I accidentally sent 34.01BCH to a BTC wallet... how fucked am i

i accidentally sent 34.01BCH to a BTC wallet... how fucked am i

completely fucked. you will never see that money again

lol jk i have no idea

Whoever owns the btc wallet also owns the bch wallet.
How fucked are you?

are you retarded?
get out normie


This guy's right. It is gone. The transactions can't cross the networks.

"Lost coins only make everyone else's coins worth slightly more. Think of it as a donation to everyone."
~Satoshi Nakamoto

I'm so sorry user, you lost your BCH. You now have 34 BTC

If BCH is a copy of BTC, shouldn't the wallet work?
Unless the retard sent it to a wallet he didn't control

I just received the coins. thank you

Thanks anonchan

it was an exchange, so they can recover it right? since they use the same address..?

I know someone that send the wrong coin to a USDT address. Coinbase never gave him his money back....

i sent 2.5 ETH to an ETC wallet once

never got them back, i even tried to convince the exchange to help me, but they had no idea what i even talked about lmao

back then they were only worth 150$ each, so i didn't care, but now thats $2k i wont be able to touch again, so it does hurt now

rip op

Thanks OP and happy holidays. My family fled somalia and appreciate da giftz

user I sent BTC to BCH address at Cex.io. They gave my BTC back but it was only $100. If its exchange wallets they may be able to fix it. Open support tickets.

bitfinex can recover your money in these cases, you have to pay a fee.

The BTC wallet probably has an identical BCH wallet

thats what i thought, thank

They actually should be able to if you explain the situation. Exchanges not doing this for customers btw should be boycotted.

>inb4 gone forever
Exchanges have private key for BTC which is the same as BCH.

they can recover yes, but you have to get them to be willing to do so. they may want a hefty fee.

Its what you get for using BCH, heretic

Dude just call your bank and thell the- oh wait...

Well he didn't deserve his money back