What is your opinion on Vampires who can reproduce sexually?
What is your opinion on Vampires who can reproduce sexually?
Depends on if they're sparkling while they do it.
They're fucking undead, dude.
>muh magic
Then they are no longer vampires, just humans with superpowers and special needs.
I don't like them. They're not alive, so how can they produce a life?
So vampires in WoD can pass for humans by spending blood.
I'm amused by the vampire who would consider the amount of extra blood required to proceed with a complete pregnancy.
If by that you mean vampirism is an STD, I don't like that at all. Actually, I don't really like it either way, walking corpses shouldn't be able to knock anyone up outside of magic ritual bullshit.
Do it if you dare.
They better be lolis
Oh, wait.
Maybe if it's like Prometheus and it creates a freaky monster fetus that grows abnormally fast and, after about a day, just bursts through the woman's stomach.
In WoD, late generation vampires are so weak they can reproduce sexually and live fairly normal lives
I have them in my ERP setting.
I like the idea of vampires using magic to reproduce sexually the same way demons do in the Malleus Maleficarum, by shapeshifting into female form to harvest seed from human men and then shifting to male form to impregnate a human woman with it. Or else they have some other process to go through in order to do so. tl;dr yes, but they have to use magic to do it, magic extrinsic to their natural vampiric powers.
The way I made vampires work in my setting was that if they fed regularly on blood (has to be from humans or other sapient creatures; animal blood won't do), they'd look and function like living people, with all the benefits from being vampires (immortality, increased strength, supernatural abilities). The longer they would go without feeding, the more their bodies would decay, returning to their true undead nature. A starved vampire is a horrific Nosferatu-looking mutherfucker who bursts into flames from slightest contact with sunlight (recently fed vampires only find sunlight extremely painful). Essentially, becoming a vampire grants you power and immortality, but at the cost of becoming a parasite that has to keep feeding on others.
Since in this case a recently fed vampire could maintain all the bodily functions of a mortal, it would also be possible for them to reproduce. For male vampires this would be easy, since all they'd need to do is drink some blood before having sex, but for females it would be extremely difficult since they'd need to remain in the "recently fed" stage through the entire pregnancy (if they slip back to undead state, the baby would obviously die).
>Zendikar vampires
I suppose they should probably be of the not technically undead kind, then.
Don't all vampires reproduce sexually by default...after all a vampire has to bite a human to turn them into a vampire, thus it is a form of (infectious) sexual reproduction. If they did not reproduce sexually, they have to divide or maybe lay vampire spores or some shit that grow into new vampires.
No, that makes vampirism an infectious disease. Vampires reproducing sexually would mean you would need two vampires to make a vampire, and it wouldn't be a conversion thing, probably.
In NWoD, vampires of any blood potency can produce half-human offspring through unholy magical rituals or by becoming incredibly obsessed with a mortal. Because this is an unholy offspring that should not be, little rules like gender norms do not apply in its creation.
Eww. Just because she is actually 1,500 but looks like a 12 year old doesn't make you not a pedo.
No. What makes a vampire a vampire is they are the age they died at forever, possibly also the mental state (child, old man, ect).
If a vampire wants a child they are going to need to kidnap a kid and do a ritual. Too risky doing normal vampire-ism on a kid.
If somehow a vampire got pregnant I would make the baby a fetus abomination like pic related cause the baby can't grow properly. And with undead the fetus won't die in the womb. It will either drop out like a normal birth or crawl it's way out of the mother like aliens.
Im alright with a male vampire impregnating a mortal female, becayse i can see some bullshit about bodily fluids and all that still being created in a vamp body, but no go on the vamp lady getting preggo.
By what rules? 13 is the highest you can be, and even then you're full Kindred.
I remember the argument they made in True Blood that vampires cry tears of blood because since they're dead they can't produce tears so the only fluid in their body is blood. So the rules was all the secretions they make is blood.
Which brings the question that if this is true then dude vampires probably ejaculate blood when they have sex then.
