Are there any RPGs designed for the "intrigue aboard a gigantic-ass spaceship" subgenre of space opera?
Less Star Trek: The Next Generation or Firefly and more Babylon 5 or Battlestar Galactica.
Are there any RPGs designed for the "intrigue aboard a gigantic-ass spaceship" subgenre of space opera?
Less Star Trek: The Next Generation or Firefly and more Babylon 5 or Battlestar Galactica.
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You could take a look at this.
one of the new dark heresy books is set aboard a giant spaceship with its own weird culture.
Or this
Rogue Trader or Dark Heresy can both run this well.
Are there any systems or processes that are intended to help PCs be more enmeshed with the world and the NPCs, and the players to get attached to NPCs so they'll get really into figuring out who's a traitor and who they can trust, be more likely to let things slide because they WANT to trust someone, etc.?
Basically, what's the best way to make players care about NPCs so that they really feel the intensity of there being a spy in their midst and so on?
What mechanics do they have for social interaction and relationships?
>B5 campaign
aw fuck yes
Very little, dark heresy isn't designed for this.
Honestly something like a tweaked Monsterhearts would be best for Battlestar "rampant stds" Galactica
These don't seem very helpful - they seem to be encouraging the PLAYERS to socially interact rather than REPLICATING social interaction...
Thanks, user!
Off the top of my head there's also Burning Empires, which is a sci-fi version of the Burning Wheel. That could handle the character motivation and progression pretty well, but I'm not sure about the social interactions. It has social mechanics but the only time I've played burning wheel we stuck with the base system since the others are complicated and hard to learn when you're new to the game
Dark Heresy 2e is mostly based around Influence, which measures the PC's political and/or economic power, and Subtlety, which is used for tracking how discreet the PCs are in their tasks. There's also a section devoted to social interaction and the mechanics thereof. This doesn't include verbal combat, but has rules for handling NPC dispositions, how they might react to certain rolls or attempts of the players to influence them (pic related).
The first edition Dark Heresy splatbook, Inquisitor's Handbook, also has in-depth rules for handling things like contacts and alter-egos.
Rogue Trader is better for if you want the PCs to actually be running the ship, as it deals with having large numbers of people and resources under your command. However, while it has good rules for handling the logistics of running a large starship, it's somewhat lacking in terms of rules for politics and negotiations and such.
Thanks! Not OP, but thanks! I have very recently found the need for a system that can handle social interaction: politics and argumentation, in my case. I want to duplicate the verbal sparring and maneuvering of debating and politics (and interpersonal relationships), somehow.
You could take a look at Dogs in the Vineyard. The conflict resolution mechanics for negotiation, wordfencing, etc. work really well. Its initially about weird west mormon judges but its pretty easy to modify for any small group of qualified problem solvers doing investigations and such.
Also check out the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay splatbook Lure of Power. It's got lots of great mechanics for social combat and politicking, as well as a plethora of example scenarios for using said mechanics.
Why have intrigue in a giant spaceship, when you could have *romance*?
The rpg for a song of fire and ice has fantastic social combat rules. I like them so much I homebrewed them into dark heresy. That will absolutely be up your alley
Where can I find that? It's one of the few whfrp splats I don't have
>Babylon 5
Because you know the PCs are gonna accept the help of his associates.
Check their general.
Thank you very much, gentlemen! This is an amazing amount of help! Keep your minds and hearts open (but always watch yer ass)!
Just checked the quickstart rules: this does look interesting! Thanks again!!
fyi, it's the green ronin published rpg, 2009.
Don't fucking remind me of that shit it was only ever good for making bridge bunnies a thing and feeding the mecha boner