What exactly is the reason for the shit beast races get on Veeky Forums?
I mean, they are a core element of most fantasy.
>Inb4 because people fap to it
What exactly is the reason for the shit beast races get on Veeky Forums?
I mean, they are a core element of most fantasy.
>Inb4 because people fap to it
A few people take it too far, and it's more fun to make a post about disliking something than liking it.
Because they're almost always fucking trash
People hate furries because of the fanbase. Hence anything with fur is immediately regarded as a fetish.
Because people fap to it. Vocally.
That's all there is to it.
Invoking biases is a shitty way to answer anything, but I'll do it anyway.
It's called Self-Selection Bias, and it's when a consensus gets skewed data because the only people who care to give their opinions on the matter are the ones who feel a certain way.
When someone makes a post about something that has to do with "furries", and you agree with whatever the post is about, you'll generally just nod and keep lurking like every other user, maybe make a post in response if it's particularly gripping.
Alternatively, whether you actually hate everything having to do with furries, want to stir up shit, want those tasty (You)'s, or are just a plain old contrarian, you can post about it being furshit regardless of whatever the post was actually about. There's more reasons to physically post about disliking "furries" on Veeky Forums than to post about how you agree/don't care about it, so the data's obviously going to be skewed in one direction.
Very few people actually dislike it, the ones that do are just louder about it.
Furries are one of the few remaining social groups you can hate without reason, evidence, or taste here on Veeky Forums. It's mostly edgy faggots trying to build their Internet Ecred or 'karma' by bashing a strawman boogeyman that doesn't exist.
>shit beast races get
Beast races don't get shit except from people fishing for delicious (you)s.
BADLY DONE beast races, however, deserve every bit of shit gets thrown at them and them some.
It's the same as backlash against "totally perfect at everything" elves (and to be fair, this trope is already in its dying throes, replaced with equally shitty "elves are worst at everything but act all high and mighty"), same as backlash against Veeky Forums dwarves which have largely replaced elves at the "totally perfect at everything (except some small flaws thought of as endearing and not real flaws)".
Just make your fucking race not fapbait (i don't care if you jerk it to your wolfpeople, just don't make it obvious), don't make them your precious darlings who can do no wrong (see: elves, Veeky Forums dwarves), and don't go into self-loathing so hard your race ends up as "this race is hated by everyone for no apparent reason" - this is not healthy.
ust pay respect to worldbuilding, make your race fit the setting and the narrative and don't go into flowery descriptions of half-naked two meter-tall (or whatever silly measurement system you're using), loincloth-wearing wolfpeople. That's it.
what about non-ugly, non-savage beast races?
>this race is hated by everyone for no apparent reason
One fucking player in my group has to pull that shit every game, whether he's playing or GMing, and it's always the half-[thing]s. Half-elf? Elves hate you because you're not an elf, and everybody else hates you because...because fuck your slightly pointed, slightly round ears, I guess. Why would an orc hate a half elf more than a human or an elf? It makes no sense.
And oh, the most recent offender, his custom race, the GORKS. Goblin-orcs. Fine, whatever, some wizard wanted something to have the anarchic cruelty of a goblin and the brutishness of an orc. Wizards don't have anything better to do, I can get on board with that at least. Except they turned out wrong, so they're all so ~pretty~ and ~charming~ and good at magic! And they hate slavery, so they broke free and just want to find peace with the other races! And free slaves! And they look like elves, but green and with little ~*KAWAII*~ tusks! And everyone hates them, because they're goblins and orcs! They're so mistreated by the rest of the world, UGUU~MOTHER~FUCKING~TILDES~IN~EVERY~POST~
Not just because people fap to it, but because the people who fap to it are the most insufferable faggots. These guys are the OC bronies, they have to drag their shit into fucking EVERYTHING. If furfags just kept their fetish in a deep, dark corner of their mind where it belongs then it would be fine, but due to their openly outward faggotry they've ruined antropomorphic animals for everyone. Now a cat in a suit of armor is no longer cute or bizarre, but something that might get you called a sexual deviant.
I'm sure this will pass eventually. Anthropomorphic animals have been a thing since the middle ages at least.
Moral of the story: keep it in your pants.
...and dont give a shit about other people's personal lifestyle (or ignore it)
See I have been on this website for almost 8 years now and I have never once seen any furry 'drag their shit into everything', I've played with multiple online groups and have never once had some 'insufferable faggot' furry. You are bashing a strawman.
So what you are saying is a vocal minority is ruining it for everyone else.
They're good if done well.
I play tabletop games with an out and about furry, lifestyle and everything. The only times i've ever seen her act like 'an insufferable faggot' is when she got called just that, started being treated like shit for the fact she yiffs (she doesn't flaunt it and occasionally wear a tail, oh no), and what not. she just started to fuck with the guy and made him so butthurt he left and never came back.
basically, when you start treating people like shit, they stop caring and starting like shit.
I mean look at the prison system in the united states, just look at it really long and hard with what i just said in mind.
>start acting.
I should not be this high while typing.
And we're done here.
aw how nice of you. it will be put to good use
This is the thousandth time we have had this discussion and we have become exceedingly efficient at it
>they are a core element of most fantasy.
No they aren't.
Because it's the single laziest, most uninspired way to create a fantasy race. It doesn't get lazier than that. It's the absolute rock bottom. A preschooler can make one.
Honestly, I don't care about furries. I've never seen one in real life at all. But I care very much about lazy design. I makes me pissed.
Is it lazier than a MALE HUMAN FIGHTER?
>Simple =/= Lazy dude.
So, humans?
that would be one of the possibilities