So I'm about to join a 5e dnd campaign. Not too familiar as I've mostly played WOD.
I want to build a speedster acrobat greatsword user. Is this possible? I've heard fighter is my best bet.
So I'm about to join a 5e dnd campaign. Not too familiar as I've mostly played WOD
Tumble/Overrun rules are in DMD 272. Fighter, paladin and ranger are all good choices for what you want to do. If you want paladin, battlemaster is the better option.
As for speed, elves and tabaxi start with bigger speed than normal, there's also a feat for increasing your speed.
I think l want Paladin but what is the battlemaster?
I appreciate the stats but I'll probably choose a human. Not a big fan of elves or catmen.
Each class has a subclass that you must pick, that expands your options in a different way. For example, in the corebook fighter has:
> Champion - boring but practical, he gets bonuses to what he can already do, such as expanded crit range.
> Battlemaster - has different manuevers which he can use in combat, such as Lunge - an attack at expanded range, or Tripping attack that knocks the enemy prone.
> Eldritch knight - is a fighter who can cast spells.
Ah, gotcha. Eldritch knight was one I was looking at before deciding it didn't sound all that fun.
>> Champion - boring but practical, he gets bonuses to what he can already do, such as expanded crit range.
Read: he's got a 5% higher chance to crit than somebody else.
It's a 100% more, though
So I'll go paladin, let's say human for now, with battlemaster as my secondary. What are the absolute must haves if I want to be a two-hand grippy flippy?
Battle master is fighter not paladin.
Ah, the way he worded it sounded like it was a shared subclass. Guess I'll look into what paladins get.
That's still only an extra 5% chance to do 2x your weapon dice, not even 2x your damage, and maybe a single extra dice if you're a half-orc.
Honestly, Battle Master doesn't have enough maneuvers. 3 barely scratches the surface when early level fighters are mechanically boring and limited.
5 would be much better.
Aight, so vengeance paladin with great weapon fighting, I suppose?
>speedster acrobat greatsword user
So it's a lighthearted/anime campaign then?
Nah, I just wanna be a parkourman with a greatsword. Maybe not even that, a bastard would satisfy my just fine.
Too bad you're stuck in 5E instead of 3.5 when that's the concept you're going for. Warblade can be exactly that.
> Too bad you're stuck in 5E instead of 3.5
He's literally asking for a concept that 5E doesn't represent very well and that 3.5 literally has a class with an entire branch of maneuvers dedicated to doing what he wants to do.
Maybe take a look at barbarian? I think one of the subclasses learns how to fly around while raging. Unarmored and big weapons.
Yes, it's true, eagle totem barbarian can do that.
That's probably a good idea. I'll loom into it. For role playing purposes I really wanted to be a knightly guy so I guess I'll just have to make a choice at some point it seems. I value a good character over a mechanically perfect one so we'll see how that goes, if I have to scrap the guy and make something a little less out there I'm not too torn up.
You don't have to be a screaming savage just because your class is called "barbarian", user.
Im excited for you! Flavor the flying around as parkour shit and raging can be some sort of battle trance. Role play a knightly guy of you want. Read up on backgrounds. Maybe take a noble background. helps you with diplomacy and can establish connectioms your character may have.