What's the best way to build this mighty warrior ?
Painting related
Hudson White
>not just sending in goats/zombies/etc
Easily the most over hyped module of all time. Virtually impossible to clear it in any other way, yet doing so trivializes the entire thing. Pretty pathetic.
Eli Johnson
Stout halfling fighter with rolled stats for 16 Str. "Quarterstaff" two handed.
Or monk.
Luis Powell
Unarmored druid with a single monk level for unarmored effectiveness, shillelagh. RP it as innate magic like favored soul.
Adam Morgan
So I made a scourge Aasimar light cleric for AL, my goal is to be a beacon of radiant and fire hate
Fluff is he is a LN cultist of the Rising Sun Heresy looking to usher the rise of Amaunator from Lathander by scouring the earth of the unworthy and kindling the faith of the true believers
How can I max out my damage potential? I know I should take elemental adept (fire) after I max out my WIS, but should I look into anything else?
He's level 5 at the moment
Also looking for some character art like pic related
Isaiah Sanders
Spiritual Weapon, Spirit Guardians.
Parker Russell
Confirmed for never having read ToH.
Jeremiah Brown
>point out obvious way to trivialize dungeon
"you never read it!"
I have an ebin dungeon I've been working on, its called the Tunnel of Landmines, its should appeal to the same sort of deep exploration gameplay that can be found in the Tomb of Horrors.
Xavier Jones
You are at the peak of your damage really, it takes a few levels to get to somewhere where you can do damage like that with a multiclass such as Dragon Sorcerer 6.
Just flare it up and get the elemental adept.
Jeremiah Gray
No but seriously, "lol send in an army of chumps" is not going to trivialize ToH. They likely wouldn't find the proper way into the dungeon in the first place.
Camden King
I say you've never read it because your method of "trivializing" the dungeon doesn't actually work.
Caleb Williams
sending animals in will locate the pits and do nothing else at all sure as hell won't beat any monsters or solve any puzzles
Andrew Smith
>and do nothing else at all
to this day I have never heard of anyone complaining about "well we went to the tomb of horrors, seemed pretty short and pointless," its always player character death or "now my paladin is chaotic evil"
Adrian Watson
Whats the best way to make a bladesinger who can, and often does, wade into melee? What are some must have spells?
Matthew Brooks
The 3.5 version sounds hellishly retarded (I'm guessing its actually 3.0).
Jeremiah Murphy
Haste Blur Blink Greater Invisibility
Nathan Fisher
Magic Jar
Henry Hall
What's a good personality for a Long Death Monk?
At the moment I'm considering an extremely jovial guy who's always looking to get involved in local festivals and such, but in combat goes full Khornate spamming the 30 foot spook radius but I feel like that's a bit overdone and too "anime".
Jace Johnson
mall goth
Nicholas Collins
Mirror Image is goat
Landon Cox
I played a monk that was banished from his monastery because his fascination with death lead him to killing another monk.
He was sarcastic and self centered but had a soft spot for people who entertained him.
Joshua Rodriguez
I'd have him be fixated not on the violent elements of death, that's just a memes to the end, but the philosophical elements. Skulls and death imagery in Christian imagery are about the idea that you should not be too proud, for one day you too must die.
Dominic Sullivan
Need some advice for a new dm. Running a campaign with some of my friends but they're all new as well, the only experience they have with rpgs is playing skyrim. From that, they're treating the world like a video game: they steal from everyone, they try to kill, torture, or fight anyone who doesn't do what they want, they expect a reward from everyone and get mad if they don't get one, they try and push around every NPC because they think no one can stop them, and other things like that. What are some ways to prevent them from abusing the world or my newness as a dm?
David Bennett
~le valar morghulis~
Brandon Peterson
The monk player should make it less obvious where he got it from and instead say The Valar, Morgoth.
