Oh shit! Totally forgot about brawler! Witches are new to me. Care to explain?
Aiden Adams
SotJR Session 4: Guro edition!
All of this is going to be spoilered, for the sake of FotJR.
>Party picks up where we left off; arguing about whether to go for second breakfast, or to the glassworks. >A bar of chocolate sates our tummy rumblings for long enough to go visit the glassworks. >We arrive to find smoke pouring out, but no sounds of work or industry. >However the door is locked. >ItsCrimeTimeMothafucka.gif
>Corwin pops the door open, while Val and Casimir admire the fine, yet rustic architecture. >The floors coated with a thick layer of dust, and sounds of giggling echo from the manufacturing floor. >Figuring the element of surprise is for losers, Corwin kicks open the door and is confronted with a dozen goblins mutilating and bodies of the factory workers. >Fight! Fight! Fight! >Goblins get ded. >Corwin has the first crit fumble of the game, and nearly drops his sword into the furnace. >This only served to make him more angry, and he ended up beating the last goblin to death with his bare hands. >Onryou is so enraged by the goblins, she ripped her clothes off; in favor of her leotard.
>The rest of the upper floor is clear. >The floor safe had been opened and emptied out. >We all gather at the stairs leading to the basement.
>Down in the basement we find the remains of smuggler's tunnels, the walls sealing them off chipped away by crude tools. >There's a room filled with half-empty booze bottles, and stacks of hand-drawn pornography. >Being the group's intellectuals, Casimir, Valeriya, and Corwin begin evaluating the artistic merits of the drawings. >Unfortunately, they're interrupted by Aranha discovering an unconscious and half-naked Ameiko in one of the side rooms. >Onryou and Seht volunteer to take her back to Father Zarus and warn Hemlock >Valeriya, Aranha, Corwin, and Casimir opt to explore a tunnel they found in the basement, hoping it'll lead them to whoever is behind the goblin attacks.
Matthew Sullivan
>White-Haired Witch Replace all your Hexes with getting the Prehensile Hair hex effect improved and scaled to punch people with your hair.
Ian Long
fuggin' incredible!
Mason Thomas
>using critical fumbles >even the kind that uses confirmations
Better punish TWFers, because TWF is so overpowered!
For that matter, better punish anyone who dares to make an attack roll instead of forcing save-or-loses!
Kevin Cruz
I almost got the female wood elf in a dress once.
I ran a PF game in Faerun where the PCs had to investigate a noble's mansion in not!Venice. The elf decided to leave the rest of the group early in the morning to spy on the mansion from the nearby river, so they had to dress the half-orc monk in a nobleman's outfit to have him act as a "foreign investor."
The elf saw him chatting it up with the nobles from the river, but he didn't see her.
Since then, the half-orc developed a taste for fine clothing, and the elf didn't try to leave the group as often. There were no penalties for the monk's noble clothing.
Oliver Torres
What exactly is the Dragon Princess race supposed to look like? Pic related?
Adrian Gonzalez
>For that matter, better punish anyone who dares to make an attack roll instead of forcing save-or-loses!
Yeah... because in our party full of gestalt initiators, clearly the thing we need to worry about is how the system interacts with save-or-suck casters.
Ya know, the casters we don't have.
Carter Thompson
>Crit fumble Wow, I realize this GM is a fucking retard but I certainly hope pfg games understand how stupid custom critical failure rules.
>Nobody is saying it. Everyone is just cool with this? Kon Kon, people who didn't even get selected are showing up and voicing how they feel about this. They got so passionate and wrapped up in the potential of the game, that they come here desperately trying to figure out who's making it in, what's happening in the game, etc etc etc.
>After a month and a half of searching, after a month and a half of getting people to post applications, after a month and a half of brainstorming - you came in, and declared 'haha, just kidding. I'm not gonna run it." Some of those applications took hours, maybe even days. I didn't really care that much. I put in an application while quite high in less than an hour. That's far from the point I'm trying to make.
>I knew this was going to happen. I had a feeling the moment you took the original GM's post, slapped it on your game and said 'okay, here we go!' - you used their carpet, you set up everyone on the carpet, and then you pulled it out from under everyone. Haha. Congratulations. Clap, clap, clap.