They can have vampire babies but the vampire babies are also dead/stillborn and have no soul. A ritual must be done to have a soul inhabit the vampire baby. Exception to the rule is half-vampires where some may turn out ok but others may have more Nosferatu type mutations.
Like those in priest?
>mtg anything
Great. Vampire chicks are my big weakness
Filthy 15th generation thin bloods.
>not having vampires that can use semen as a substitute for blood
Depends on the setting. If it makes sense it makes sense.
>not .gif compilation
Do you even smug?
Cappadocians can do it too. Even low gen. Especially low gen.
Sandra, stay in your fucking containment thread.
It kinda seems to defeat the point of a vampire.
That's a succubus.
Yeah, but it would be legal...
>The way I made vampires work in my setting was that if they fed regularly on blood (has to be from humans or other sapient creatures; animal blood won't do), they'd look and function like living people, with all the benefits from being vampires (immortality, increased strength, supernatural abilities). The longer they would go without feeding, the more their bodies would decay, returning to their true undead nature. A starved vampire is a horrific Nosferatu-looking mutherfucker who bursts into flames from slightest contact with sunlight (recently fed vampires only find sunlight extremely painful). Essentially, becoming a vampire grants you power and immortality, but at the cost of becoming a parasite that has to keep feeding on others.
So, similar to how they work in Oblivion?
Ya know thats actually a good question.
The same way every other fucking part of a vampire works. Boners aren't like, special or different from the rest of the body.
When he said reproduce sexually all I could think of was the Gray Prince :(
in my canon, vampires are a form of immortality curse that
>makes the bones petrify
and >magically, considers the body shorty after being infected as the "relic" that is refered to by the "artifact code" of the body
[any body of mass/energy existing at the present moment is an "artifact" while the previous variations of that artifact are "relics" (dwarves wrote magic and used it to make sure that spacetime was stable)]
which means that >whenever the body is damaged/seperated/changed from regions of itself, the individual components of the artifact refer to their placement/condition as it was in the relic picture.
and then they >get a reading steiner, or really an external dimension of thinkspace to store their thoughts to prevent their consciousness being effected by their brain constantly being reverted to a standard orientation of thought
but, on the other hand, natural growth besides ageing isnt considered a change, so semen/eggs can be produced, as can blood, but the special thing is that the semen actually forms a symbiotic relationship with any organism it comes into contact with, where it merges with cells of the host and creates a pseudo-womb for the progeny to be grown, so that hybrids can be created.
of course, the children themselves wont be effected, because the curse is a specific enchantment focused on a central artifact.
[vampiric essense WRYYYYYYYYYY]
i wont go into how they have 4th dimensional memory and eat peoples minds though, because i dont want to get too geometric with my explanations.
more "lich" really but whatever, those are different because bone puns.
the backreasoning is that dwarves made of stone came across big meatbags[literal] and made wierd fetishy realms to play with their new nervous systems and somehow humans and then the humans vampire'd[?]
anyway, im trying to make a scaleable tabletop game so since theres no limit on how much backstory is needed, we need all of it.
please dont ask me about my >elves.
mpreg is not implied, its suggested.
everything is just a variant noise-field phenomenon, in-world, so anything is possible.
and if you ask me about my fairies, i have to kill you, to keep the world working.
If someone has the "yes, and" thing from that one image where the guy raises a boy as a chick, i'd greatly appreciate if you could share that reaction image. Its what i'd use here, but i don't have it.
According to Criticical Failure, it doesn't.
Do it yourself, I am not here to spoon feed you
>can't even just post an image that isn't really all that easy to look for
Y'know, i appreciate you posting the thing, but there's a point where the "No spoonfeeding" thing just becomes asinine.
A boner is not a stretching muscle.
Other parts of the body could be explained as oxygen being replaced by magic.
A boner is a blood balloon filling up.
Funnily enough TES vamps can have babies
Some Chuckle fuck impregnated an Orc servant before she found out he was a leech, locked him in a room, and roll bounced the fuck out a there
I got no problem with vampires having kids
>blood jizz fountain
That's pretty metal, not gonna lie.