Modern General

Reprints edition

Cards that need a reprint?

Best reprint art?

Worst reprint art?

Thoughts on the current meta?

Thoughts on Wizards bannings of late?
Current Modern Metagame


Couldn't find anything worth reading desu

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I love how even with preordain this is a fucking pile of shit.

Card selection doesn't do anything when your cards are bad

It's azorius control, it's going to be a steaming pile of shit no matter what.

Is there any good cheap decks that can be upgraded that you guys would recommend for someone starting on modern?

patiently... waiting for spoilers...

i heard spoilers were supposed to come out tomorrow, not sure why though.

It doesn't really upgrade into anything but as far as cheap decks go I'm a big fan of mono-green stompy. It's about $70 for the whole thing and it has game against most of the field. It's also easy to pilot, which is a big plus for a new player.

depends what you consider cheap.

For less than 100 you can get stompy and mono red burn, where burn can easily be upgraded.

It's been Monday for WoTC headquarters for 12 minutes now, were are our spoilers??

uh no it's not u ritard

Most of them are upgradeable but the most popular are affinity, burn, 8rack, elves, and w/b tokens.

We will probably have some spoilers up by tomorrow around 10 am central time. My bet is new snapcaster art reveal and two/three rares, most of them being really good.

I'm putting my money on draft chaff

How am I doing? I have no idea what to put in the obscure decks region and the cheap and beginner's decks sections

What's the best way of going about selling your mtg collection? Should sell by bulk or individual cards? Should I just go to a shop and buylist everything at 50%? I know I'm sitting on about 4k worth of cards here.

Pick of the more expensive cards and sell them one by one.

Most people don't have patience for that and usually loose a good chunk of money.
Unless you reaaaally need that money right now.

Sell rest as "repacks" for fast moniez.

Change that to Mono R Burn.

No card needs reprint. Only poorfags crybabies need reprints, git gud, git rich and buy things without complaim.

Or maybe, just maybe, I'd like for more people to be able to get into the format regardless of how much money they have, simply because it's fun, and it's good for the health of the format.

don't care, if they want to get into the format they should buy stuff and stop complaining. It's a "expensive" hobbie and people should get over it.

You do realise that there's only a limited amount of cards, right? Even if there's a million people with enough money who want to buy into Jund, if there's only 400000 Tarmogoyfs in the world, only a tenth of those people will be able to play. Reprints alleviate that.


you mean a 4th at worst, because you need a playset for constructed and the commander players only need one.

>400000/4 = 100000
>1000000/100000 = 10
You're saying 1/10 = 1/4?

when are the spoilers coming out


Probably some time around lunch in commiefornia




Why is this surprising to you? I had a good idea it'd be one of the cards on the packs desu

>"What's that white 4 mana 3/4 angel in the format? Oh yeah..."

The first EMA spoilers were force of will and Wasteland, which got people hype as fuck. I assumed they would start off with something good to get people excited

Hopefully they'll spoil snapcaster later today, I wanna see the new art

Also requesting somebody post the slamcaster mage alter of the promo, por favor

It actually was Restoration Angel on some Asian site.

I got it off the mothership site so this is the first official spoiler

Tbqhwy I really like the new mana morphose art. The old one looked like a crack head trying to sell you shit

Its something i guess

Liliana reprint where????

>not mythic
I am done with magic.

I am tired of wizards shitting in investors. We help keep the secondary market alive.

In before garbage set with less value below mythic than kaladesh block

It was rare before you manchild. Snapcaster will probably be mythic though.

This isn't real. Is it?



And solid fixing, too. This set looks real promising for limited.

they no longer put text in the center so I guess its fake

Show me

It's on the wotc official site you dumb fuck


They did with counterspell in EMA

How low is this gonna put zendikar fetches?

>they're ACTUALLY using the guild gates

Holy fuck mazes end reprint here we go

Is it still shit fags?

No this is terrible. Never will they reprint it in a set that will be printed significantly, this will increase booster prices and they'll be impossible to get.

No way this is real.

No way.

They wouldn't reprint the enemy fetches... would they?

I expect the fetches kilo snap damn and that's it, I mean really that's it, the estimated value of the box is probably already est value. And how quickly we forget about the poor souls pulling donor as their mythic

>enemy fetch reprint

Look on the official site

lol fuck you

>just bought 2 lilis at $55 each
>no spoiler
Let me make money off this, wizards. Please

Here's to hoping it's printrun will be similiar to EMA

It's real. Now that the format is going to die soon, they reprint all the good stuff.





Someone please buy these now, go on eBay and search newly listed

>Enemy fetches

Is this the real life? Or is this just fantasy?

And enemy fetches


There's a zero percent chance Loki doesn't get the bbre

those look like my china fakes

How did they avoid fucking this up? I'm baffled. Speculators, get rekt.

At worst, it's a chase mythic like goyf and doesn't hurt the price much, so I still come out on top.

But if she doesn't get one... I just made about $100-200 bucks

This. Holy shit you people are retarded.

How are you not happy that they finally gave us enemy fetches not at secret rare or mythic?

Thanks for the help!

Because I expected them to be printed in a regular set. Never a standard with fetches again. Expect $15-$20 boosters.

>buying boosters

>money cards
>at rare
>not a single mention of mythics at all
I'm so confused right now.

I'll draft this maybe. I'm not opening boosters for value mind you. This will barely decrease the price of fetches and for only a limited time.

They literally ruined it. Now fetch Will be forever expensive. And the worst is that people is happy about it and Will suck wizards dick forever, congratulating on how they do things right.

Thanks god i just bought my chinamen fakes

Pretty much this.

Hey guys, I just read that MM17 is an unlimited print run. Does this mean Wizards will pull a C16 and stop printing it because muh secondary market?

except that it isn't

b-but leddit said

one guy probably said it

Get the fuck out of here

So now that the reprints are good are we going to see a limited print run™ or are we going to see scalper faggots hoarding to keep their precious fetches at current price

>Now that the reprints are good
I love how people say this every fucking time.


Enemy fetches, damnation along with a likely snapcaster and goblin guide aren't good? We haven't even seen the whole thing but this is almost better than og mm and already miles above mm2. If it even has decent value in uncommon/common slot this set will be amazing.


This literally happens the fisrt fucking day they realease spoilers, seriously every fucking time. People start jerking off and then they release the rest and it's a fucking joke again. Do tell me the first spoilers of MM2015? They did sure look nice didn't they

Does it have shitty new art?

Bubble Hulk is obscure enough yet has had some placings before but is however relatively unknown.

Also Possibility Storm combo works in that category of either "What is going on?" or "That's not a deck"

Holy shit this will drop in price now!

Inb4 secret rarity like fatal push.

Enjoy your kithkin rates goyim

Is this the time to sell tron play RW burn

>Bubble Hulk
Not a deck either

show me the proofs

Go on reddit or mtgsalvation or look at TCC video

New Tolarian Community College video

It has seen several top 4 and top 8 finishes before. Though it was during twin pre-ban days.

For those not wanting to Google