MM2017 spoilers thread
>What kind of rarity you want senpai?
Just mythic my shit up!
Seriously though, these mythical are real bad, and Lily isn't making up for it, if the rest of the rares aren't fucking good, this set is trash
Modern Masters spoilers
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First for fuck rarity shifting
Not very surprising but yeah, fuck em.
I guess the ones who were screaming about Snapcaster Dindu will be happy.
I really like the Ranger of Eos new art, i'll probably get one when they're out.
Does this mean we're getting the miracle cycle at mythic? Please no
Good to know most $50+ reprints will be at mythic rare
Didn't WotC once say the don't make decisions based on the secondary market?
Their integrity is shit
Why, are you a kike?
>Damnation and enemy fetches at rare.
Entreat or Terminus seems highly likely. Green and Black didn't have a miracle spell if I remember.
Green had a couple. One that placed counters and one that gave +6/+6 and had to be blocked, IIRC.
Good uncommons!?!?!?
Green had two miracles: Revenge of the Hunted and that uncommon one.
What the fuck man, like all these mythic are shit outside of snap. What are they just going to give us Lili and smile like "well there's your snap and lili, couldn't expect too much right goy?" Not saying I want all the value in mythics but at this point it's fucking snap and lili in a box or your fugged
Oh shit bruh
Temporal Mastery and Bonfire of the Damned have already been spoiled.
You would expect anything else at this point?
oh bb
Where are my 200 bucks???
Here they are :'(
I'm not familiar with that site. If this is real then this set is lit.
>inquisition at uncommon
The madmen actually did it
goldfish and more serious sites are talking as if it's true, so
So long as basic shit that lets you play the game, like lands, and answers, like removal, keeps getting mass reprinted, I guess I can live with big bombs or archetype enabling cards being expensive.
if they give us Lili, I don't give a fuck if the rest of the mythics are draft chaff.
I would be way happier with getting good rares/uncommons/commons instead
Hm they might actually be making a good set.
It's on mythic spoiler now
Snapcaster at mythic is literally the worst thing they've done with this set so far. I can't wait to see all the anons backtracking about how good this MM17 is going to be.
Oh wow
Are you so dense that you didnt see that coming the moment they upshifted Bob and Goyf? We all knew it was gonna be that way
Who cares that Snap is at mythic. Anyone who wants one could probably already afford one. Snapcster is the cheapest it has been in some time.
It's really not that big a deal. Snap is only 35 anyways.
Doesn't help that blue sucks, Snapcaster is about all it had going for it
wait, what? why?
Maybe they reprint ancestral?
two uncommones rareshifted to rare
calling it
Already two blue mythics
fuckin neato
disregarding his price, if we see stuff like Oblivion Ring or a few other neat enchantments this could be really fun in draft
I'm really hoping the rumors about this set being more available then the last two are true because the draft possibilities look really fun.
If they liked money they'd print this until MM18
I doubt itll happen unless its something like Vial
Modern playable, EDH staple. It's a good reprint
The set has a shard theme. It makes sense they'd want a chance to put non-Alara shard cards into a draft format that actually supports them.
>Commander Masters
At least i bought all my chinamen fakes and i don't have to pay 10 bucks for lottery tickets rare!
makes sense
Nice! Good for you!
Still waiting for craterhoof
>tmw you realize restoration angel and thragtusk are together again
>vanish into memory
Why did the set symbol have to be so ugly
>esper control will be hilariously viable
More like Modern Memesters amirite?
I refuse to believe that WotC will take it that far.
Vapor snag and remand, pls.
Let's make blink great again!
Resto Angel, Thragtusk, Deadeye navigator, vanish into memory, snapcaster
Let's see a Roon
We still need a Green Mythic, and they said they wanted R/G to go wide as fuck
Mm17 is focused on innistrad. Two of the archetypes have tokens in them. I dont see why not
So is this supposed to be a three color set or what?
I mean the fixing seems to be there and they're giving us tri-color workhorse cycles.
Never mind, I didn't realize that craterhoof was a $25 card. Probably gonna be reprinted, then.
if we got craterhoof i would be ecstatic
then we could get Through the Breach too and i'd probably cream myself
I have never had a good experience drafting magic the tapppening, but now I feel a strong urge
There's gonna be a BR reanimator subtheme as well, right? Maybe we'll get Goryo's Vengeance as well.
It's the website of two podcasts that have gotten official spoilers before.
