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Nice Hat edition


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>army builder

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Second for chaos dwarfs and fyreslayers, whom have THE best hats (and are the most glorious priests of the fyreslayers!)

I cannot wait until this fucker is finished and made available to the public. What do you think his unique spell will be? A buff to fimir or one of those do d3 mortal wounds, if x deal d6 mortal wounds?

Quick question, Veeky Forums. Which would you consider better: Ordo Draconis, or Ordo Serpentis? On the face of things, Draconis has the better dragon, but Serpentis gets the War Hydra to balance things out and has the chariot besides.

>Nice Hat edition

Going by gut feeling, I'd expect some mist-fuckery, either as a debuff to bravery or hit chance or something, or as an aoe buff for Fimir around the caster.

Does Ordo Draconis mean something other than Blood Dragons in AOS?

Ordo Draconis is the High Elf dragon stuff, the lord on dragon and the old mounted prince and dragon nobles.

Ordo Serpentis is the Dark Elf dragon stuff, the lord on dragon and the old cold one knights, chariot, and war hydra.

About to start a Sylvaneth army and I'm unsure about what colour to do them, I've narrowed it down to two options and i'm just wondering which you guys think sounds more interesting?

Autumn themed, lots of yellows, oranges and reds.

Grey for all the wood and lots of blues purples and black for all the leaves and magical bullshit

Do you consider space marines to have replaced imperial guard?

There are a ton of humans in the fight against chaos, the stormcast were just the vanguard needed to break the stalemate and provide champions that can stand up to the strongest chaos can muster.

I play choas dwarves, i win nicest hat battle

Look at my hat, my hat is amazing.


I'd say the latter. It'd stand out more among other Sylvaneth players.

I love AoS, and this isn't really a bad thing but.
Space marines = Stormcast

I love autumn themed sylvaneth

I fully and whole heartedly agree, but given that the free guilds, ironweld and arcanum played a bigger role in the seasons of war campaign than the stormcast did I imagine they're not going to literally replace all human factions with stormcast.

Which makes no sense gameplay wise because Stormcast and Empire are about as far apart ruleswise as you can get.

They're both big, armored, superhumans and they certainly have a similar aesthetic in some ways.

But what makes me like stormcast and be bored with marines is that stormcast are still completely human emotionally and led normal(ish) human lives before they were reforged.

Everytime I read one of the better stormcast books and they either vomitted, slept, cried or felt loss for their families I thought to myself "Cato Sicarius wouldn't have done that."

Its refreshing.

The bad stormcast books are absolutely fucking awful though.

There is room for everything in the game. I don't see anything bad with allowing them into the setting (bretonnians/Empire) I was only commenting on how it appears that, so far as the fluff and setting were originally presented, the empire and bretonnians weren't supposed to be a part of it.

but they (GW) can backtrack on that decision. They may already be hinting at it with the new warhammer quest stuff that looks strait out of an old WHFB empire city.

I think its more that they didn't want to overshadow the stormcasts release with other humans.

Which I think was a big mistake, Stormcast would have been awesome if they were depicted alongside free guilds like warriors of chaos are around marauders.

It doesn't fit the army. Sigmar wanted a force that literally sowed terror into his enemies. Little humans running around with them would lose out on the purpose.

Unless shit changed in the new battletome, Sigmar didn't give a shit about the terror factor, except that they'd need to be terrifying as a side effect of being good enough. All Sigmar wanted was a force strong enough to turn the tide. That's what he has.

Considering those little humans beat Chaos all the way out of the mortal realms, I don't think that was the case.

you mean straight

>original fluff recounts that chaos had dominion over all the mortal realms save sigmars
>global campaign has order win back footholds and make cities
>wow apparently with the new warhammer quest there are cities???

it's like you aren't even paying attention

>beat them all the way out of the mortal realms

except they didn't? most of the mortal realms are still chaos, you guys have three cities

the age of myths halfway point was when the order pantheon pushed chaos completely out of the mortal realms.

However, humans being humans, shit got stupid and in fighting led to chaos being allowed back in.

The age of myth ended with Sigmar closing America off from mexico and figuring out how to make the mortal realms great again.

Anyway point is that normal humans weren't steamrolled by chaos, they were corrupted and weakened from within. Something stormcast seem to be the answer to, considering that they have the role of the Inquisition in order cities.


So which size oval base do I put these bastards on?

The one it came with.

a big one

It comes with a rectangular base.

So? It's on a rectangular base, then.