Jacob Davis
curb stomp them over and over again (have a couple of the people they are harassing turn out to be veterans)
Lucas Hill
let them try that shit and then have consequences for it if they're low level then guards and even a mob of commoners can genuinely threaten them shopkeepers won't serve them, they won't get rooms, bounty hunters come for them eventually
Parker Butler
Let the dice kill them, and let the guards punish them. If you're fucking around in a town, expect the 30+ able bodied men and women in the street to grab clubs, help each other grapple you (one roll each), push you to the floor, and beat you down with advantage. For best results, non leathally knock them out, then strip them of all their gear and money, throw them in jail, and get them to roll a new character.
Last thread in which I'll post this but so far, consensus on the worst archetypes in the game seems to be: >Lore Mastery, most hated by a country mile. >Beast Master >Four Elements >Champion Fighter >Wild Magic Sorcerer
No real surprises there, although I feel like the Loremaster hate is a bandwagon. It's poorly designed, but it's not Wild Magic levels of poor design.
Jose Gonzalez
I actually had to google that since I'm avoiding Game of Thrones until the books are finished (so forever) since I don't like starting a series before it's done.
But it's a succinct summary of the philosophy, with the extra silver lining that an afterlife is a confirmed very real thing in d&d so people really do have no excuse to fear death.
Christian Wright
Why is Dead in Thay even in that collection? It's not iconic and it was released with Next.
Mason Thompson
Lore Master is just plain overpowered. It's interesting, but it shouldn't be a wizard archetype it screams sorcerer. Split it up among Metamagic and the Wild Mage and it'd be great
Ayden Edwards
Which brings me the question, is suicide a sin in D&D? If not, just worship a nice god of peace&love then sudoku for eternal afterlife in a cozy plane.
Charles Taylor
Because this is an in-between release largely done by what amounts to the B-team of WotC (Perkins wasn't even involved the writing). Dead in Thay is a massive dungeon with pre-existing maps and much of the heavy lifting finished for them already.
Aiden Miller
Trying to get one over on the gods isn't going to go down well. If you haven't paid the fee of worship, they probably won't let you in. (in FR, you'll get Wall of the Faithless'd)
Jayden Taylor
Yeah man, that's what I'm saying. Worship them, then after a while just kys. How much time of worshipping is enough?
Anthony James
Well, in Skyrim, Hold Guards don't put up with that kinda shit, so I would instill some sort of martial force created in the wake of your characters acting like assholes. Make them a much higher level so your PCs are easily stomped, and promise that they'll be a looming threat. If you can't think of a creative force on your own, look up the Flaming Fist mercenaries.
Also, there's nothing wrong with running an evil PC campaign, however, the DM and players definitely need to agree and be on the same page about it.
Good luck. I'm about to finish up my first campaign as a DM, and it's definitely a learning experience. You'll figure it out.
Benjamin Young
Benjamin Roberts
The Wall is for false believers and the faithless.
Try to escape the Wall by paying lip-service to a good guy god and you'll just get Wall'd. It's like a Christian who prays for forgiveness on their deathbed after maybe going to church a couple of Sundays every decade. According to their faith, they're probably still going to Hell. In a similar fashion, some small measure of devotion is required if you want to escape being Wall'd.
The only way of avoiding the Wall other than having genuine faith is to sell your soul to the various fiends that visit the Fugue Plane. Then you get to spend the next millennium being twisted and tortured by devils until you're a lemure.
Luis James
Thing is, Wild Magic can still be fun, and for the whole party. Loremaster is fun for munchkins who want to be god-wizards and it straight up shits all over sorcerer, whose players are left to wonder why can't they do all that cool stuff with metamagic being their whole shtick, while wizards get all the best toys to play with.
Blake Nelson
They get v& by the local /pal/adin police, who show them the ropes, if you know what I mean.
Jaxon Gonzalez
I just want one thread where no one talks about GWM or PAM.
