Well that was fast.
Eternal Crusade goes FTP
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Did they ever add Eldars and Orks?
Glad I got it for $10 off of humble bundle. I still think it was worth it.
They did.
What happened to it always F2P anyway but free players would be forced to play as Orks only?
Also, isn't it utter shite?
I've played it for 128 hours now and I find it pretty playable, I have orks and eldar at rank 5 which is the one where you have access to the last thing in advancements (veterans).
I honestly put off playing it forever because of reviews and then found it pretty fun as a timekiller, reminded me of a 40k battlefront or something like that.
>What happened to it always F2P anyway but free players would be forced to play as Orks only?
Seconding this.
When they publish the black-box on this game I'd be very interested to read it.
I adopted early just to see what all would come of it. The alpha was playable and it had a spark of life. With a little polish it could be a fun game. I stopped playing until the full release hit. I found a buggy, poorly optimized, poorly thought out mess.
Oh you want a wepon that kills vehicles? That'll be some grinding.
Oh you want the wepon that makes this specific class playable? That'll be some grinding.
Oh you want to defend the ramparts with righteous bolter fire against traitors? Too bad here's some guy with a plasma cannon to ruin your day every day all day.
Short version : This should have been a free to play game in the first place. This is mobile-tier development and I think they even said as much in an interview.
pre-order early access -> regular price -> sale -> f2p
is perfectly standard lifecycle of MMO, most just take it over couple years rather than couple months
Are you me? I felt the same way when it went from beta to full release, the grind was way too ugly to work and the servers always lagged.
Ain't that the damn truth, probably to get what little money they can to keep the servers running
its like neckbeard picking TWWH playing 10 hours and forgetting it all over
All GW games turn to shit extremely fast
TWWH is actually good though.
no, fuck you thats why. Why should orks be stuck with huehue's and trolls. now they can join the spess muhreens where they belong and leave my faction alone.
Welp, thats their fault. They promised so much. Epic battles, larger maps, and free to WAAGH.
If only they took Warhammer 40k Space Marine and converted it to Eternal Crusade, like HalfLife2 and CounterStrike, it would have been so much better. And less wasted resources, IMO.
They scrapped that idea when the old dev team basically got fired and a new one instated, ~8 months before it released.
That was also when they dropped the "planetside 2-like combat" on favor of instanced deathmatches.
They didn't have the rights from Relic.
The fact that you have to grind BASIC wepons is unforgivable.
This was a poorly thought out cash grab and is added to the rest of the GW related shovelware. You could very easily file this under the straight to dvd banner that most 40k Ips' get.
Dawn of War is still mostly good. Dawn of war 3 looks a little iffy for me but there is no way at all of saying its "eternal crusade" bad.
Battle fleet Gothic is good if somewhat samey.
Space Marine was actually a very fun if somewhat underappreciated game.
I have no tears left to shed for the 40k Ip but if Martyr lives up to what it could be that would be a huge boon.
>tfw it's actually good fun for me
>tfw aos will get a good game before 40k
>Age of Sigmar getting games
A shit mobile port, maybe, but I honestly can't see a serious PC or console release for that trash. No dev would be willing to touch that festering pile of a setting.
I paid money for this.
Never again. What a fucking letdown.
They fucking blew it.
They should have kept going rather than releasing a half finished game. It took all the wind out of there sails and even if the game is good now nobody cares because they have this awful image of the clumsiest third person shooter I have ever seen since that 50 cent game.
> Anybody caring enough to make a game of AoS.
It's barely even a traditional game in my eyes. The 'game' that came with POGS was more tactical.
>that one faggot who had the heaviest fucking metal slammer in the world when everyone else had cheap plastic slammers
why must you lie
They never had the ability to offer what they were promising.
>No good 40k games
>What is Dawn of War: Dark Crusade?
>tfw SJWs made your wife a lesbian
I am both aroused and crestfallen.
>cute lesbians from porn are bad thing
Eeeeeh Tracer and Zarya are probably the two most likely to be lesbians anyway so whatever.
It's not like it's going to change anything for SFM porn anyway.
Pharah's the best anyway.
>watered down MILF Ana
>He doesn't like big tittied tanned fit girls
For shame user. I fucking love them.
Dark Hair, tanned skin and green eyes are the ones I like the most.
Because orks are basically hueehues and trolls
Well nope.
I may be late, but here's a bit of an explanation about the game.
At first, the dev team was shaping up to be pretty nice. One guy went public and said all kinds of things, these are where the promises came from. There was
>Perpetual Planetside 2-like combat
>New planets every time one was conquered
>Player housing aboard ships
>Dynamic Tyranid PvE, made to hit whoever was winning harder
>Battlefield faction rewards, i.e. if the Eldar lost the planet but had a certain area before losing it, vehicles would have an increase to damage on the next planet.
>F2WAAAAGH! where Orks were the F2P race, however they were also outright less powerful than other factions
>Faction Leaders giving out orders on the planets, Faction Garrisons being their ships
Out of all of those things, only one is actually in the game and it's only in at half strength (Tyranid PvE). Why?
Partly look at . But they weren't all fired, a fair portion flat out jumped ship just before the closed Alpha when they realized that everything they said wasn't quite feasible for their budget and time limitations.
Naturally, none of those devs said a thing as they left, and the ones who were left over were scrambling to get the game up an moving. None of the 'promises' were talked about, primarily because they WERE possible. In fact, they still are if the devs but some more months worth of work into the game and F2P succeeds.
But then we get to Beta. Beta was were a lot of bombs were dropped on the player base, because the devs were starting to get realistic. Changing Planets, Player Housing, F2W, and the Planetside 2 Map where scrapped due to a sheer lack of resources. They got Orks and Eldar into the game, at least.
And finally came release. There's some shady stuff behind the release, mostly because the publisher (Bamco) forced them to shit it out onto Steam just a month or two after Orks hit.
The devs were are just in over their heads.
Who is that guy at the bottom right corner?
Why not both?