Rectangular bases are for squares.

Guess what you are for playing the damn thing, then?


A square. Put it on the base it came with and stop bitching.

Any updates on Death releases? Some Vampire/Soulblight releases and army books would be nice. I want to buy Mannfredd on his Nightmare and Blood Knights (gift card I received eliminates some pain of their price), and I'm waiting for them to be restocked. Getting anxious because I just began the army and I cannot wait to field some of my favorite looking units.

Nothing big. It's been said that every grand alliance is going to get *something* this year, but no telling on when Death's *something* will be.

Current rumors are currently pointing to Order being next in line with duardin, with Slaanesh and/or elves coming in summer.


Awesome, thanks user, awesome news all around. Have a Lahmian.

Progress slowly but surely, face shields, and also five of these ironsworn, I'm particularly proud of the gems on the shoulders and on one mask, as they were a fucking bitch to cast

Anyone wanting to know what's rumored to be coming next?

Bookmark this page and check it about ever week. The first post he keeps updated with confirmed rumors, but more importantly the upcoming rumors.


This probably should go in the OP

also the sky is blue. may as well throw that in there since we are stating the obvious common knowledge things.

rate my gobbo list. I have no idea what im doing

2000 points, should have said

>Only 20 grots each
You really don't, huh.

On a more constructive note, you might want to drop some Fanatics, or maybe the cave squigs (you've already got 3 giant death-squigs, after all). Use the points gained to give your grot units some extra bulk, just to keep them on the table a little longer. 30 each should do.

I've heard talk that Tomb Kings and also Necrosphinxes were mentioned in some of the new fluff. I know about the Obsidian monarchy, but what book/tome mentions Necrosphinxes?


Unless you're planning on running them all bows and slittas, you want big units of grots. You go big or you go home with these guys. Obviously take nets there is literally no reason not to. Drop the cave squigs and squig herders. Take a boss with prodder and squig instead of on the squig. I find the prodder boss gives more bang for the buck with a projectile attack. I mean it is a grot after all. Try not to have him engage unless you know for certain he can come out on top. The big squigs can work to your advantage early game. Try to get them into soft targets if you can help it. Otherwise they are half decent monsters. Have them go nuts but definitely keep them supported with archer fire or grots surrounding the target.

this thread is so slow right now I almost shit posted something to bait a bunch of (you)s but instead I'll just give you all a picture of an elf to remind you that its been almost two years and we still haven't had an elf release.

Thanks I almost forgot.
Damn you got a (You) anyways.

>he doesnt play tomb kings in AOS

Whats your excuse?

I dont care for the elven kind, but its still pretty sad for their players.

While they are an awesome army fluff and look wise, I prefer vampire counts. But as soon as they re-release them, ill be playing them in a heart beat.

what if i drop a grot squad and pump the other two to 40 each, then make the third battleline something sturdier like ogres

are the faces totally greenstuff or did you use part of a skull as the base and work off of that?

>Nice Hat edition
At last brothers, our day has come! Ride! RIDE FORTH, FOR THE LADY!! And her hats!

why wait when you can convert

ment to post this

I made a stamp from the Spirit Hosts face, and then when putting them on the shields, each time there was variations of fucks ups that I tried to fix and adjust to make look better with a sculpting tool the best I could with obvious varying results. I'm happy about how they turned out though

Azir, is that you?

I dont have infinite money sadly. I just came back into the hobby.

who's that? I was just making a lych-shabti

Totally go for it. You have little ranged support unless one of those blocks of grots is bows? Not that destruction has a lot of ranged to begin with. Maybe drop a fanatic unit and add a spear chukka instead?

Try this

Grot Warboss (80)
- General
- Moon Prodder & Giant Cave Squig
Moonclan Grot Shaman (60) Moonclan Grot Shaman (60)
40 x Moonclan Grots (240)
- Pokin Spears & Moon Shields
- Battleline
40 x Moonclan Grots (240)
- Pokin Spears & Moon Shields
- Battleline
5 x Grot Fanatics (150) 5 x Grot Fanatics (150) 6 x Ogors (240)
- Battleline
BEHEMOTHS Mangler Squigs (240) Colossal Squig (300)
Grot Spear Chukka (120)
Grot Spear Chukka (120)

2000 on the nose

Is the Carmine Dragon worth it, Veeky Forums? I'm an Elf player who got into it for being good guys and also having dragons in my fantasy, because high fantasy and dragons and shit is my jam. But 480 points for a second dragon in my army with a Dragonlord as my general? And it doesn't even get any Ordo Draconis buffs?