My personal wishlist:
>puresteel paladin
>stoneforge mystic
>stonehewer giant
>cyclonic rift
>bear umbra
I have my reasons (read: I need to boost my Commander decks).
I said I wasn't going to buy a singe pack of this shit, and right now I still don't plan to. That bing said If this was going to cost $15 to draft instead of $50 I would draft the fuck out of this jank.
Stoneforge is banned; not gonna be in the set
This. The set looks fun as hell to draft but absolutely shit value for $12 a pack.
Balls, you're right. *sigh* Rafiq may never have his Equipment waifu...
Unless they reprint it and unban it on release day
I honestly feel like we can deal with stoneforge now
Wizards said it would be an "unearth" subtheme, hopefully they mean reanimator in a more generic sense.
>$12 a pack
>tfw I live in canada where the dollar is only 77 cents US
We have Griselbrand, we need faithless looting and then we can have almost grishoalbrand in limited, fucking kek
They wouldn't print both. Because we'd have almost all of instant reanimator in a draft.
My money is on TTB
What's the current rating on the set?
I for one am glad this guy can now be my pauper tiny leader. Here's hoping for blightning reprint
Batterskull is Modern legal, therefore Stoneforge will never be unbanned
>Batterskull is Modern legal, therefore Stoneforge will never be unbanned
Batterskull is Modern legal, therefore Stoneforge will never be unbanned
>Batterskull is Modern legal, therefore Stoneforge will never be unbanned
Batterskull is Modern legal, therefore Stoneforge will never be unbanned
>Batterskull is Modern legal, therefore Stoneforge will never be unbanned
Batterskull is Modern legal, therefore Stoneforge will never be unbanned
>Batterskull is Modern legal, therefore Stoneforge will never be unbanned
Batterskull is Modern legal, therefore Stoneforge will never be unbanned
>Batterskull is Modern legal, therefore Stoneforge will never be unbanned
Batterskull is Modern legal, therefore Stoneforge will never be unbanned
>Batterskull is Modern legal, therefore Stoneforge will never be unbanned
Batterskull is Modern legal, therefore Stoneforge will never be unbanned
>Batterskull is Modern legal, therefore Stoneforge will never be unbanned
Batterskull is Modern legal, therefore Stoneforge will never be unbanned
>Batterskull is Modern legal, therefore Stoneforge will never be unbanned
Batterskull is Modern legal, therefore Stoneforge will never be unbanned
>Batterskull is Modern legal, therefore Stoneforge will never be unbanned
Batterskull is Modern legal, therefore Stoneforge will never be unbanned
>Batterskull is Modern legal, therefore Stoneforge will never be unbanned
I expected them to cut down on the wild pack variance, but wow. Kitchen Finks too?
It's uncommon
>tiny leader
Not legendary
inb4 pic related
Honestly, I'm pretty content with it. Seems like it'll be closer to MM1 than MM2.
>Innistrad and return to Ravnica are allowed in modern masters this year
>Let's jerk off shards of Alara!
Really makes you think
>Uncommon, was previously rare
>Not legendary
The fuck you smoking?
>He doesn't know how pauper commander works
As much as I enjoy spam, I really don't feel like stoneforge is strong enough anymore. With a meta having this much removal and her tiny body, I don't think it would be that disruptive.
That being said, I never played when she was legal, so I have no idea how degenerate she can actually be.
You are correct. I was unaware of this Jank-ass fucking format. I apologize, please continue.
>Turn 3 4/4 lifelink is too strong
>Turn 2 4/4 Thoughtseize is fine
So clearly there's a 1 cost sorcery/instant uncommon theme.
Green= might
Black= inquisition
So what's red and blue?
Bolt and vision or Spell snare?
definitely bolt
Spell Snare would be too smart so probably Spell Pierce
Yes plz.
>vision or spell snare
I'd prefer Vision.
Hopefully lava spike? It's slightly more in need of a reprint .
Or maybe they make it ponder and surprise us all with an unban
why not both? :^)
in all seriousness if they're going hard they could print bolt at uncommon for being more flexible and lava spike at common
i really doubt that they would
>Vision at uncommon
That's way too good
>I have no idea how degenerate she can actually be
Then you are lucky.
Yes, a 4/4 vigilance lifelink that can dodge removal and grind out value forever like a Masticore on crack is better than Thought Knot Seer.
If Batterskull and Stoneforge Mystic swapped places on the banlist, would SFM still be too powerful for Modern?
I hope it comes with the venser art then
>New pauper commander
Well, fuck. New deck is coming