>I could forgive you, perhaps, if I knew you took the crew you selected, ran off to an original roll20, and gave everyone a red herring to stop the silliness. If you do come back here to revisit your failure - pick up where you left off. Run the game. People don't expect 'wow, the best fluffy city ever!' - they just wanted a silly game about cute characters doing cute things. And if you don't run the game? You're just an awful person. You made everyone put effort in, only to run away at the last possible second.
>They put in more effort than you did. Isn't that sad?
Jordan Anderson
Myr is pretty, but naw more like this.
Justin Baker
Ah okay, so more like 70% dragon and 30% girl?
John Walker
>deflecting from how objectively terrible critical fumbles are
Noah Sullivan
Meanwhile the people accepted just shrugged and moved on with life.
Camden Ramirez
I use Paizo's critical hit and fumble decks.
Jacob Bell
I hope tomorrow's WotR selection is as eventful.
And then a week after that with Taldor Ascendant.
Asher Murphy
I have no idea. While that's what's been posted, the GM might be ok with the opposite? Ask I suppose.
Brody Richardson
>implying Taldor Ascendant isn't kill
Jace Rodriguez
Is your Roll20 tag RgPi by any chance?
Nathan Bailey
>Using comparisons that have nothing to do with the situation.
Come on man, there are good reasons to dislike critical fumbles. Bitching about the martial vs. caster disparity in a game with no real casters is just silly.
Think for a moment before vomiting onto the keyboard.
Austin Sanchez
That's what makes it so good!
Ryder Carter
I just had my players pick out clothes at a noble outfitter for a ball. Basically it was all combat-ready magic armor carefully made so as to look like super-fancy formal wear. Stuff like: >removable coats (take off as a move action) >fancy "battle kilt" >ornamented pauldrons on lighter wear than the armor you'd normally see them on >sword-arm-only pauldron with fabric draping down covering a mostly-armored arm >cape with a wide plated clasp with emblems on it covering the top of the chest >fine mithril undershirts that maybe hang down from under a fabric dress jacket
It was all basically armor-equivalent. I think this was the document I used for what the armor stats actually were. I provided some similar-value armor bases for each type of armor-wearer in the party (none of them had heavy armor prof so I didn't bother setting up one for that), let them enhance to +2 (except Djezet Skin), then let them pick from a bunch of custom magic abilities that I cribbed from my favourite 3.5 magic items (those being Shadow Cloak, Ring of Spell-Battle and Healing Belt).
Cameron Ross
So folks, decided to read through all the 3pp kineticist material we've got available.
Kineticist has now hit the 4-archetype-stacking mark: Elemental Scion, War Kineticist, Kinetic Knight, and Roil Dancer all stack, and the all synergize relatively well together. The result is a Strength-based, single-element beatstick/controller with a lot of options for taking on enemies, which I'm honestly rather interested in, because it seems neat.
What are your experiences with the Roil Dancer? It seems reasonable to me. With some of the items in Kineticists of Poryphyra 2 and 3, you could make up for not getting elemental overflow damage. As far as I know, the damage boosts are as follows:
Elemental Scion (ups you one step if you choose to spec into a single blast) Ring of Elemental Strength (+1 Damage per die) Vambraces of Overflowing Power (lets you add E. Overflow damage to K. Blade and anything else that doesn't add it normally)
Any thoughts on this? I might attempt building one at some point , if /pfg/ wants to run a game that would accommodate it.
Blake Edwards
I'm not currently running a game. When I do, they're in person.
Easton Smith
The assassin game picked its players today too, but I guess that game fell of the /pfg/ radar long ago
Tyler Miller
>Have your characters ever worn fancy ball gowns? High heels? Both? What bonuses/penalties would you give for wearing them?