Ryan Peterson
>Naruto But even still my example stands- "Nice guy who's friendly and stuff but will murder the shit out of you" is common enough it probably has a fucking tvtropes page.
At least I assume that's what that guys personality is like, I don't know anything about them other than that they're from Naruto and have a retarded scythe.
Juan Fisher
Then why'd you bring it up?
Levi Reed
He's a psychopath in a death cult that only wants to do ritual murder to his god and just says whatever pops into his mind, which is usually swear words. no sad flashbacks hell he didn't even get a flashback, which was why he was such a fucking breath of fresh air in that shit manga/animu.
William Anderson
Playing a Berserker Human today.
Is 16, 14, 14, 8, 12, 10 a decent stat line? I've also got GWM and I can use STR for my fear ability thanks to my DM.
Nathaniel Lopez
>Naruto character that doesn't get a melodramatic tragic flashback Color me surprised.
Hunter Peterson
An archetype that allows you to possibly cripple yourself and your party is 'fun for the whole party' only in a very specific sort of campaign.
Jason Davis
his buddy didn't either. just some money grubbing frankenstein ninja monster
Christopher Flores
not bad
Caleb Edwards
Can you imagine if martials worked like Wild Sorcerers?
So, Grizwold the Mighty, what do you bring to our adventuring band? >I know ancient and mystic sword techniques that will dazzle and confound our enemies. How's that? >Sometimes when I swing at the foe, I hit TWO of them at once. Incredible, to be able to cleave through our foes li-- >That's not all. Sometimes when I swing, I float! Truly, the eldritch secrets at work in your swordplay must b-- >Other times, I stab myself. An astounding power li-- wait, you stab yourself? That's bad. >There is also a slight chance I summon a demon. U-under your control? >No. It will savagely maul the faces of anyone nearby, usually starting with me. That doesn't sound helpful. >Occasionally I will swing at an enemy and stab two allies instead. Uhh, okay, well, we'll give you a call.
Isaiah Long
anyone here played kenku, or got any experience with kenku players?
kind of interested in how it plays out
Sebastian Cox
What player archetypes are best to play with in your team, and what are the most insufferable?
Though generic, I like being with the sword and board "lets go adventuring!" NG fighter. Helps keep the crew on track with what's important.
And I hate Chaotic stupid Warlocks and Rogues that try to pickpocket everyone
Logan Davis
Kenku Rogue in my party. He has assassinated two quest-givers before we managed to talk to them but we also managed to patch them up so it was OK.
Eli Perry
that sounds... strange
is he that antagonistic constantly? and how does the speech work?
Carson James
Ghostwise Halfling Monk.
Dominic Parker
>that an afterlife is a confirmed very real thing in d&d so people really do have no excuse to fear death.
Depends on the setting, but in the default jumbo setting with the Great Wheel etc., with a few exceptions, you suffer the loss of everything that made you a person, and in exchange, a ball of floating light of a screaming blob of molten flesh appears somewhere at some point. Not much comforting about that.
"You" (something without your memories, personality, or appearance) may appear on a plane some point, but it doesn't matter much.
There are only a few planes where you retain elements of your former existence (Hades & Elysium, iirc).
Nah. No stigma has ever been presented as being attached to suicide.
Michael Turner
I'm currently playing a former deputy with really bad survivor's guilt and a quest for justice/vengeance
It's quite a fun mindset to get into where the idea of losing another person horrifies you, and you're hesitant to take lives unnecessarily. To me it's great for having disagreements that give your party a bit of flavour without being stupid or over-the-top.
Jayden Hernandez
Is Warrior's Rest the ultimate redplane?
Jason James
I have a better idea. Don't play in the shitty setting.
Zachary Carter
It sounds bad but it's more like >okay I am sneaking around this place I really shouldn't be full of badguys >oh shit someone's coming >lemme just hide behind this door >oh shit someone's coming in >run STAB.bat
He talks in complete sentences like a normal human being but sounds vaguely Squidward-ish and inserts short pauses between words, as far as the table voice goes. In-character it's a mishmash of random men and women saying each word (picked up from taverns, since he's Entertainer background) but it would be obnoxious to represent that all the time.
