>Set in a world where mystical creatures live side by side with humans. A human cop is forced to work with an Orc to find a weapon everyone is prepared to kill for.
Is there a modern equivalent to Shadowrun? If so I'm sure this is it.
>Set in a world where mystical creatures live side by side with humans. A human cop is forced to work with an Orc to find a weapon everyone is prepared to kill for.
Is there a modern equivalent to Shadowrun? If so I'm sure this is it.
Other urls found in this thread:
>netflix only
>locking a film inside a shitty streaming service
what is the prince charles of video games?
>shitty streaming service
How does it feel to be a plebeian with shit taste?
I wouldnt want that idiot ruining the lable anyways
End of Watch and Fury were both good. We'll see how this turns out.
It's like $7/mo you fecking pleb, and it's quite possibly the single best current commercial originator of new content. Choke to death.
People in the comments have come to the same conclusion we are right now.
This is a shadowrun movie.
the fuck is happening with Will Smith's career?
I guess
I guess this is pretty cool?
I mean maybe my dad, who watches netflix, will finally get what I'm talking about. That would be pretty awesome.
He got "I'm going to do whatever the fuck I want. Fuck you!" money.
You don't just post shit like that and not give the sauce, user
If it's done well.
BTW, has anyone seen Spectral?
It's pretty much a PMC fighting ghosts. Kinda corny, plot full of holes, but it's honestly pretty cool. It's one of those types of movies.
I recommend give it a watch.
So is this the closest we're ever going to get to a shadowrun movie?
What else bad is happening to it?
Netflix does have an issue that every couple of months it runs out of shit worth watching but then you can just cancel it for a few months and then reup for another month.
It's also the only commercial service taking real tangible risks on new content and has created some genuinely great movies and television shows.
also its like 7$ a month, like 9 for two screens.
People pay way more than that for services where they don't even watch a quarter of the content available to them. Why even pay for cable at this point you can pirate most of the shit you want anyways.
I don't think a Shadowrun movie could work. Too many new concepts.
A Shadowrun TV series, on HBO or whatever, could be absolutely fucking stellar.
so it's a black dude buddy cop film, with a supernigger instead of a nigger.
is this real?
Inran Elf Oyako to Orc
name found using google image search, haven't looked at the source page, but it's probably right.
I've always wondered what a fantasy setting that progressed to modern technology would look like, so I might watch it. Looks kind of budget though
>what a fantasy setting that progressed to modern technology would look like
Nothing like the modern day, because of magic.
Relax little shitlord. Someone will record it and upload it to Putlocker, Your favorite Torrent site, and Popcorn Time mere hours after the movie is uploaded.
>Mcguffin plot
why though
streaming is the future grandpa
tfw you will never have an elf for a wife
It will be filled to the brim with thinly veiled sjw nonsense that will make everyone cringe.
Nonsense. I'm sure its clever portrayal of the mistreatment of monsters as an allegory for how human minorities are treated badly will really make me think.
>kike-run bullshit spewing out propaganda against every sane governmental, social, and economic policy in existence
>not shitty
Hey, you dropped your tinfoil hat. Can't get caught without that on. How's your dissertations on bogeymen coming along btw?
>not even remotely an argument
How about you fuck the hell off while the adults are talking.
Urban Arcana. Cool setting, especially if you drop the system.
Non-arguments deserve non-arguments, I'm not going to put any efforts into my replies if you don't.
>I know nothing about the topic at hand, therefore you didn't make an argument
Run along, junior. My reason for not funding my own genocide is far more valid than any of yours for not caring about the same.
Oh man. You got me again with a non-argument. Wow, it's almost like you genuinely believe you're winning an argument.
Just fuck already.
White Genocide can't come fast enough! Hopefully North America will sink into the ocean
Really? How about both of you stop your pedantic arguing? Seriously you two sound like a couple of kids
Who wants to take bets that in this movie Will Smith plays a character with a kid who tries to be a good father?
He shoehorns it into every single character he plays. I'm sure he gets it in his contracts.
Now I'd pay to see Will Smiff do a sex scene with an Orc.
>I know nothing about the topic at hand, therefore you didn't make an argument
Reported, then. Fuck off.
Looks more like he has fallen to Whoopie Goldberg status in filmmaking. This is literally just a remake of Theodore Rex and Smith will be accused of "speciesm" in the film.
Oh shit I've been reported for not arguing with a non-argument shit spewing! Is this the punishment for not being able to refute one man's senseless opinions?
What is a fella to do?
>Will Smith as Scott Ward, a human cop and concerned father.
This is the Max Landis script that seemed almost 1-for-1 derivative of Shadowrun, so yes.
>deh joos r fundimg my deth by makig service i culd by me smrt
>Skub is shit
>No, your opinion of skub is shit
>Here's my completely unexplained off-the-wall reasons why skub is shit that are clearly just opinions
>Your reasons are pretty ridiculous and unfounded
>You have no argument! Now I call you a child as if that further enforces my case
>I didn't give an argument because nether did you
>You clearly know nothing then, despite me never stating any knowledge. I call you an adolescent again
>Clearly this is pointless because despite never making a case you continue to stand by it as though you have presented evidence. So here's a sarcastic comment
>I report you
>Here's another sarcastic comment
Everyone caught up yet?
