Do you prefer helms with or without a visor?
Do you prefer helms with or without a visor?
Is that guy wearing a cast iron fedora? Fucking kek
>in this moment I am euphoric, not because of some phony Pope's blessing, but because I am enlightened by the Renaissance
Closed face helmets good
Depends on the armor I'm wearing and which one is more aesthetically pleasing
Visorless helmets are scum. I want to be an intimidating masked warrior, not some fucking doofus with a pot on his head.
Without, I like being able to see facial expressions
Having used both, one without.
But that one without better have a brim.
I hate helmets yet I like masks.
Pic related.
Depends on whether I can find a distinctive helm or faceplate that fits the character or displays something about them. If not, they go without.
I like cool visors
These are the faggots who have never worn one and doesn't know how badly they restrict their field of vision.
>intimidating masked warrior
The enemy can still hear you wheeze and ask when you get a break from the battle in your shrill, nasally voice.
This is an edgy faggot
This is a faggot who drones on and on and bores the whole group with his autism.
Come at me knaves.
Do like em with nice visors
Best of both worlds
It depends on, not the setting. What I'm in the mood for, what sort of character I'm going for. An open-faced helmet gives a different look and feeling than a visored one, and may suggest a different time period. In general I used visored or enclosed helmets only for when I'm making a character that is supposed to be tanky or has reason to hide their face.
Also, these are surprisingly sexy.
Nose guard master race.
Wipe this meme helmet from the face of the earth.
I like a nice visored sallet helm personally
speaking purely from a drawfag perspective:
closed can be cool, but it limits how personable the character can be, whereas an open helmet allows for a greater variety of expressions.
they both have their place, though. visored helmets are really cool for stoic characters and such.
You sure are stupid.
Well historically visored helms where for both protection and intimidation.
You would be better protected from arrows and the sight of an expressionless undying hulk of metal charging at you was known to cause men to panic.
While non visored helms where better for vision and breathing, men fighting in a full visored helm can sometimes panic and go into a frenzy themselves from breathing their own carbon dioxide in battles.
Continuing from what he said even though I'm not an artist, drawing a visored soldier will make him scarier and less sympathetic while a man with an open helm will look more human and and so less scary, which is better for a heroic type of charecter.
>16-17th century helmet made iconic by conquistadors
>lel fedora
Open a history book for once in your fucking life.
End yourself.
Although I did laugh *tips helmet rim*
I personally think they're also fun for the gentle giant type - guy's all big and scary in his armor, but he's being friendly to kids or animals or something. Could also be very expressive with his posture or gestures.
>no "blind samurai"-type characters that are knights that just can't see shit through their visor
Shit, new idea for a PC.
without a visor but with a face protection
Still seems like it would hard to breathe in. Especially once you're in the middle of battle.
that's why you can open it down
Same with #2 here. Also seems like it would be more harmful than useful.
Have fun being stabbed in the face I guess?
You. I like you.
If you're letting someone stab you in the face, you're doing something wrong. Their weapon should be nowhere near your face, and by the time they get close enough to grapple with you they could easily slot it through your visor or under your gorget regardless. The reason most morions have an upwards-curving brim is because they're designed to catch sword blows at the head a few inches away from the face and deflect them away.
Seventeenth century reenactor who owns three morions here. I'd post pics but they're in lockup. Have a potato-quality photo of my breastplate instead.
Then it is a visor
>best counter argument against visorless helms
it's a falling buffe. Visors are part of the helmet, it's a separate piece attached to the gorget
It's easy. Don't look up at the hail of arrows falling on you and you should probably be fine.
Battles are hectic, if you do get shot in the face it's because you where busy doing something else like fighting for example. Although an arrow has a low chance of hitting you in the face to begin with, there is still a chance.
This is why most 17th century helmets removed visors and used a nose guard when firearms where replacing bows and crossbows and helmets functioned more for melee combat.
He didn't ask which we wanted to wear, he asked which we prefer. I prefer with visors because I find it more aesthetically pleasing. It doesn't look like a person anymore, it's a walking, metal weapon of war.
>Best counter argument against visorless helms
You look like a fucking OG
>in this moment I am retarded, not because of some phony dubs blessing, but because I am enlightened by Veeky Forums.
Depends what kind of character I'm playing.
For adventurous/heroic characters without visor, for stoic/knightly characters with visor.
It makes sense considering what they were actually used for.
Based valsgarde
You mean like the ones they're all wearing?
>arrows firing into a melee
Are you fighting one army and then another shows up and attacks you both or something? Nose guards are legit, but you're fucking stupid.
You know what else makes you look like a fucking OG? Being a masculine, intimidating guy instead of a pasty, moon-faced manchild.