How do we fix the DoK?

How do we fix the DoK?

There is nothing to fix.


Make them plastic and reasonably affordable.

Squat them.

They're already perfect

Forgive them

DKoK new Cadians GET


Spell them right.
It's DCoK.



Dairy Queen of Krieg?

Someone draw this shit

>How do we fix the DoK?
Inter-restin' filosoficul kwestun, da dok fixes orks but who fixes da dok?

Obvios-ly annudah dok doos it, ya git

Oi, whos you callin' a git? Ya git!

I bet they'd be more popular than Cadians if they were a similar price
Greatcoats are just too fucking cool and fit 40k very well

dat's rubbish, no self-respektin dok iz gonna let sum ovver dok patch im up. Doks know what'z in a dok's ead affta all

No need for a change.

Pretty much this. With their aesthetics they would probably sell way better than the actual figures.

They'd look like complete shit, though.
DKoK look so good because they are sculpted way less cartoonish and more reasonable proportioned than mainline GW. Not to mention that the current art direction would demand a shitton of useless details getting vomitted all over them.

>tfw everyone flagellates the death korps
>tfw no one gives a shit about the vostroyan firstborn
>tfw gw will never update the other regiments apart from fucking cadians and dk

Den da mekboyz does it, and den we'z gots us a dok in a deff-dred. I fink we'd call it a deff-dok

Get it right, you git!
Da dok fixes all orks that can't fix themselves, so he has to fix himself up twice!


By increasing the female to male ratio

The word you're looking for is fellate. Flagellation is the act of beating.