None of anything that you posted constitutes an argument.
Haha that's the most ridiculous reason for reporting I've seen yet. You get called out on your bullshit by someone so you report him? This is a whole level of Internet idiocy.
Has no one realised that Landis wrote a movie based a joke Mike and Jay made in the Batman VS Superman review?
What joke and movie is that?
Batman v superman at 2:23 jay said "oh is that the movie where a cop teams up with an orc?"
Max Landis must have been watching and thought " I can shit a movie like that out for sure!"
Wow. That's.. wow.
Eh, I'm a sucker for fantasy tropes in modern to future, so I'll give it a shot.
wasn't there a movie just like this but with an alien?
Fucking hell this makeup looks legit horrible, I hope to fuck (for their sake, never watching this) that they intend to overlay that with CG
You know they're just going to make Orks a shitty stand in for black americans and have it ham fisted be about racism and shit right
Just pirate it and call it a day. I know I will.
Just like Shadowrun!
>cast a black actor
>make the orc represent black people
So he's going to be rioting and looting everything?
I believe "non-arguments" are a current meme, like "damage control" a while ago. So they're only pretending to be idiots.
He was writing it before the Half in the Bag movie review you fucking idiot
He's going through a bad patch in the aftermath of After Earth and having to come to the realization that his son is a no talent moron.
That and this
I thought it was a good movie. Not amazing or anything, but it was fun and I got some good idea's out of it.
>hey guys check out this Will Smith fantasy movie
>no let's talk about off-topic /pol/ shit
This is why everyone on Veeky Forums makes fun of your garbage board.
>Trying to peer shame on an anonymous image board.
Tumblr tactics don't work here.
A modern equivalent of Shadowrun would be something like Urban Arcana.
Like we give a shit what the other boards think, assuming that half of them are capable of thinking.
>what is torrenting
Third party, he does have actual reasons though. Just because you guys don't know about them doesn't mean they're unfounded.
Fuck off retard
Hmm, that sounds awful familiar... Like there's an RPG setting very similar... Like it has orcs breeding like rabbits and are a common source of crime and are generally blamed on societies problems... Also something about a dragon president?
Having read the script, I can already confirm that as true.
Considering his influences, it's more directly Tolkein-influenced than Shadowrun usually is. Orcs are discriminated against because they initially sided with The Dark Lord like 2000 years ago.
Bright was already sold by the time he did that interview.
>max Landis
Well, it's good to know I can give up on any hope of this being good. Thank you sir.
This is the script that was sold, before the David Ayer rewrite. No idea where to find that one.
I wonder who's more upset, Will because he has to work with an Orc or Orc-san because he has to work with a black.
Looks more like larper who have gone the way of the more extreme furries and are just walking around with their costumes on.
At least he's not doing the same movie again
>Clicked the second five times before tonicing
Fuck you, OP.
He's been jumping every scifi-esque movie role he could, ever since he turned downThe Matrix
>Will Smith is Neo
How would that have turned out?
I, Robot was pretty good, though, even if it had nothing to do with Asimov.
Awful. Autistic Neo is the best Neo.
>can't afford a streaming service so you call it propaganda
>Run along, junior.
You're a walking satire.
>I, Robot was pretty good
Even disregarding the deviation from the original, it's terribly boring wthout a single original idea throughout the whole thing.
>muh originality
It's like you can't even enjoy a nice popcorn flick about robot Jesus.
He played his role well enough. That's the thing about will, he's pretty good in only a handful of his roles. Another being I am legend
Modern fantasy is becoming more and more present. I'm happy, but let's hope it won't become the next milked fad.
thanks user.
Not if they are clearly trying to be more than dumb popcorn fare and failing miserably, no.
No complaint about his acting; I honestly don't think there's an actor alive who could have sved that script.
It'd be relevant to remind readers that once a script is sold, unless the screenwriter is brought on for the movie, they have no more input. You're more than welcome to see Bright then look back at the script and see how much changed.
Personally, I thought the setup was pretty good, the dynamic between the two main guys was pretty good, but I didn't really care for the second half of it at all. Just didn't get me going.
what part of hubbard's work is this?
>Set in an alternate present-day where humans, orcs, elves, and fairies have been co-existing since the beginning of time. Bright is genre-bending action movie
>genre-bending action
>Set in an alternate present-day where humans, orcs, elves, and fairies have been co-existing since the beginning of time.
How will they explain so many species co existing while competing for the same ecological niche?
/r/ing the Ben Garrison "buddy cop" comic but with an Orc cop helping a black cop instead of a black cop helping a white cop.
"The kikes are putting subliminal messaging in my mass media to make pure white maidens fuck niggers instead of me" is not an actual reason. It's a conspiracy theory. Might as well say you don't buy kosher products because you refuse to support blood libel.
Why even bother to pirate it? Shit looks awful. I didn't download After Earth even though I could have. You couldn't pay me to watch garbage like this.
>Shit looks awful
Based on what?