It's actually handy because the character is a fucking Walkman. We'll overhear some villain's nefarious plan and go back to confront some NPC about it in public, and when the guy claims he doesn't know what the fuck is going on, he basically presses PLAY on our recording of these guys planning their grimdarkmurderfest or whatever.
Kayden Foster
There are a lot of things that make the Realms a shitty setting, but the Wall isn't one of them.
Julian Rogers
I have a better idea, don't be a fucking fedora in a world where actual gods exist and interact with the world on a regular basis without expecting retribution.
Parker Jackson
You know, images like that remind me of how I used to do play-by-post RPs on forums.
Thinking back, there's a vague comfort in that while I know I made some Mary-Sues, none were as bad as they could've been.
Though also thinking back, I think a lot of my characters were just playing up fetishes I now have today.
Thanks for reading my blog.
Ethan Ross
It's not so much stabbing yourself and summoning demons though. It's summoning flumphs and unicorns and sometimes fire explodes all around you. >Doesn't that hurt? You betcha!
Then there's the potted plant incident. You'll never live that down.
Angel Adams
Here's a better idea: don't listen to Wall-user constantly misrepresenting how the Wall works. is total bullshit. You have to lose faith in just about everything and denounce all the Gods to get Wall'd. Just being a non-believer isn't enough, nor is lying about your faith. Gods want souls, they're not just going to leave them lying around if they can help it. Someone will take your shit, and if they don't, the Planes themselves might.
Levi Jackson
I guess that makes sense, and that's a pretty clever usage. I've just been considering making one as my backup, but then again I'm the only real tank on the team so I don't exactly have a lot of options when it comes to team role should my character die.
Adrian Brown
Seems pretty dope.
I assume its inspired by Ysgard, and seems very close; or to D&D's portrayal thereof, which is itself pretty interesting -- as D&D-Ysgard combines some pretty unrelated elements of the Nordic mythology.
Specifically, it combines viking battle land, fire giant land, CN/CG drow land, elf land, gnome land, dorf land, and probably a few others all under one plane, and I assume they all benefit from the no-cost resurrection thing.
Its also where chainmail bikinis, and their much superior kin, chainmail anti-bikinis come from. Seems one of the better planes.
Jordan Smith
Faith & Avatars: >Those who firmly deny any faith or have only given lip service most of their lives and never truly believed are known as the Faithless after death. They are formed into a living wall around the City of Strife — Kelemvor, the new lord of the dead, may soon rename it — in the realm of the dead in the Gray Waste and left there until they dissolve. The unearthly greenish mold that holds the wall together eventually destroys them. The False, those who intentionally betrayed a faith they believed in and to which they made a personal commitment, are relegated to eternal punishment in the City of Strife after their case is ruled upon by Kelemvor in the Crystal Spire (Kelemvor's abode in the City of Strife).
Even in 5e: >Souls that are unclaimed by the servants of the gods are judged by Kelemvor, who decides the fate of each one. Some are charged with serving as guides for other lost souls, while others are transformed into squirming larvae and cast into the dust. The truly false and faithless are mortared into the Wall of the Faithless, the great barrier that bounds the City of the Dead, where their souls slowly dissolve and begin to become part of the stuff of the Wall itself.
So if you're only moderately faithless, congratulations, you're wrangled into being one of Kelemvor's bitches for all eternity. That's totally better than being shoved in the Wall, right?
Andrew Hernandez
Some interpretations say that a merchant who makes offerings to appease Umberlee, because they sail a boat, and worships Waukeen, because they're a merchant, is going to get walled because they're trying to serve two masters. That is some fucking bullshit, as said.
