Bitcoin is about to crash, it will drop $4000 today

Bail out now


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I want to be in the photo too. Cheese.

But seriously btc needs to die.

I should buy when it crashes?

Nice. Just bought 100k.

Absolutely, but you need to be cautious of it tanking further, which is totally possible

I like how you back up your claim with arguments

>Nice. Just bought 100k BCH

cool image, OP - did you make that?

Just bought 50k.

BTC is at its limit, you cant do shit with it, it inflated so hard that you cant even transfer without fiat style fees and 8 hour waiting

>But seriously btc needs to die.

JFC go buy LTC or ETH, buttcoin is seriously holding everything back

Got some personal analysis to back up said claim?

>BTCs little retarded brother

If LTC is bitcoins retarded brother, then bitcoin has to be the aborted fetus

BTC is fucking unusable, I hope it is usurped as the bottom layer of the crypto pyramid by some combo of ETH/LTC/BCH.

It is approaching a crucial point on the chart, if it breaks 18ish then we are fucked. But I think we will continue the uptrend and approach 22k within a week.



k e k

Repost this thread when bitcoin starts dipping... it won't recover do not buy

thx sold 100k

Why isn't it usable? People bid on the fees and if they are willing to pay more for miner's work and you are paying less, you can't complain that your tx won't be prioritized. It's working exactly as intended and it's capitalism 101.


Seriously we can’t let it have the nuclear codes

It was BCHer turn

Blockstream artificially limits the block size creating a shortage and you think this is capitalism? Is that a joke? That's called a command economy.

>bail out

That's why we're in crypto newfag.

>Why isn't it usable?
multi-hour tx time and/or massive tx fee compared to ETH/LTC/BCH


this. gotta wait for the dust to settle. maybe buy just a bit, see what happens. then if it goes down more buy a bit more, wait and see. once it levels out and starts to be about even then can put some real money in it

If btc crashes that hard, I'll take out a 5k loan and buy back in.

Miners productivity is being kept low on purpose so that bitcoin remains scarce and whales keep making money. Idk if this is good or bad cause what attracts money to the cryptoeconomy is this bitcoin deflation bullshit, but on the other hand it's so fucking inefficient...

> anus size
> 3 dayz
> fees


> buying LTC
> Sorry, I mean btc
> Fuck I mean xmr
> Damnit I want kitties, not kiddies, eth I buy
> Shit my friend wants kitties too
> Xfer him some eth to pay off debt
> Dammit now I want some weed, ugh, buy XMR n have weed shipped

No need for anus size, no need to go on streets, and it's done in a day.

Wtf is your problem boomer? I just want my kitties n weed you fucking faggot.


Best of all - no govment involved - omfg yes.

Not a fan of ltc, but at least it works.

this. im all in on eth and ltc
I want btc to die or at least go way up higher so eth and ltc have some space to grow

I hope this is bait.

If BTC takes a big hit, you can bet on ETH and LTC taking it with it

>anus size
>3 dayz

what are you talking about nigger?

Oh look. Its this thread again.

Word is getting out about how shit Core has made Bitcoin.



bitcoin is going to MOON

$50k ++++


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Look faggot, I have to go into the bank and bend over for somewhere to place my USD. Not only that, but big brother watches what I buy from the local sex shop. Gotta explain to the teller that I have no idea why $18 was spent at If I get divorced the 10/10 that's now a -1/10 takes all muh USD. I mean it's just a cluster fuck of rape and rather pointless when crypto truly offers more.

You can smell his feelings of inferiority.