What's the greatest love story you ever told?

What's the greatest love story you ever told?

The love between Bob and Bob's palm.

Me and hot Czech guys

The story of OP and sweaty guys from the gym.

Love and romance have no place at TTRPGs, it's all magical realm bullshit

One time I ran a game where a new player did something stupid in the first session and died so I just said she was spared by death itself because It had a crush on her. The players were intrigued and abandoned the main plot to try and seduce abstract concepts.
One character tried to drink the ocean after being challenged to a chugging match by gluttony.
Another successfully wooed envy, which set off a cool rescue mission when she locked him away in her vault for precious things.

The BBEG was fear itself



But are you a grill?

I want to believe.

Tasha's Brother

Holy dick nuggets! That sounds fucking fun.

I would seduce Loyalty.


I had the party meet a dragon guarding the tomb of a hero from centuries ago.

Turns out the dragon was not only the hero's mount but also her lover, and they had several children. He never got over her death and spends his days guarding her tomb from robbers.

A player tried. Loyalty turned out to be a giant who holds up the sky, the world grew old and should have died long ago, but he wont let it because he promised his true love that he would wait and see her again.

Christ user, that's really sad.

>the progression of my reaction to this concept

user.. tell me that Friendship and Happiness were at least good ends...

Im impressed. THis sounds awesome. i'm stealing it.

Friendship was a war veteran. He wore medals from every battle that was ever fought. He could be found sitting in any pub in the world, telling stories of lost friends and singing songs of hope and glory. Not just war stories either, he would go on for hours about good people he had known from all walks of life.

The story ended with with a loveless marriage between hope and death.

>i'm stealing it.
That is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me on this site. I love you Veeky Forums

One time I ran a Mafia game where The Godfather and the serial killer were lovers, which meant if one died the other would suicide and they could only win the game together. The game ended with 2 mafioso + godfather/serial killer, and the latter 2 spent their last night actions killing the 2 mafioso. I narrated that The Godfather draped his arms around the serial killer and gloated to his former henchmen before they were executed.

It was basically a big gay joke, but hey.

What else do you call the various antagonists encountered throughout the campaign?


>female party member
>stalker villager npc follows us around for a while. Usually just passing jokes that end with party members telling him to fuck off

>near-party wipe
>stalker shows up and saves female party members life. Gets her standing again
>instead of thanking him she runs off to help the other party members and gather loot

>I thought that all I needed to do to make her love me was to show her I'm a hero. I've been waiting for a chance all this time to show her how cool I could be but even after saving her life she doesn't even notice me. I guess I should try to get over her -stalker

>you ok bro? - ranger

>No - stalker

He leaves and was never seen again.

I might steal it too.

I had already in mind something similar about the 4 horsemen and the seven sins, might as well expand it to other organizations of abstract concepts.

Neurotic canadian youtuber and his thicc gf

Fuck man, that's kinda heavy.

The Warrior Summoner(left) and Ahura Vainya, the Dragon of Raphael, incarnation of Love(right).

Normally the WarSum is rather blunt and bitchy towards most people.
She ran into Vainya after the group defeated a massive attack on WarSum's hometown by AsagiriGhost Werewolves. Vainya was travelling as a bard at the time, and was singing the funeral songs for those who didn't survive. She wound up asking the WarSum if she could crash at her place, after the two had talked for about three hours. WarSum woke up with her asleep in the same bed.

Things have since progressedshells were matched, hands were held, and now whenever Vainya shows up, the WarSum goes from "Surly" to "melting like butter under a hair dryer" in the span of as much time as it takes to hug someone.

Way to not work, spoilers.