---- >Playing pic related at a Great sword wielding Soulknife (male). >First time playing, as was formerly ForeverGM(tm) and current GM's first time running a game of pathfinder. >GM decides that it'd be a good idea to have us do a masquerade style ballroom party to schmooze it up with the nobility after we fucked up a red dragon and forced it to fuck off. >The rest of party, out voting me, decides that my character is arbitrarily cute enough to pass as a woman if he has the right mask and dress. >My character is the only one without any social skills, but had enough charisma to fake it. >Everything going well so far. ohshitspoketoosoon.jpg >A woman wearing a black silk dress and a domino mask walks into the party. >Every experience I've had with RPGs and video games immediately puts me on guard because to me her very essence screams End Boss. >She looks around the room for a little bit, spots my character and beelines it to me. >She hooks her arm around my characters and begins to drag him around as glorified arm candy while she socializes. >Eventually she drags my character off to a private bedroom. >Worried that my character is about to be had, I brace to have my character quick-draw my soul weapon and stand against End Boss Lady solo. >Character get thrown onto the bed by End Boss Lady and has the skirt of his dress flipped up before he could do anything. >There's a pause. >End Boss Lady slowly lowers the skirt and looks my character in the eyes. >She slowly crawls across the bed so that her mouth is level with his ear and her body is pressed up against his. >She whispers "I'm fine with you being shemale if the dick's good enough." >Notice that GM has slowly gotten redder and redder over the course of the ballroom scene. >She suggests we take a ten minute break real quick. Then spends all ten minutes of it in the bathroom.
Jackson Butler
Good, then you don't matter.
Tyler Sanders
But how cute was he in that dress?
Liam Torres
Pfg lost interest in that game after the gm raised enough red flags.
Ayden Hill
Time has proven them right I guess, the chosen apps are pretty bland with a couple exceptions
Justin Butler
I will when I find players who hate PFS and want to try 3pp.
Brody Martin
That is adorable. I hope you didn't embarrass her.
Anthony Powell
Have you ever seen the ballroom scene from Black Butler when Ciel has to crossdress as a girl?
James Hall
I didn't mention anything at the time, I was just shocked that even I managed to walk blind right into her magical realm. She's single and has expressed interest in me in a highly passive aggressive way. So, I'm tempted to get a ball gown and mask so that she could indulge her fetish every once in a while.
Angel White
>Notice that GM has slowly gotten redder and redder over the course of the ballroom scene. Wait, this was IRL?
Isaiah Wilson
Well don't if you can't pass, that's probably not the same fetish.
how do you even need to ask this
Aiden King
How mandatory is it that my Taninim have a human form?
Joseph Miller
Haha, fuck. This is why i'm never gonna play with /pfg/. I could call this game melting a mile away.
Anthony Evans
On the one hand I feel bad for those who get legit excited for these (probably) troll games, on the other hand it feelsbadman that my real game can't generate as much excitement.
Colton Howard
You got a link?
Nicholas Brooks
How are people ALWAYS so surprised when finding out how obsessive and dedicated furries are? You can make stupid amounts of money as an artist just drawing for furries.
It's a very specialized session, which I'm sure if hurting its appeal, but I still think I could tell a good story for y'all regardless.
Angel Hill
New to pathfinder.
What's the general relationship between dwarves and halflings?
Bentley Barnes
Ryan Myers
If I come up with something good, I'll be sure to post.
Aaron Walker
Oh lordy, that's kind of what I was hoping for.
To add, my character is a dwarf, what is the general manner in which a dwarf would treat a halfling? Elves and their twinkletoes fairy boy bullshit is pretty obvious.
Joshua Cook
Usually none.
In golarion at least, dwarves and halflings rarely have any form of contact.
Lincoln Evans
>abloobloobloo I didn't get into the game so I'll shitpost about it with smug anime pictures instead: the post
Alexander Garcia
So, if I were a dim-witted uncouth and oblivious dwarf, I might think that a halfling was a human child and treat her as such? Like, my character would be like, "What is this little girl doing in a bar? Her lassy, take a shot of this, it'll put some hair on your chest! What you do you like, flowers and possies? Still manly than an elf?"
I'm replaying a scenario so I know that this will come up, so I need some direction, if not an actual plan for how to RP it.
Zachary Robinson
>I might think that a halfling was a human child and treat her as such
It's certainly possible.