Robert Adams
wait didn't jewninja go money grubber because he was betrayed by his village despite a life time of loyal service? Like he was so loyal he tried to fight the first Hokage at his prime.
Easton Russell
>the potted plant incident This led to a party wipe He has yet to live it down.
Connor Brooks
>That's totally better than being shoved in the Wall, right?
Well yeah, would much rather get talk to ghosts for eternity than be a brick in a wall for eternity.
Jose Foster
>never truly believed This doesn't apply just to deities. Planes themselves claim and reincarnate souls. It's how you wind up with new angelic creatures, elementals, slaad, etc., without their being strictly under the dominion of a deity there (though they are generally subject to that).
Like said, the Gods are all over the place and actively doing shit. You can think that a couple of them are tossers, but that's your problem. They are bound by laws beyond your shitty mortal comprehension.
Landon Young
Then why didn't they include more of an iconic dungeon for us? Surely many more fit the bill rather than DiT, even if DiT means they don't even need to do work at all.
Is the main site down for anyone else?
Jordan Hughes
Yeah, one of the dumber elements of FR is all the idiotic laypeople committing spiritual suicide by making offerings to whichever deity is convenient... despite the fact that 99% of people who actually get divine miracles are strict adherents to just one deity.
Jose Barnes
Why would you ever use a dart or sling over a Shortbow?
Jose Baker
>Planes themselves claim and reincarnate souls. It's how you wind up with new angelic creatures, elementals, slaad, etc., without their being strictly under the dominion of a deity there
FR cosmology is a little different. There's no implication of this happening in FR. There's also no implication of slaad and elementals, or modrons, having once been people.
Zachary Williams
>Dart Actually one handed. >Sling Does blunt damage.
Who cares about these differences? Fuck if I know.
Tyler Ramirez
Muh fellow Amaunabro.
Brotherhood of the Glorious Sun AL character reporting.
Christopher Garcia
This is the best reply you got
Gavin Morales
Not all of them were, especially in those cases of planar entities that existed before mortals in the prime material (or planar entities that were created later, like slaad). It's a difficult case to make in situations like elementals, since how do you serve, say, the Plane of Fire without being devoted to a fire deity or having enough crossover that one of them will claim you? But there are people who exemplify "lawful good" enough without any great piety that go poof and come back as a something-archon.
The idea that demons/devils barter for souls from the Fugue plane comes from a book and was derived from this happening.
Carson Brown
>one of kelemvor's bittches for all eternity He's honestly the best god in the setting anyway, there are far worse fates than that.
William Baker
Before the errata, you could use a sling with a shield if you could argue it.
You can use a dart with a shield, I think?
Aiden Perry
That's not how you spell Lathander.
Hudson Parker
Yeah that's what I was going to do anyways but a character's philosophy isn't necessarily related to their personality.
Eli Davis
>The idea that demons/devils barter for souls from the Fugue plane
Yeah, that's its own thing. I don't know of any instances of the Inner Planes being Outer Planes. Slaadi, likewise, seem to be their own thing completely, I don't know of any instances of them having been perfected souls of chaos people, though presumably a more normal Limbo petitioner, whatever that may be, could be turned into a slaad in the normal sense.
John Cox
Lathander never got in trouble for being so cool that all the other gods started losing worshippers and threatened to yell dad on him.
Ryder Foster
>a more normal Limbo petitioner, whatever that may be, could be turned into a slaad in the normal sense That's exactly how it happens.
Any time a creature is born, be it a mortal in the Prime or a Slaad popping out of the chaosexual orgy surrounding their weird-ass Spawning Stones, a soul needs to get shoved into that. The Planes needs souls to facilitate the creation of those entities. In the case of Modrons, Primus presumably has some means of snagging souls from elsewhere (or is just really good at recycling the ones he has, because their population tends to be steady).
William Clark
Nah, Kelemvor is a retard compared to the others, and he got rewarded with deityhood because the others felt bad for his stupidity.