It's powerful enough on its own, I just don't know if it's worth the price tag or not. Sell me or unsell me on it, Veeky Forums.

If we're lucky, it'll let you have one of your units "Disappear into the mists" and then reappear a certain distance away. Counts as move, but not charge

Not only that but I think that the city the new warhammer quest takes place in is explicitly one of the cities that got founded

The thing with death, is that, for now, they've done all they can with making new battletomes. all the death factions are comprised of units that... well, the boxes that make them can't really be made into much else. At best we could get a vampire lord on terrorgeist and some sort of halfway between the blood throne and mortis engine, but that an army does not make
However, when death DOES finally get new shit, you can be ASSURED that it'll be accompanied by new models
Well. Unless they decide to try get stupid with skelemans

My friend plays them and we wanted different armies. I ALMOST bought a force of brets though. Wish I did

where are you buying these?

No Dragons in a fantasy game. Sphinxes just don't do it for me the same way, y'know?

I didnt buy in time and now its all double the price

man, just read the second story in War Storm. Reforging is a horrible experience.

that's fucking aweful

except if they rebox the tomb kings


No, its a fucking mess an ugly frankenstein and he should never bother converting

I don't know, if painted well it could be pretty cool... as a 40k necron model. It has no business being in fantasy whatsoever

I've seen his projects, it's a 40k army for sure, just with tributes to Tomb Kings units

Ah ok. I was confused.

Whats a cool, low model count army

Stormcast and beastclaw.

Depends on how you define "cool"

But beastclaw raiders and gutbuster ogors are both very low model count

What army has the best ranged attacks?

Fastest army?

Can you do an Ironjawz army of all big guys and the brute wyvern?

What is a good way to supplement such an army? Lot of Death, Chaos, Stormcasts and Beastclaws at my store.

Why is there a giant in the ironjawz battleforce box. You cant run him without fuckingnup your brute battleline

WHICH THEY FUCKING SHOULD. At least the foot soldiers that is.

Why just discontinue the tomb kings. They could have just rolled the plastic kits into VC

They are coming out with new models. They have to drop some of the older ones to make room in stores and warehouses.

There is no army that has the "best" shooting attacks and no army can win with purely shooting, but there are a few factions that are quite good at shooting - Tzeentch, Freeguild, Seraphon, Stormcast, Highborne, and Skaven all stand out.

Bonesplitterz and Beastclaw Raiders can both make lists that feature heavy shooting but ultimately you need to rely on your melee units to win games.

I would assume Dispossessed and Ironweld Arsenal are good but I haven't seen them on the table enough yet

Fastest armies are Slaneesh, Tomb Kings, Dark Elves, and some Ironjawz lists.

Which armies are just terrible as fuck?

I vote for Fyreslayers

Khorne Bloodbound and Ironjawz are almost certainly the worst 2 mainstream armies, but the worst factions are probably those small mini factions that were split from the old WHFB armies.

Fyreslayers would be just as bad if they didn't have decent shooting infantry, a good deployment gimmick, and anti-horde monsters. They are also surprisingly sturdy with rerollable saves and 4+ ignore on big blobs on dudes.

They are not good but they're nowhere near as bad as KBB and IJ.

C-Can they beat Skaven?

Are Savage Orruk models any good looking? Do they fit alongside Ironjawz? I don't want to ruin the aesthetic of the Ironjawz, but I've been thinking about adding Arrerboyz.

What's a good Ironjawz/Savage Orruk list look like, anyway?

Ironjawz are miles better than KBB and fyreslayers, simply on the grounds that they're okay

They can, yeah, but it depends on the lists and strategies. Hearthguard tunneling behind the enemy can eliminate Warp Lightning Cannons and other artillery. They are much more durable in melee than almost all Skaven units, and have decent Bravery so they're not very likely to battleshock to a handful of losses.

Skaven are revered for their mortal wound shooting attacks through units like WLC and Stormfiends, but it is significantly weakened against an army with infantry that can ignore mortal wounds on 4+.

Magmadroths can tackle those large blobs of clanrats/slaves that everyone loves to run.

Fyreslayers are not as bad as everyone thinks. They're not on the same tier as top armies like the Tomb Kings but they're certainly more powerful than garbage tier armies like KBB and IJ.

Are the beasts of Nurgle any good?

anything with low model count