kobold art thread (dragonborn and lizardfolk welcome)
Kobold art thread (dragonborn and lizardfolk welcome)
Anyone got any more art of Kobold bards?
I had a dream one time where I passed by a Kobold band performing 70s Genesis music.
Also that OP is super precious.
what the fuck are those proportions
That's a cool dream user.
Calling all /k/obolds on the firing line!
>Still posting scaleybolds.
Anyone got more non-cute kobolds like in
and ?
Like we need another three dozen variations of "short, oddly colored humanoid"
get out
>One day it might be possible to genetically engineer such beings
>If we have luck we will see the beginning of this revolution, but we will die before it really happens
cmon fellas keep posting I need more scalykind art
I don't have much. Only a couple
I already had this saved, but it's one of my favorites.
like we need another furrybait race
greenskins are squalid and reprehensible
also, lizards don't have fur you silly bitch
they're still furrybait tho.
nuh nuh, furries don't fap to shit without fur
they call those scalies
can confirm t. scalefag
this is it for me tonight it's 4 am over here
I pray that this thread's active again by the time I wake up
fuck off to deviantart
a cute
Fuck off entirely
You guys are just smug furries, stop trying to take the high ground.
Ey senpai, I'm not going to turn down tail, but scales are superior in every way :^)
Kobolds are a kind of goblin.
There's already lizardmen. Doubt kobolds will be fap worthy compare to them for furries.
I knoooooow what I like
I drew this one for a friend in our roll20. Haven't finished it yet.
Statistically speaking, 9 out of 10 kobolds think you're cute.
I suppose I could drop a few of mine here
You don't see a lot of old ones around.
That's a good kobold. Drop more.
I don't usually base my characters off of existing ones but yeah, I'm sure you can see the Alphys inspiration.
Forgot to upload the dang image
One of my oldest, but probably most favorite kobold works.
A bit more sketchy than Iike to show, but you never know what kinda image you might need for an NPC
I use kobold NPCs a lot, so I've drawn up quite the collection hah.
Hello undertale.
Aaand I think that's the last of the kobold character pics I've done...
Found a higher res of this.
Used to be*
Well, I suppose if OKK was dropping his own stuff, and dragonborn are welcome, might as well post my delivery.
Thanks again man, my whole group loved how she turned out.
Hah, glad I could help. Always happy to give shape to a unique character design. That was a fun one.
Have always been*
Have you got a dA or tumblr or something I can follow, my dude? Your art looks really great and I'd like a place to follow it.
Are sometimes considered*
This. So much this.
Are commonly mistaken to be tiny lizard people*
Ah, I have a DA account but I haven't done anything with it in years.
It's OldKingKoal if your interested, I might start posting on it again some day, but generally I just do either requests and leave it up to the requester how they choose to display the image, or make NPC images that don't see the light of day outside of my games.
So are we allowed to post semi-lewd technically SFW pics in this thread and not get banned?
Is it one of those rules that apply only to some anons and not others?
>just try it lol
No I won't. Please give me an answer.
If by "semi-lewd" you mean "suggestive but with no genitals or obvious sexual activity visible," use your own discretion. If by "semi-lewd" you mean "gelbooru rated it 'Questionable,'" no, it probably won't fly.
Worst case scenario, there's no rule against posting a link to an image hosted offsite.
For my money, I'm intrigued to see what you have.
>there's no rule against posting a link to an image hosted offsite.
Bullshit. I've been banned for that.
Like, an imgur link or whatever? I'll admit I've never posted them myself, but I've seen plenty lewd images and whatnot posted that way on blue boards and never known anyone to be banned for it.
live, damn you, live
kurtulmak demands it
>Hurdy Gurdy
Kobolds have good taste.