This is an elven supremacy thread

This is an elven supremacy thread.
Post elves being superior to non-elves in every single way.
Comment on what your favorite elves are, and in what way they are superior to the non-elves in their setting (protip: every way).

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Bearded manlet dorf tears also very much welcome.

Do Elder Scrolls Orsimer count as elves?


>flies upside down, gently slapping heavy plate-clad dudes with swords.
>Total casualties: 0

Why did the LoTR movies seem so much better than the Hobbit movies?

Because LoTR was for young adults, and you watched it as a young adult.
The Hobbit is for children, and you watched it as a manchild.

They were the most visually impressive movies of their generation. And they had to compress the original instead of stretching a single children's book over three epic movies.

Elves - the superior underground dwelling STRIKE THE EARTH race.

But it didn't have amazing 3D effects everyone loves so much!

Also, Tom Bombadil.

>jump right in between a wall of pikes and a wave of charging enemies
retardation: the manoeuvre

My favorite elves are Dark Elves.
I wish they didn't catch as much shit as they do, but it's rather understandable given the kind of people who gravitate towards them.

Just paternal instincts, drying to save these bearded babies from the orcs. Dwarves are known for dying in large quantities, since their inferiority complex fueled bravado gets them in fights with superior races.

Well, they're better at dying I guess.

No seriously, humans get mortality and elves get the option of early check-in from the grey harbour instead of going grey and wrinkly and shitting their pants while forgetting why.

Anybody? I mean they're still Mer, which are elves.

In fact, they're trying to save the orcs by impaling themselves on the dwarven pikes to render them useless.

>one of the orcs shifts his glaive or whatever to the other shoulder so the blade is sticking out in the middle of the column
>Total casualties: 1 elf

I've seen people argue that Khajiit are elves.

The hobbit movies were a pretty damn good 3 hour movies bloated to over 6 hours with material which was simultaneuosly the product of self indulgent excess and souless corporate drudgery.
Also terrible special effects and a whole heap of really bad decisions around many of the core cast members.

As far as I know most orcs don't think of themselves as elves and most elves would be offended at being placed in the same box as orcs. So I guess orismer are elves like tomatoes are fruit.

Technically Tolkien orcs are also elves, just corrupted elves.
So yes, in the two popular settings - LoTR and TES, orcs are elves.

Well are they both elves?

You forgot one where elves are trolls.

Elves hate it! Try this one neat trick to render elves completely helpless!

Do you have the original pic?

>terrible special effects
There was absolutely nothing wrong with the SFX in these movies. One of the few areas where they excelled.

Sweet I'll post some Orsimer next morning.

Can orcs go to the Valinor? That's important. Also Tolkien was never sure about the origin of his orcs, the corrupted elf-thing is just the note that made it into the Silmarillion.

here you go.

But that is wrong. The beast races are neither mer not human


Clearly you didn't have the misfortune to see it in Jackson's preferred high framerate form.

You will never learn, Manshortsen Lamebonesmith.

Yes it is right. Khajiit are simply Bosmer altered by Azura. One of their species even looks identical to Bosmer.

This doesn't make the effects more flawed, it makes the flaws more easy to notice.
The old LoTR movies in that framerate, resolution and screen size would look worse.

That's what he gets for trying to date above his station. It only leads to pain.

Orsimer are about as elvish as Dunmer.
Khajiit are related to bosmer in some cosmological sense but not elves.

>Khajiit are simply Bosmer altered by Azura.
Other way around as the Khajiit see it:
>And Nirni thanked Y'ffer and let him change the forest people also. And Y'ffer did not have Azurah's subtle wisdom, so Y'ffer made the forest people Elves always and never beasts. And Y'ffer named them Bosmer. And from that moment they were no longer in the same litter as the Khajiit.

For a half man, every date is above his station.

*above his stature

Was this intentional?

Yes Khajiit have slightly different names for most deities, like Lorkhaj, Fadomay, Mafala etc

Hobgoblin master race.

>Agile as elves

>Tough as dwarves

Are you even trying, slave races?

Oh wait you mean if they tried to call the Bosmer god a yiffer. No, I doubt it.

>he doesn't structure his setting's social class based upon height

Manlet DM confirmed


oy vey!

I could never treat hobgoblins seriously because I will forever associate them with the household spirits I read about as a kid.

I see a goblin trying to infiltrate.

I hope we will finally be able to play as any of the Khajiit races in TES: Elsweyr. Imagine playing as a levitating domestic cat blasting everything apart with hails of fireballs.

tfw all those weapons would be useless.
not to mention that helmet....

If a 6'6 hob hits you with anything it's going to hurt.

So is it so wrong to have elves be literally superior to other races?

I would make them nonplayable in this sense, but having asshole arrogant elves who are literally better then everyone else seems to be something most people hate, but I could see value in.