Play your character and not your race.
Mason Murphy
>still no defense for critical fumbles
Gabriel Sullivan
Well, with everything that I am making this character to be, that is exactly what he would do, which is why I'm trying to figure out if there might be underlying cultural currents to take in consideration to make a more well-rounded character.
Jaxson Gomez
My group uses them because the DM game from a group that used them because his DM came from a group that used them...
Benjamin Evans
to add, the other option that I was thinking of was making advances on her.
Robert Cooper
I once had a halfling and a Dwarf in my party. They both had a running gag that the other was shorter than them. This lead to vicious name calling and short puns by the both of them.
Years of stress from stunty jokes finally had an outlet for the both of them.
Aiden Foster
I don't even utilize them and I'll say that the occasional crit-fail makes things more interesting user.
Elijah Cooper
>pass up on a quest where a party goes to retrieve the eggs of Roc because I was busy >watch the session from time to time >the party of players that went without me saw the tracks of another group of adventurers going to the same nest >GM even points out that from their current route, said group can even observe their movements if they had the equipment >party ignores and keeps pressing on >They get fired on from above by the other group despite all the GM warnings and then have to retreat
...How the heck can players be that dense? Did they just assume the other group will be cooperative?
Jace Perez
It also dicks over TWF for no reason.
Aiden Ross
And natural weapon builds. And throwing builds. And unarmed builds. And to some extent ranged builds. Everyone but THF and sword-and-board gets fucked by it, and one of those is fucking sword-and-board. Even one-handed styles include heavy use of counterattacks so they're still about hitting more instead of hitting hard.
Sebastian Sanders
Because "another group of adventurers can see you" does not automatically equate to "get rekt nerds lololololol"?
Yes, they probably did assume they wouldn't just get ambushed. Who the fuck would assume that unless they knew their GM to be an utter dick?
Sebastian Miller
>join an online campaign >my character and another's get close >after chatting with them between RPs so often, start to realise I'm having OOC feelings for them >falling in love with them >in love with them >they love me back, too >opposite sides of the world
Isaiah White
Frankly, I would assume that if only because there's always that joke that adventurers are groups of murderhobos, but even then that has some grain of truth in it
Roc eggs are also noted to be a quite rare and expensive commodity if anything, so I'd expect some competition
Ryan Campbell
I've been there.
Worst feeling in the world.
Landon Bailey
>Falling in love with other players
Noah Rodriguez
That assumption can--and should--only come if the GM has firmly established it. "Adventurers are murderhobos as a rule in my setting" should be laid out in plain language, not "There's other guys here AND THEY KILL YOU KEKEKEKEKEKEKE"
Asher James
Oh, you're right. Here's the defense - you're not in the game. If you are you could bitch about them and get kicked out, but you're not, so you can just whine impotently on an anonymous imageboard, and they're not going to stop using crit fumbles.
Levi Wilson
Eh, given the GM in question, I guess it should be an unspoken rule in general
He's generally a cool and nice guy but his paranoia when hes playing as a PC can be amazing. Not to mention how he actually has the book of Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercs from Schlock's Mercenaries
Henry Diaz
>still no defense for crit fumbles
Caleb Peterson
Uh, no? You're two parties going to the same location, possibly to acquire the same valuables. The chance of you getting into conflict is pretty damn high.
Roc eggs are worth thousands. That's more than enough for some people to kill for.
Blake Sullivan
To be fair it's probably not a huge hinderance to pure casters. I mean who cares if you're in heels if you're floating around with Overland Flight?
Austin Russell
The party enjoys having them in play. Ta-daaaa.
Parker Morgan
It's the best and the worst feeling.
And not one I can help.
Mason Bailey
Look man you just gotta accept that some people play by shit rules. I mean, we're all using Pathfinder so this shouldn't be hard to grasp.
Isaac Richardson
Crit fumbles are fine if you only allow the first roll in a round to have the chance. I mean it still fucks over mundanes more than casters but the mundanes will generally be the ones receiving the enemies' melee attacks, resulting in either neutral or net gain if they're usually outnumbered.