Stat me my brothers

Stat me my brothers.

Can't kill/10

A fucking alien /10

OP, therefore homosexual.

Plot armor/10

>Hobgoblin stat block

>Power shifting quickly - 20


God > Kane > Seth

Still waiting for a conclusion/10

You should've known, user. You can't stat the messiah!

Fight, win, prevail / 10

peace through power/10


STR 12
DEX 16
CON 22
INT 26
CHA 22

Fucks like a beast +1

+1 Brotherhood
+1 Unity
+1 Peace

This will forever be one of the most memorable scenes from any game ever for me, man I miss Westwood.

I was going to say Man of the Year but I seem to be missing that picture. Can anyone help a brother out?

10 HP

But user, we already have one.

Have one of what?

>Shitty internet cafe quickmatch RTS with all new people that hastily wrapped up all the plot it could as lazily as possible
>Flopped so hard most people have never heard of it
>A proper conclusion.

Stat me

This is the Pentagon. A full-frontal attack with your strongest forces should render their military center of opera-

Yes, power shifts more quickly than some people think.

Congratulations on your promotion.

It was pretty amazing how quickly he started to hate and be jealous of you. I think his sarcastic "Well, aren't *you* such a rising star" comments started as early as the second mission briefing.

I'm not your brother, friend.

Takes double damage from weapons containing Electronic Arts.

charismatic leader/10

>when you realise Kane, the original Kane has been dead since C&C1 and the Kane('s) in the later games are recreations of Kane made by CABAL/LEGION

>Guard the tanks well.
>We're in control here.
>The black hand has arrived.
Flame weapons are cool. Glory to NOD.

One Vision
One Purpose
Peace through Power



Never existed.

Cain lives in death.
Also based LEGION.

Except Scrin had Kane in their database when they hit earth but have no fucking clue what he is

No, stat me.



>underrated post