I did this once; made them an entire race of immortal supergishes with xp and class levels proportionate to their lifespans. Legions of soldiers where each was level ten or higher. Crazy shit. They lived in a parallel dimension and periodically raided kingdoms for fun and profit, since the drudgery of conquering and holding them was unnecessary on account of their secret realm filled with obedient slaves and magical robots.

If that's your thing check out the Eragon series for the most insufferable fucking elves of all time.

Oh my god, their mouths wouldn't work properly either because of all teh fangs! Unrealistic! Ree!

No reason to accept furry elves when there are actual elves that do the same thing, better.

Best elves are elves that fight for what is right.

And I thought the surfing on the shield down the stairs while shooting arrows was stupid.

Stupid for a dwarf maybe.
Everyday work for an elf.

Are warhammer high elves allowed?

>don't tell them this, they don't like it

I like it. Trolls are swell.

>supermodel with tusks

Space Elves Best Elves

Imperial Elven Navy for life

Who the fuck built that shitty bridge?

It's a fallen tower...

That's because Warcraft trolls are essentially ugly elves.

Dwarves. Explains a lot.

Holy shit the extended version was even more retarded.

I thought the first movie was stellar but it seemed Peter Jackson looked at his high adventure kids story and went.

"This was a horrible mistake, we should've just made LotR -1 and -2. So we got movies mostly about fighting and legolas rather then the guile and brohoodness you had in unexpected journey.

Elves are obviously in the right unless khajits claim that all elves come from cats. It would make no sense for only bosmer to come from Khajiits if they're also related to other mer.

It works if they're relatively irrelevant for the main story (not necessarily for the whole metaplot) and/or it's used for comic relief. Arrogant people make for better humour than bufoons with no pride.

But the first movie was terrible. It completely missed the main plot; The Hobbit isn't about vanquishing the Dragon, it's about Bilbo, the stand-in for the Victorian country gentleman, trying to function in a world that operates under the logic of an archaic adventure tale.

Bilbo, fundamentally never changes, he stays the Victorian gentleman, who feels ridiculous in armor and sits out the battle of Five Armies. His notion of courage is doing the right thing, alone, in the dark, where nobody will see or know. And he wins, he's the integral key to success, he's the one who can keep his head and say, give away the Arkenstone.

That's why the Dwarves are a bunch of mealy mouthed businessmen, in way over their heads for most of the adventure, even if they do have some skills. But PJ either doesn't get that or thinks its boring; Hobbit Movie #1 is about How Bilbo Met Ultra-Cool Dwarven Supercommandoes and Eventually Learns To Be Badass Like They Are.

Even today it's not uncommon for some Westerners to label any Asians they see "Chinese".

Its the other way around. First you make them superior to everyone, and then that superiority of course breeds arrogance.
Arrogance is, after all, realized superiority in the company of inferior people.

If you want them as a antagonist maybe.

Players hate arrogant pricks more then they hate savage murders, at least you don't have to TALK to the orc army.

The first movie wasn't about the dragon it was about him willingly going back to help the dwarves even when he previously tried to ditch them.

You are thinking of the second. The first didn't even HAVE a dragon, the bad guy was the orcs.

It literally broke the second Legolas fell on it. Fucking legoles who is so light and swift that he can walk on snow.

I'm a slav, and we just call all africans "black" and all asians "yellow", as well as all peoples from predominantly muslim country "muslims" as if its a species of people/

No, it was still pretty bad. Mediocre at best. It just wasn't absurd levels of bad and wasn't as full of unnecessary shit to make it worst like the others.

Hey guys what's going on in this thread

Are you calling an elf Fat?

Yes but I don't see your point. Are you impliying ALL elves come from Khajiits?

*most insufferable fucking books


For all I know, why not?

No, hence why the bridge is shit. It's not fathomable that it broke due to Legolas minimum weight.

Maybe it was built by dwarves, thats why its so shit.

It broke when Killer Croc threw a rock half his size at it.

Pretty sure that's universal. Well, yellow is kinda interchangeable with chinese here but that's because chinese rolls better on the tongue.


Why is he holding his sword backwards?

That was before.

There are no dwarfaboos here to make fun of and even if your joke would fall flat. Please stop.

>The first movie wasn't about the dragon it was about him willingly going back to help the dwarves even when he previously tried to ditch them.

>You are thinking of the second. The first didn't even HAVE a dragon, the bad guy was the orcs.

I've been looking at this for about 5 minutes and struggling to figure out how that is a response to my post. I mean for fuck's sake, I even say it's about Bilbo trying to function in a non-victorian world logic. I mention specifically how the Dragon (which is, introduced by the way, it's the stated end goal of the adventure) ISN'T the core plot.

I'm a different slav and we call all black people Negroes and all Asians Chinese.

>There are no dwarfaboos
>on Veeky Forums

>in this thread

Calling them negros is rude in all languages. They are just called black, unless you are feeling edgy.
I mean, its not as bad as doing it in the USA, but its still not desirable.