again.

Hey I threw it away. What now?

Now the Anglo-Saxons will come.
And then the Normans.
And then the Angevins.
And then Arthur's "people" will be reduced to a handful of sheepfuckers in the hills of Wales.

Seriously, Arthur is the fucking worst.

>Fear not, for one day a worthy king will come and the sword will rise once again.
Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.

I put it in my bathtub. Is that okay?


Oh but if I went 'round sayin' I was Emperor, just because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away.

I forget the exact quote and it's origin, but it effectively goes over that, but answers '' Yet for a brief, shining moment there was Camelot", which has always stuck with me.

I take the Sword and claim myself the King of Britain.

What now aside from rebuilding?

I mean... you're king of Britain now...
There was a reason nobody else took it from him.

1) Free Merlin and bro it up.
2) Find and rape Morgana or Gwynvere one of the two bitches and have them have your heir.
3) Re-establish new Round Table with no Lancelots or Mordreds allowed.

You're not Saber!

I didin't vote for you!


*Deus Vults behind u*
Nothin perssonell, King


Is anyone else a total Arthurfag that gets really fucking triggered when people are dumb about the Matter of Britain?

As they rode, kynge Arthur seyde, 'I have no swerde.'
'No force,' seyde Merlyon, 'hereby ys a swerde that shall be youre, and I may.'
So they rode tyll they com to a laake that was a fayre watir and brode. And in the myddis Arthure was ware of an arme clothed in whyght samyte, that helde a fayre swerde in that honde.
'Lo,' seyde Merlion, 'yondir ys the swerde that I spoke off.'

Medieval english really gets me off.

>not toilet

>medieval english
Go figure. What happened that old english looks so 'lol wut' in comparison?


'I lyke bettir the swerde,'

- Kynge Arthure

Second and most recent anime I ever watched. I was fucking pissed when Caster died and teared up like a little bitch at a Lancer. Sabre was the most fucking boring servant in the series imo. Still don't get the bloody ending either.

1066 happened. Before the Normans the English language had very little French in it so very little resemblance to today's language.

That series doesn't make much sense without the rest of the series